posted by Janna:
Each day Joanne's voice grows stronger. And I'm sure that you've been excited, as I have, that her "voice" is reemerging periodically here on the blog and on Twitter. So I won't be posting from The Simple Wife Archives any longer. But, I do encourage those of you who are interested to continue reading from the list of categories and monthly archives (found on the left-hand sidebar).
Kristen (her sister) continues to share about Joanne's journey on her blog. Using her amazing photography talent, Kristen has captured some powerful photos of Joanne's journey. So be sure to keep checking out the posts found there.
I also encourage you to purchase one of Joanne's books. If you enjoy her blog, you will LOVE these books. Buying her books is another way we can Help the Heims.
God Bless you, Toben, and we will all continue to pray. I'm looking forward to Joanne's return to her Blog!
Posted by: Maribeth | March 02, 2011 at 11:52 AM
As many have said and will say, THANK YOU for letting us come alongside you all in this crisis/journey. Be encouraged and know that time will bring with it more healing and restoration... even years down the road. I've seen it in our family situation and in some of our patient's lives. God will continue to reconnect those neuropathways and to strengthen and use Joanne through it all.
Bless you as you wear many hats right now. Much love to you and to Joanne and your wonderful family.
Posted by: Margie Smallman | March 02, 2011 at 01:32 PM
Just rec'd Misplacing God and eager to read it as we watch the progress!
Posted by: Lynn | March 02, 2011 at 01:35 PM
Funny you should post this - I just bought the kindle edition of Living simply last night and and enjoying it throughly! Joanne's Twitter posts are so much clearer now - only the occasional typo and I'm sure she will be back to blogging longer blogs really soon - which I look forward to reading! Praying for you all.
Posted by: Rachel | March 02, 2011 at 01:40 PM
Thanks Toben!!! What a blessing it has been to read your post about Joanne's journey. It is so exciting to see her blogging again!!
Posted by: Tina Smith | March 02, 2011 at 01:50 PM
any chance of getting these opened up for Kindle?
Posted by: Speck | March 02, 2011 at 02:09 PM
We are all happy that you have kept us informed on Joanne's progress! I am SO thankful to have had the opportunity to meet you all and pray for your family!
God's richest blessing and continued healing is what I am praying for all of you!
BIG HUGS from Georgia!
Posted by: Theresa Roach | March 02, 2011 at 02:29 PM
Dear Toben,
I echo what the others have said before me and that is Thank You so much for keeping us updated on Joanne. What a precious husband you are and what an example you have set for your daughters! I kinda feel for the young men who persue them! They have big shoes to follow. I'm praying specifically for you today. I am praying that you can get some rest and be refreshed. Thanks again!
Posted by: Chris A. | March 02, 2011 at 04:45 PM
I have so much sympathy for Joanne, but she still strong lady. I pray for her.
Posted by: eyelift | March 03, 2011 at 02:05 AM