So they ran out of beds up in ICU, and since Joanne isn't really in critical condition they moved her down to the surgical floor. It is every bit as nice as the ICU. The rooms are a little smaller but there is still room for the very cool recliner chairs that they have here. I think I want one for my birthday. Seriously, they are that comfortable. Plus Joanne is right across the hall from the "refreshment station" which means close access to soda, coffee, microwave, etc. Pretty sweet. We will only be here over night and then back to rehab sometime tomorrow mid-day.
And I can't believe I am going to say this, but the diet Shasta cola that they stock here may actually be better than my beloved Diet Coke. That's all they keep stocked and I have to say that it has more cola flavor. I never would have guessed it!
Joanne is all tucked in and medicated for the night. I am really hoping for a great night sleep for her. Today was pretty long and hard. Many tears when they came to remove the drain from her incision--freaked her out pretty badly. And more tears just becauseshe is tired of being poked and prodded and stuck with needles. She has said so many times that she just wants to go home. I totally get that. I know for a fact that we all want her home.
I also know for a fact that she is going to rock rehab and regain a lot of function. She has already made such amazing progress and I know there is a lot more to come.Joanne said today that at least rehab isn't boring like the regular hospital. They haveher up and moving by 7:30 every morning and keep her going until mid afternoon. the work is hard but it beats the heck out of sitting in bed for 22 hours a day.
Prayer requests:
1. Joanne is asking for prayer for renewed strength as she returns to rehab. Also strength for the family. I think she can tell that we're all a little weary ( I thought we had her fooled.
2. Easy move tomorrow from Littleton to rehab. Joanne has come to hate ambulance rides--too bumpy plus you have to ride backwards. Makes her pretty car sick. Sosmooth transport would be a blessing.
3. No infection at the wound site.
P.S. One of Joanne's new nurses goes to Denver Seminary as does her husband. they are preparing to be missionaries. Plus her other nurse, Hainy, is totally cool too. They call joanne all sorts of pet names like honey and sweetie and she loves that.
Poor girl is going through so much right now. Praying for quick healing!!
Hang in there Joanne you can beat this!
Posted by: Child of God | March 26, 2011 at 08:37 PM
It seems like you have been so fortunate and gotten mostly great nursing care. Thanks to God that those people felt a calling to go into that field because it takes a special kind of person to really help people in the ways they need help, and to know it instinctively.
Posted by: Melissa | March 26, 2011 at 09:30 PM
Plenty of Greek Orthodox prayers coming from Phoenix, AZ! My dad had a miraculous recovery after a serious fall and I empathize with all you are going through!
Blessings from @PhoenixGreek on twitter!
Posted by: phoenix greek | March 26, 2011 at 11:37 PM
Praying for her to have a good trip back to rehab. As I said before I know how much she must be complaining about that trip (even though it may not be that far) mother just went across the street to get her Xrays and complained about the ride in the abulance...guess we would too if we hurt. Praying all goes well and that she gets to come home to you and the girls soon. I know Toben this has put a strain on all your are a very brave, couragous family. Heck, most men your age would have walked out by now because they don't have faith that everything is going to be o.k. because it's all in God's hands. They don't believe in His Time...His Time will come for all of you to be together at home and look back and say "if it weren't for God and Him answering all of the prayers that were said for Joanne I don't know where we would be!" You're an amazing family...from Gramps to Grams to Siblings to you and the your girls...You're on the road to getting Joanne home!!
Posted by: Patty | March 26, 2011 at 11:45 PM
"Awww sweetie!" Praying during the night as always...........
Posted by: Michal | March 27, 2011 at 01:41 AM
Joanne has shown such amazing strength, I know she will do wonderful things in rehab. Prayers for peace and strength for you all for the journey ahead, not just back to rehab but the journey of recovery.
Posted by: Penbleth | March 27, 2011 at 02:18 AM
What a brave woman Joanne is. Please tell her that! I know she doesn't feel that way right now, but look at how much she has gone though. She is terrified, but she has not freaked out. She has asked God, our Father for the peace that passes all understanding, not only for herself but for her whole family.
Blessings, peace and love to you all,
Posted by: Maribeth | March 27, 2011 at 05:11 AM
Sounds like God is sending you angels to support you during you and yours during this part of your journey. Praying all of it! Continuing to pray that Joanne has a complete recovery that is so amazing that EVERYONE stops to give God the credit.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | March 27, 2011 at 05:48 AM
Hey sweet Joanne.....I sure do love ya and I'm asking God ro bring renewed strength and perseverance today. One day at a time sweet girl.
Praying without ceasing.
Posted by: Fran | March 27, 2011 at 06:57 AM
Hi Team Joanne! So excited to hear that Joanne is headed back to rehab tomorrow. What a great sign that she has been bored @ the ICU level. Moving on and upward with her strength and recovery...many prayers for that. I had a good chuckle, Toben, when you wrote that you thought that you had her fooled into thinking none of y'all were weary. To me, that shows that Joanne has really, really returned. Blessings to you all from Atlanta. Lisa
Posted by: lisa walker | March 27, 2011 at 06:59 AM
Praise be to God for the wonderful nursing care and for what has to be the many who have been touched by this whole painful thing. I bet we look back in amazement at th lives touched someday. Wow.
That said, in threats to day and moment by moment, I pray for J's stamina, strength and fast healing.
As my awesome mama said when we were growing up, "home again, home again, jiggety, jig...."
Much love,
Erin Koss
Posted by: Erin Koss | March 27, 2011 at 07:12 AM
I am praying whit all my heart. Lots off love.
