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Glad she made it through her appointment though it was short. March 25th will come sooner than y'all think so tell Joanne to keep on keepin' on! She can do all things through Christ and He has already done so much! He's going to keep amazing us and I can't wait to see what He does!! Xoxo

Love, Mere


Since this will be "elective" surgery, you might want to ask your friends, and I mean friends, in the medical community if Friday is the best day for surgery or if another day of the week is better. If you have to wait that long, the 25th, then what is a couple more days here or there to have everything the best that it can be for Joanne.

That was a huge outing for her today, hopefully an encouragement of all that awaits Joanne as she progresses with therapy.

Praising that you have a date. Praying for Joanne's comfort and restful sleep.

Kary in Arkansas

And we surely don't know God's plan do we but we do know how to trust Him don't we? I can hear that in your writings. There is a reason for every part of our lives. He may just want one more person to be delivered to him during this waiting period. Or, just maybe Joanne will gain the strength she needs in the next couple of weeks to make that journey once again.

Continuing to pray for her for the prayers petitioned, for you and your mind and body and heart to keep on keeping on and for your daughters enduring patience as they wait and watch their mommy go through these changes. Praises for the grandparents coming through in these times of great need. That's what were for by God's design!

Blessings and sweet rest for you and Joanne tonight!

Diana Clugstone

So glad that all went well today. Continuing prayers here in N.Y. It's so great to "hear" from Joanne more. Love, hugs and prayers to you all!


I'll be there on the 18th and I'm really looking forward to it!

You kind of wonder with the ordeal it is for the patients, why the consult doctor can't come to her. So much I don't understand, I guess.

Joanne rarely leaves my mind or my prayers! Love you much, friend. Thanks for the updates, Toben.

Marla Taviano

I love you, girl. Praying for sweet sleep.

Holly Smith

This..."we gather to worship the great physician who is and will continue to minister to his daughter Joanne"...just gave me chills. We will be there!

Praying for each of you, brother.

No.17 CherryTreeLane

I love you Jo. Thinking of you every day.
So much love.


Praise God that she will have her surgery so soon! I know it doesn't feel like it, but really, it is just around the corner!
Marked improvement once the skull bone is reinserted? Fabulous! I look and I see God's hand in all you said.
Blessing to Joanne, You and the girls!

mary beth

Fabulous news! Praying for peace and rest for all of you! Have fun on the morning shift!

Rhonda McCormick

I don't often comment, but I follow daily and pray for Joanne and all your family. God is present in all His love, even in the midst of all the pain, uncertainty, and exhaustion. I am praying for God's blessings in abundance to you all.


I have been reading your blog since Beth Moore asked her readers to pray for Joanne. I have been praying for you all. Happy that you have a surgery date and that all things went well today.
Don't want this to be a false hope but felt lead to share with you: My 16 year old daughter actually had to see a pain management dr. this past fall for pain that she was experiencing in her hip. She had a tear repaired but after 2 years was still in pain. The Pain Management Dr. at CT Children's Medical Hospital told us about this physical therapist that practiced osteopathic manipulation. This physical therapist was an answer to our prayers. It sounds chiropractic but its not - her whole body/muscles were out of alignment. My daughter has been pain free for almost 3 months.

We had never heard of it and it has been such a blessing to us - just had to share. Sorry for the length of this comment.
In His Love, Karol


please, is it Jo Anne or Joan? I read and send up prayers of thanksgiving for Joanne but want to know her name. And could you give her middle name too?

Brad & Kim Oaster

We love that God has everything perfectly planned! It brings such peace and confidence. And you can count on that He is definitely in charge.

We are praying that Joanne has a sprit of power, love and a sound mind, which will push out all fear.

Love you both!

Brad & Kim


So,so glad to hear Joanne had results at the docs today. As everyone has said March 24 will come sooner than you think. Praying that she gets relief from her pain. Toben, I know what pain she was in today to take that ride if only a block or 2 from where she is at. My mother who died of cancer in 2006 only had to go from the nursing home to the hospital across the highway in an ambulance to get Xrays and Cat Scans. It was very painful for her to have to ride in that ambulance.

praying all goes well and you find a wonderful place for her to do rehab.

