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You know we are praying and will continue to pray. We love you all!


I have been and will continue to keep the whole family surrounded in prayer.


Will be praying tonight!!!

Love from a sister in Christ...



Ken and Sheila Froehlich

praying for your precious complications and speedy recovery! Yes Lord!


Continuing to pray for you guys. May God's peace surround you :)


Absolutely done!

Lee Ann Lee

Praying! Thank you again for continuing to blog. You have been a huge blessing to me personally and to many I know who I share your story with!




You all are covered in prayer here in Albuquerque Nm let us know whats going on when she is out and how she is doing.

Real Housewife of Naperville

In fervent for Joanne. He holds her in the palm of his hand.

Holly Smith

Without ceasing!! Love to you all, Holly

Mary Ann from Alabama

I have been praying about the brain flap surgery and will continue to do so. Please give us an update after surgery as soon as it's convenient for you to do so. Praying for strength and courage for each one of you, and for God's guidance of the surgeon's hands.

Tara (Bowers) Bain

This is such an important step, although scary, it is so amazing that she is at the point in recovery that it is time for this. Praise God that she has gotten to this big step. I am continuing to pray.


Praying for you all. You guys are such an example of the awesome God you serve. Thank you.

Barb from CNY

I will be praying for Joanne the entire day!

Mary Lou


Kimberly S.

Praying in Florida all goes well tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the report tomorrow.


Will be praying!! I know you are afraid but how wonderful it will be to have it behind you!

Sandy Chapin

Our family will be praying.

Beth Petty

Thankful labs were good. Still praying here in Georgia.


Praying that tomorrow's surgery has no complications and that fear will be replaced with a supernatural peace.

Teresa Lien

Praying for Joanne.

Sharon Telfer

Praying and trusting God to surround Joanne with His peace and love.


Praying for you, beautiful lady!! I pray that you have so much peace, that your family has peace, and that your doctors get good sleep tonight :)
You are awesome!


and for those of us out here reading this please let us know ASAP. thanks Toben and may God be with all of you tomorrow.

Wilma Hatcher

We'll be praying in West Virginia. May all of you be blessed with a peace that passes all understanding.


Continuing to pray in Las Vegas.

Child of God

Will be covering Joanne in prayer!

Praying and praying,


Will say an extra prayer tonight for peace of mind for Joanne (and family) tonight and in the morning.

Still praying in Hurst, TX.

julie Hoagland

Praying, praying, praying! May you all have deep, peaceful, sleep tonight!

Julie Hoagland - Seattle, WA


Joining in prayer for restful sleep tonight for all, peace for tomorrow and courage to continue your hard work in rehab after this "mini-vacation" that will let your team push you harder toward your goal of getting home.

Home, such a sweet word. Tomorrow is just one more step in your journey of returning home ( and to Joey cat :) )

Embrace it! Giving praise for all the folks who are helping you reach your goals.


Praying in Montana!

Rayleine Chagoya

I will be praying for Joanne & the family first thing tomorrow morning.Praise Jesus for Joanne's peace & comfort before during & after the procedure.In Jesus precious name.AMEN
<3 & prayers form So.Cali

Alex Humphrey

We are praying, Toben! God is good here, my brother!


Praying with a full heart, so thankful that you are in good Hands. May you feel the blessed warmth and security of God's grip on the family tomorrow.


Also praying and believing everything will go well tomorrow!! May you feel God's peace all over you tonight and tomorrow!!
Giving God Thanks in advance! Thank You Lord!!
My church also continues to pray for your complete recovery!!

Erin Koss

Continuing to pray for J and you all particularly for peace tomorrow.


Praying Joanne will be at peace and all goes well with the surgery. Can't wait until we hear the results. She has come a long way in such a short time Toben. This can only be a big leap with those small hurdles she has been crossing over. Praying you all have a good day during this surgery.


Thinking of you today, Joanne.

Leslie Wright

Praying for you from here in Montana!


Prayin peace, confidence, and rest for all of you.

Kendra @

Said a prayer for you all this morning.



As I read this I imagine your mom is there and you are about ready for your ride. Have prayed, will continue to pray for you through this day. Peace be with you, Joanne and siesta love from TX!


Went to bed praying for you last night and will continue to pray all through today. As I type, the ambulance should be there soon. God, surround Joanne and her family with an extra measure of your peace this morning. Be with the surgeons, that you would give them steady hands and attention to every tiny detail of this surgery. I pray for a smooth recovery, and for BIG things to happen ahead, for restoration all to God's glory.

Lori A.

Praying for Joanne here in Delaware!

Pam Houston

Awakened at 5:00am Cal time and praying for Joanne and successful surgery. This is a big step forward and trusting the LORD to go before her and prepare the surgeon and all medical staff with His healing mercies and His hand extended, working through chosen vessels. To God be the glory!


she will do great!

Tena Tell

I've been praying and thinking about y'all. It'll be great to put this step behind you and move on.


praying for a successful surgery today so you can move forward in your recovery Joanne.


Praying for your entire family.
Blessings today and always,
Isaiah 41:10

Diane Orr

Continuing to pray for peace, well-being, increased trust, complete healing and safety thru this procedure and entire situation! Your testimony is screaming out praise to THE FATHER!! may He richly bless you all!!

Sandi in MN

I woke up at 5am this morning unable to sleep so I started praying. You came to mind immediately Joanne, so I've been praying for your surgery. I know you are in your Father's mighty hands. So glad when all this is behind you and you can focus on more recovery! You are a miracle!


Praying that you are so filled with His Holy Spirit that there is no room for fear to come in!! In Jesus name I pray!!

janet cline

Praying right now in St. Louis-----

Lisa Chandler



Still praying for you all here in Texas! Praying especially for the surgery today.


Praying for you in Pa.


Hi Joanne....I am praying for you and know that God will watch over you through the surgery. Do not be afraid. He has brought you this far and will not leave you. Keep up the faith. GOD BLESS.

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