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Unbelievably awesome! Way to go, Joanne!! :)


What a treat to read this on this Monday morning!! Thank you God!!

Janet McDonald

Awwww gee...Praise the MIGHTY hand of the Lord!! xoxooxoxxox




I love it when you write on here Mr. Chuck. Your daddy's heart is almost palpable. Joanne is so blessed to have a father (and family) like she does.
From the perspective of the rolling stool (I'm a physical therapist), I bet Joanne is a dream patient to work with. My prayers are with her, and with each of you.
much love,

Patti in Craig

Praise Him! He is the God who heals!


God is great, and he loves his children. Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!

Mary Lou

From a mama's heart who has a daughter the age of the words from her daddy's heart resonate loudly. I am praising God for all He has done and is going to do in her life and the lives of all those she has/is touching. He truly is amazing and she is more than amazing. God is so good....all the time.


What a blessing to read this on a Monday morning and I sure you all were smiling from ear to ear to see that. You go Joanne we are praying for you.
Thank you Lord for all your blessing in this family.


Awesome!! God's goodness is overflowing!


Praise Jesus!
Blessings today

Dawn W

What an awesome report to receive this Monday morning!

And, one day she'll run!

Be blessed!

Pam Houston

We are following you all in prayer and faith, and so thrilled for the progress with your darling daughter. She's so blessed to have such a Dad and Mom as she has, and blessed family, husband, daughters and with you all cheering her on, and our wonderful LORD, victory is sure! I fully expect to hear of Joanne walking and then running, as she herself has boldly declared...all to the glory of God.
Pam Houston

Sara G

Way to go Joanne! I know it is tough but you can do it!! You can if I can and I can if you can! I'm still working on my walking and balance. God is faithful and He is there walking with you and me. Love you sweet lady! Sara G

Pam Lewko

How thrilling!


wonderful news!

Kathleen Jaeger

There are tears in my eyes & runnning down my cheek...praise you Lord for how far you have taken Joanne...give her courage and endurance for how far she has yet to go...

Rayleine Chagoya

What a beautiful Praise report to start this week out on.Thanks, Chuck for sharing this blessed event with us.Still praying for Joanne & her family from So California.In Jesus precious Name, AMEN!


Those baby steps are such blessings! Praise Him! Thank you for sharing this journey with us all. My daughter is on a similar journey, 5 years and still moving forward one baby step at a time. I know that you are keeping journals, as I did. Please be sure to occasionally photograph Joanne so that she can see for herself how far she has come. Sometimes pictures speak volumes when they can become discouraged. Stay strong in your faith!

Lisa Curtis

I have goose bumps and tears all at the same time. Tears of joy and tears from a daughter that is a Daddy's girl. I hear your love for your daughter in your every word. Your family is truly blessed, even in the hardships and trials. I have been reading this blog from the day of the stroke. Check it more than I check my daughter's blog. Sorry I live so far away and could not make it to the night of worship ( I live in MIssouri) but plan to brew a cup of tea and watch the video this week. To God be the Glory. Much love and prayers to you from a total stranger but beloved partner in prayer for you and yours. Lisa, Jackson, Missouri


There should be a "Like" to click, like on Facebook --- I agree with so many previous posts. Gives me hope in the small challenges in my own life!
Many more steps, large and small, in the future, and God is leading the way! Praise His Name.
Also loved listening to the praise service; we had one of our own last night. A young man we've been praying about came back to the Lord!

carla Sorensen

Praise be to God!!! Rejoicing with you.

~Carla in Maryland


WOW!!! What great news grandly presented!

Anne in Ottawa, Canada

Way to go, Joanne! "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!"
I've been following your blog, since just days before your stroke. It's been an amazing testimony to God's grace, and your family's faith, to read about your recovery. I'm praying for you, that you would continue to blow them away with your progress!


I am so HAPPY to read this wonderful news! Such a blessing....keep on are doing it!!

Thank you Joanne's dad for the are such a blessing to your family and to all of us waiting to read updates about your sweet daughter.

Much love and continued prayers!
Jen Medeiros

Michal Ann

2 Corinthians 6:16"...for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them..."

I love Joanne's walking partners and the great cloud of witnesses cheering as she moves forward! May she have wings on her precious feet.

Amy in North Idaho

Praise God! I'm so happy for all of you...what a blessing!

Theresa Roach

Praise GOD! Joanne has so much support from all of you! I know she is so thankful to have all of you cheering her on! Have a blessed day! Hugs and prayers from Georgia!

Marcella Bialek

That is just amazing news! So happy for ALL of you!


YAY!!!!... Keep going Joanne!!!....


What wonderful news... that must have been incredible to see!


This brings me to tears! You can do it Joanne! Excellent progress thanks to our Lord!


It has thrilled me to see the same pattern of thoughts you and Toben have shared these past couple of months..."It's going to be forever before she opens her eyes." Then, "It's going to be forever before she talks." Then, "It's going to be forever before she walks." It's like the Lord keeps saying, "Oh really? Well, watch this!" What a joy to pray and to believe with you. It's an honor to be a witness to such stunning and unbelievable progress. Thank you for sharing your story with the world.

Liz Reeves

We serve a MIGHTY God!!! What a GREAT update!!

Tara (Bowers) Bain

What an awesome report! I am so thankful that you go to witness it. God is great...but He is also good.

Angie Thieszen

Psalm 37:23-24
23 The LORD makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Praise be to the LORD who is upholding Joanne as she takes her very own steps!

Susan Moher

Charlie, sharing tears of JOY and THANKSGIVING with all of you this Monday!

melissa irwin

Praise the Lord God Almighty!


Wonderful worship! I couldn't help but notice how much the 'sisters' looked like the sisters who are in therapy! There is something about genes, isn't there?


Praise be to God!!


Thrilled to read this!


Jehovah Ropha Indeed. He is a good, good God.


I am usually just a lurking reader but I couldn't not comment on this one!

That is such wonderful, awesome, praise-worthy news orchestrated by our Wonderful, Awesome and Praise-Worthy God :)

Continuing to follow this journey and pray for you all from Minneapolis.

Stacy Featherston

Praise Jesus!!


Praise the Lord!!


Praise Jesus! That is such wonderful news.
Still pray.


Sorry, the above should say Still Praying.
God Bless Joanne and the whole family!


I am not a parent so I can only imagine what feeling(s) you experienced while watching your daughter walk after all she's been through! Praise Him!!! Her tremendous progress brings tears of joy to my eyes! Thank you so much for sharing!

Prayers for blessings received and for continued healing and absence of pain she's enduring, and for all of you, prayers continue daily!


What a special blessing!! Thanks for sharing it!

Tara in Texas

I remember the unbelievable joy when my mom called and told me she took her first steps in physical therapy. Way to go Joanne! Isiah 40:30-31 "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their stength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will RUN and not grow weary, they WILL WALK and not be faint." This is just one of many verses that we claimed on my mother's behalf during that time. Still praying in Texas.


This is just the most wonderful news. I am so pleased, so very pleased that prayers have been answered and healing is taking place.

God continue to bless you all.



Elaine from Koinonians at V7PC

May EVERY step of her journey to full recovery bring glory to God! Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Healeth) be praised! Thanks for sharing this wonderful, wonderful news, Chuck! The prayers continue every day!

Blessings to all of you!

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