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Just imagine how great that hair washing will feel! You are GORGEOUS no matter what. You what is so special about you? You are truly beautiful not just outside, but inside as well.
I am praying for sweet dreams, good rest and no pain for tonight. I love you and the goats send their love as well


Love you Jo!!! So proud of you girl. God continues to do His thing through you and I just praise Him for all He is doing!! Praying for comfort, healing, determination, and some spunk to fight hard sister!!!!!

Lots of love and prayers from TN!


Praying for that arm and shoulder! Thanking God for the way he continues to show himself in and on you!

Love you!

Sharon Telfer

Continuing to pray and lift praises for all God is doing.

Ann Berg

gonna wash those staples right outta my hair...gonna wash those staples right outta my hair...and wash my blues away...
{think South Pacific}

as ever...praying for you, toben, audrey, emma...and the rest of team joanne!


Jan Jarvis

What a Praise this is!
I just keep praying for ALL of you, and everyday I say:


Blessing from California

Child of God

Continuing to pray for you Joanne!



What is causing her severe shoulder pain? Was the reason for that ever discovered?


Ann Robison

Hi! As I was praying for y'all tonight, especially Joanne's shoulder , it made me think of my friends that have had some kind of abdominal surgery or problem and how the pain was referred to the shoulder. MAYBE when she gets her feeding tube out the pain will be relieved??? Wouldn't that be great? Anyway just thought I'd throw that out there. Praying and reading your blog everyday (I somehow figured out how to make this blog an app on my iPhone, who knows how?). Hugs, fellow Christ follower, Ann from TX


Just wanted to add that I also had terrible referred sholder pain after abdominal surgery.

Theresa Roach

Praying for all of you and Joanne's continued improvement day by day:) BIG HUGS from Georgia!

Chris L-B

We're praying for you all day long Guys! Hair, spirit, travel, home, children, adults you are being lifted to our Lord.


Continued good wishes and prayers for recovery and healing. Just think how wonderful it will feel when Joanne can wash her hair.

Ruthy :o)

Its so ENCOURAGING to read of the Hudge Progress Joanne is making....How GREAT is our God Hey!.

Blessings... Peace ...Love ...n Joy to you all.

Karen Booker Schelhaas

Praying for her to be UNHOOKED. After all of my surgeries, the best feeling was being untethered -- I can relate. And the pain issue is big, I know -- I know that personally. So I will pray, pray, pray for your sweet wife and that forward progress would fill today, tomorrow and the rest of her days at rehab until that sweet, sweet homecoming...


Praying for you all. Hate to hear she's having so much pain in her shoulder! Go away, pain, in Jesus' name!
She is such a warrior. A cute one. Stay strong!

Linda in Atlanta

God is looking on the inside, Joanne, and we know your beauty shines forth! Sending many prayers and praises for all God has done so far....keep resting in Jesus!


Continuing to pray for your whole crew. Praying that pain will go away!


Good evening Toben!

Will continue praying for the pain to subside in Joanne's shoulder - kind of makes it difficult to go through PT while in pain. Prayers continue for all of you, for God to give you the strength and ability to "keep on keeping on", praising God for prayers answered.

God bless each and everyone of you!

Lynn in TX

Kathy Blair

Did they ever X-ray her shoulder? I was just wondering if everyone got so wrapped up in taking care of the other issues that they didn't check for a break. I'm sure I'm wrong and maybe you have already answered that question. I was just thinkin' anyway I'll keep praying
God bless your beautiful family and friends

Leah C

Prayers, prayers & more prayers:)

Wendy Selvig

Sometimes a vertebrae can just be out in the shoulder area and cause all kinds of pain. She could have easily knocked that out of place when she fell. There is an incredible chiropractor in Denver who might be willing to come to Joanne if you explain the situation. She has a little hand held thing that she uses to make adjustments when people aren't able to lay on her table. Her name is Dr. Karen Cain. She saved my mom from having to have pins put in her spine. She also has saved many other people who were going to have surgery. She might really be able to help.

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