Posted by: Eveline from the Netherlands! | March 27, 2011 at 07:34 AM
As I read the blog today I was reminded of the Story in the O.T. of how the 2 men held up the arms of Moses as he was getting weary in Prayer...I just wanted to ENCOURAGE you's that you's are all being held so many and Prayers are lifting you's up...Father God understands and sends you His people to continue to Bless you's and help you's.
With MUCH Love
Posted by: Ruthy :o) | March 27, 2011 at 07:50 AM
Continuing to pray. So glad her surgery went well. You have all been through so much........ you must all be so exhausted. I'm praying for a wonderful spring break for all of you.
Posted by: Erin | March 27, 2011 at 08:06 AM
Continuing to pray here in So. Cal. Lifting Joanne and all you team members up. What an inspiration! You are an example of how we should love and care for others who are going through difficult times, whatever they may be.
Posted by: Karene | March 27, 2011 at 08:53 AM
Praying!! We just know that God has HUGE things ahead for you, Joanne. What a mighty testimony you are for our God!
We'll also be praying for astounding things in rehab and strength that just beats all understanding!
Posted by: Kristi Walker | March 27, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Believing God for the otherwise unbelievable. Trusting that all who see will stand in awe of how big He shows Himself to be in and through Joanne and everyone of you who are a part of Team Joanne.
Posted by: Jennifer | March 27, 2011 at 01:55 PM
I know so many of us are praying for the day that Joanne can go home! Those "baby steps" can be really hard...but she's gonna get there:)
Posted by: Leah C | March 27, 2011 at 02:04 PM
Joanne is keeping her sense of humor. Her comment about having "dreadlocks" on Twitter is a very positive reaction to the state of her hair. Maybe soon she can get a shampoo. We will continue to pray here in WV.
Posted by: Wilma Hatcher | March 27, 2011 at 03:33 PM
It's okay that she knows you guys are weary too. As much as Joanne needs all your love and support, the world does not revolve around her (although it may feel like it). She's still Toben's wife, the kids' mom, Kristen's sister, her parents' daughter; I don't know Joanne, but maybe she appreciates the opportunity to support and pray for you guys as you support her.
Posted by: Sarah | March 27, 2011 at 04:10 PM
I am praying for a smooth transport and for refreshed spirits for all of you. Now that the boneflap is back in, I am also praying for a quicker pace of recovery for Joanne. She is such an amazing woman and a true inspiration :) All of you are.
Posted by: Shannon Primicerio | March 27, 2011 at 05:48 PM
I'm praying that God give you and your family endurance. this has been such a long road for all of you! I also appreciate your willingness to invite us all on your journey. You have taught us so much through your example on how to be a faithful spouse and how to stand steadfast in the Lord through really difficult days! I know that there are days that you just want to cry, I have cried with you... Please keep clinging to the Lord, He loves that you know. And He probably loves that your families journey has made others come closer to him as the seek Him in prayer for Joanne!
On a total side note, I'm so glad you like the Shasta soda, sometimes it's hard to share the name of a soda that is mainly known for being
Posted by: Shasta | March 28, 2011 at 12:25 AM
Joanne, Thank you for sharing your story with Hainy and me on Saturday night, I don't know if you could tell but both of us had tears in our eyes. One of the best parts about being a nurse is being a blessing to people in times of suffering. I am glad we could be a blessing for you and that Hainy's pet names were well received. You were definitely a blessing to us!!! Also, in light of having just taken by New Testament 512 midterm, I wanted to encourage you with 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 and 12:9. I assure you that in your weakness and suffering you have been and continue to be a powerful witness for Christ.
You will be in my prayers,
Krystal RN
Posted by: Krystal | March 28, 2011 at 12:49 AM
Hope she is feeling well, and pray for her rehabilitation. We all praying for Joanne, we are with you, your friends :D
Posted by: Eye care | March 28, 2011 at 02:07 AM
I'm so glad you like the nurses - that can make or break the whole experience. Will be praying for those very things, and for a calm spirit.
Posted by: anna | March 28, 2011 at 06:05 AM
What a wonderful post by Krystal for her to tell of Joanne's powerful witness for Jesus Christ. My son who is recovering from a serious heart inflammation was hospitalized last June in Orlando. On one of the lowest days, he was cared for by a nurse who said that he had not prayed in years, but he started praying for my son's life. He had seen their six children and did not want them to be left fatherless.
This nurse became a blessing and in all my son's hospitalizations, staff (from nurses to custodians) would migrate to his room because others said that this couple was different. It is Jesus Christ who makes us different.
Thank you Hainy, Krystal and John for caring, loving and ministering not only to Joanne, but to her family as well.
Also, praise for Joanne's dream. It's another answer to prayer, another step towards this new normal.
Love and prayers from West Virginia.
Posted by: Wilma Hatcher | March 28, 2011 at 07:19 AM
Thank you so much for these updates! Praying so hard for all of you; for strength, for healing and for the opportunity for your family to be home together soon.
Joanne, you are such an inspiration. Keep it up, I am cheering for you!
Posted by: Krista K. | March 28, 2011 at 07:23 AM
Prayed for you all today.
Posted by: Kendra @ | March 28, 2011 at 03:33 PM
I just think it is amazing that you can now write the words that "Joanne isn't really in critical condition" because those words themselves are a reminder of how far she has come,and all the prayers that have come along beside her from the days and weeks she was in critical condition.
Praying in Dallas,
Posted by: Kathy C. @ In Quiet Places | March 28, 2011 at 04:42 PM
Praying for you all, especially that Joanne would not get any infection at wound site and God would totally heal her pain, strength for all of you, and God's comfort for the girls. "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord." ~ Jeremiah 30:17
Posted by: Beth Jones | March 28, 2011 at 07:14 PM