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Carrie Hester

Your posts always put my "troubles" into prespective. Count on this stranger to continue praying for Team Joanne!


It is onwards and upwards! Joanne going forth with her therapy, gets things one more day closer to her return to her home and family life!
You know, I see how God is working miracles though Joanne and it makes me fall down on my knees with thanks and gratitude.
Please tell Joanne, she has helped renew my relationship with the Lord, as I have spent time each day reading the Bible again.

Cathy Bowen

I didn't know anything about the books you wrote until I started reading your blog about two months. I was devasted to hear about your stroke. My daughter is 38 years old. I just can't imagine what your parents must be feeling. My prayers are with you daily. I read Living Simply which really made an impact on my life. Thank you. I am now reading Misplacing God (and finding him agan). My husband passed away two years ago and I miss him terribly. Your strength has really helped me a lot. I hope you make GREAT strides in the rehab this coming several months and hurry home so I can start reading your blog from "your" words. You have an amazing story to write. You are an inspiration to so many women. Thank you....

Theresa Roach

Oh Toben, you can count on my prayers for a smooth transition! I can relate to spending so much time at the hospital. Many years ago, my Brother was seriously ill! I got up EVERY day and headed to the hospital! Little things are big things when you spend so much time inside those walls! People would come by with little snacks and give hugs! It means so much to know that people care! BIG hugs and continued prayers from Georgia!

Paige Szajnuk

Still praying for Team Joanne in KS. Thank you for your faithfulness in keeping us updated. The specific prayer requests are very helpful. I think about and pray for Joanne several times a day. I'm so thankful to God for the progress she has made and will continue to make. God is glorified in all of this because of your family's devotion to Him. In Christ - Paige


I don't even know how I found this blog but I am glad I did. The ups and downs of Joanne's illness are so eerily familiar. I went through the same situation twice. A former boyfriend who had a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 29 and my mom who had a stroke 7 years ago.

All I can say is family support is crucial and never believe all you hear from the doctors. My ex boyfriend and my mom both had a better outcome than expected.

I will pray for Joanne and her family. It is very important for Joanne's caretakers take time for themselves as well.

God bless you!


Don't want to miss Joanne's birthday, can you shout out the date in advance?

Siesta love from Texas and some prayers to boot (badumbum!)

Rayleine Chagoya

GO Team Joanne!You can do it, with God's strength & peace & wisdom.Prayers will be going to God for a Wonderful rehab stay for Joanne & all those who are surrounding her.Thank you so much for these updates, they're awesome.Prayers for the girls are always on my heart also.
<3 Rayleine

Erin Koss

Praying for health, stamina, progress and patience for you all. In my business we love the acronyms, so I think we should call it The Triple M (MMM)- March of Mad Miracles. Clearly it's late because that's corny even for me. But I dig the idea of a March full of Miracles which is totally possible knowing who we know as our Lord and savior. So cool.

Erin Koss
Eugene, OR

Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

I'm praying! Praise the Lord for Joanne's progress..and free Diet Coke!

: )

Julie M.

Julie in Australia

G'day Joanne. You know what I am thinking about Joanne? I am thinking about how amazing your 40th will be in 2012. Am i right thinking you are about to turn 39? If so, wouldnt it be wonderful to dance with Toben at your 40th. Perhaps the dance from Saturday Night Fever - Toben busting the John Travolta Strut? I hope this has brought you a giggle.

We contiue to pray for you all here in Australia!


Praying for you guys!

Kim Feth

Continuing to pray - and now for rehab prayers. I'll be praying for a good team of therapists, a good schedule, consistent and smooth communication, good food, for Joanne to make daily progress, for SLEEP for the entire team, for Gran and Papa, the girls, and you. And I'll be praising God, as well!
I'm a fellow siesta, so I agree with Elizabeth in Texas, can you give us a shout out about Joanne's specific birth date? Gotta get that card in the mail!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

kelly forbes

i can completely relate to the relationships with staff being very well as all of the amenities. At my hospital they were out of peanut butter and saltine crackers last night that had been my favorite mudnight snack since I have arrived, ha! So glad that Joanne is doing well and making much progress! - Kelly :)


So proud of your family! What a testament to God's Kingdom! Praying, still! :0)


I have been a follower of Joanne's blog for the past few years, and she has been such an inspiration and encouragement to me in numerous ways. I am praying for her recovery and your entire family.


God Bless You LOVELY Family as you continue to radiate Gods AMAZING LOVE and GOODNESS.

Praying you will have favour in your next move...and be AMAZED at even more Miracles
He has in store.

With much love Hugs n Prayers

Betty G

Prayers and Best Wishes from Tennessee, where I just relocated from Oklahoma.
God Bless each of you as you make these changes. I feel sure she will progress at record rate! Love & Prayers, Betty G. in TN

Linda Harden

I've been praying for you and your family lots over the last two months. Even got to see your beautiful face on Kristen's blog.

Been thinking a great deal recently about staying awake. How Jesus asked His disciples to stay awake in the Garden, as He prayed.

Also, how God never sleeps.

It encourages me greatly to think about Him staying awake for us and makes me want to stay awake with Him praying.

Desiring to 'stay awake' and pray for you and yours.

Thankful to be your sister in Christ,


Tobin - I've been following the blog and been so excited to see Joanne's improvement. But I do not understand what this brain flap thing is about. Could you please elaborate on what was taken out and what will be put back in. I've never heard of anything like that before but I'm thinking others might be wondering the same things.


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