Kim Feth

Glad to know that Joanne is back 'at home' and tucked safely into bed. We'll continue to lift all of your prayer requests.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Barbara Allen

Maybe this video from Seeds Family Worship will help Joanne in her anxiety about her upcoming surgery.

Praising all that God has done for her so far and know that much more will be done in His Name.



I've been reading this blog ever since Beth Moore and another friend of mine told me about your family. I'll be praying for Joanne's fear of the surgery to go away. An amazing girl named Jessica Boone in our state had a brain injury (TBI) and they did the bone flap thing. And for whatever medical reason, it was amazing progress after they placed the bone flap back in place. So your doctor is right :) It was really cool to hear her mom talk about it in her blog posts. This girl's story is amazing and your posts remind me a lot of her mom's when they were walking through the intial stages of Jessica's injury...honest about where you are at, yet trusting God and giving Him the glory.


I'm also here b/c of Beth Moore's notification the day of the stroke.

Wish I could just pick up and come for your big night, but not possible. Texas is a long way away!

Prayers for good nights and increasingly successful therapy sessions. You are indeed on a journey -- as we all are. Yours is just a big more graphic and challenging now. Can you just, for a moment, imagine yourself 3 years or 5 years down the road? Now hang on to that vision guys!!!!



Prayers continue for all of you. What an amazing and inspirational family you all are. So blessed to have each other...and that will play a huge part in Joanne's already has. Love is a strong healer.

Is there any possibility that the 18th could be streamed over the internet for those of us who are not close enough to attend in person? I, and I am sure many others, would love to take part in that awesome evening.....but living in Florida makes it a bit difficult to attend in person.

Just a thought about the live streaming of the service. Our church does online broadcast of services and it is a blessing for those weekends when I am out of town or have to work and cannot be there.

No matter what - keep up the wonderful work you are all doing and give Joanne a hug (gently of course) from South Florida.

God Bless.



I have been following the blog and praying for Joanne and your family since a dear friend shared Joanne's story with me (we are likely moving to Denver and considering DCS for our friend remembered DCS through your blog posts). I was so hoping we would be making a house-hunting trip during our Texas spring break next week to attend the praise & worship event on the 18th; however, it doesn't look like that will happen. I know it will be amazing and inspiring!

I just wanted to let you know how blessed my husband and I have been by being able to follow Joanne's recovery and seeing God's faithfulness with each baby step. We appreciate your transparency regarding the struggles brought to your family by the reality of these circumstances...and yet, your testimony continues. Praise God! Praying you will continue to be encouraged and sustained, so that you may continue to encourage Joanne and the girls. Lifting you all up daily from Texas with love!

Your potential future neighbors and possible classmates :),
The Heberts

Jacque Olson

Toben, if the the therapists want to try a non-medicine modality to help her pain, please give it a try, because narcotics over the long haul, may not be the answer. Rehab nurse for 13 years, and Med surg for 27.

Lisa Corso

Toben, I've been reading and following the blog and praying for you guys. So happy to see Joanne's progress. Also, Nick Carleton is a friend of mine from when I was at the School of Worship at New Life. So happy to see he's part of the night of worship coming up! Only wish I could be a part somehow. :o)


I am in Portland, OR and someone posted a link to your page on FB a while back. I just want you to know that I am praying for all of you. Especially that each moment God would impress upon you His love so you won't feel alone. Take care, TJ


Perhaps it is a good thing that there is still a week or two before surgery, this might give Joanne more time to build up her strength. Then she will be in a stronger position to endure the operation and in a more powerful position from which to make the increased progress promised. I hope Joanne and you have a peaceful, rest filled night. God bless.



Joanne, got some of your Kirk Franklin music? Praying the Holy Spirit will give you a lift today!

Morgan Humble

It can be straining, physically and mentally. But I'm sure all the support people have shown in the comments and in real life have given you enough strength to face the procedure. Everyone is rooting for the recovery as well: family, friends, and even doctors. Keep your chin up!

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