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« They Know We are Christians by Your Love! | Main | Night of Worship »


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I noticed on your twitter you were needing something to think ahead towards...please check out this website. I sent it to Kristen, as well.

Lisa Amerine

I so wish I could come, your story has been such an inspiration and has helped to solidify my path to Christ. I am speaking up in Layafette but you will be in my prayers.


Live in IN and can't make it. Praying though all goes well.


I am trusting the celebration will be huge. I live in AZ so can't be present but will be praying for all of you.

Pamela Wolfe

I wish I could come. First thing every morning I turn my computer on to see how Joanne is doing your post Toben have been such a blessing. Your love for your wife and family is a blessing. I can tell Joanne is very special to have such love and devotion from her family. We pray fpr you all everyday.

Child of God

I so wish I could be there to worship and pray. I will do so from home.

Prayig and praying,

Kathy (from Long Island)

I've been following Joanne's progress every day and will be with you tonight in spirit. Bless you Toben and all the family for your thoughtful posts. Sending much love...


I have been following joanne's journey and it has so renewed my faith in god. It sets the stone that only god is the way, the truth, and the life in us all. I just watched the night of worship and was so touched by the service. i will keep praying for each of you and your families to have the strength to carry on. god bless you . connie

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