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Dear Toben,
I'm so sorry to hear that Joanne's pain is so fierce. It doesn't seem fair that this woman is going through all of this! When does the fairness fairy cut her a break?
Okay, prayers for relief from the pain. Prayer for peace in her soul so that she can handle the emotional pain of being separated from her family.
I'm praying hard and so are all the people in my prayer circle.
God Bless.


Will be praying for sleep. So important for all of you. Still praying.


Praying for peaceful sleep and pain free days!!

Kimberly S.

Will be praying for both the requests. I want to see Joanne healthy again and back home as soon as possible.

Toben, a special prayer for you is that you get a good nights sleep so that you'll have the energy to keep Joanne's spirits going and the energy to take care of the girls.

You guys are doing great considering what you all are and have been going through. I've been around that mountain several times. Its tough, but it all works out.

God Bless,
Kimberly S.


I have been following Joanne story for a while and wish her the best. It hits home for me because my father also had a stroke, and eventually passed away by another one, nine years later (but he was much, much older). He was also paralyzed on his left side, and in the first few years after his stroke he could never sleep more than an hour because the muscle and nerve spasms in that side would wake him up.

I hope for Joanne that PT will help to 'convert' the nerve life back into control and coordination. She is young, she has a good chance. Wishing you all the best!

Laura Bozeman


Have you considered acupuncture for pain management?

Perhaps your insurance would cover it. Just a thought.

Continuing to pray for Joanne's recovery.


Eating Spaghetti and Cake? Playing the Wii? Sounds like a huge party going on around there. As it should!


Perhaps someone has already suggested this, or maybe it isn't an option, but have you thought about having Joanne try a Tempur-Pedic Pillow? I don't know anyone who has tried one, myself included, that hasn't had a significant decrease in chronic neck, shoulder, and head pain. It's worth a try! :)

Kristi Walker

Praying for comfort and rest...


Wow, sounds like Joanne has come a long way. I check on her progress every day but don't always post a comment. Just wanted you to know that I'm still thinking of all of you and....

Still praying in Hurst, TX.


Praying that tonight's rest is much better for Joanne...and for you. Give her a big hug from all of us in blogland.

Kim Oaster

Hey Toben, We continue to pray for relief of pain, whether it comes through medicine or from miraculous healing. Sleep and rest for both of you has been a huge prayer focus. We know that God provides for all of our needs, so we rely on Him for provision! And we are glad you are utilizing friends visiting with Joanne to help her pass time and to keep her spirits up, up, up! Love and hugs from us. We know how difficult this is. Keep up with taking care of yourself, and asking for help you need. Won't stop talking to our Father about your family.
Brad & Kim


Sometmes no news is good new Toben! Well in this case being nothing to write about. Keep up the good work, all of you!


Precious Joanne, praying for sweet sleep for you tonight.

Theola Jackson

Have you thought of a small radio or tape deck so Joanne could listen to it at night when she cannot sleep. I have to resort to a radio ( Focus on the Family is on at 4 Am here) Or I listen to /cds if the "Promised Word". Bless her heart--- I KNOW how it is to lie awake most of the night. I found the tape and the radio a Great Friend.
God Bless you and your girls as you walk through this valley.Toben, Loved you update on Family Talk. It must be wonderful to be loved like that. Love in HIM.


have they done an mri on that shoulder? she very well could've injured it when she collapsed on the treadmill. the physical therapist in me is screaming mri. the shoulder freezes quickly with immobility, but I haven't seen too much frozen shoulder problems post-stroke (because the rehab team does plenty of range of motion to keep things limber) unless there's an orthopedic injury in addition to the neurological injury. praying for her pain!

Kim Jamieson

Dear Toben & sleeplessness. My husband recently changed medications & suddenly was waking up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep. After trying reducing the meds & then taking them at a different time of day, we decided to try him having decaf tea in the evenings instead of his usual black tea. It worked & now he sleeps thru the night again! Be careful that the drinks Joanne is drinking are without caffeine. Even if it never affected her/you before, the combination of meds & caffeine may be causing the sleeplessness. We have been praying since the beginning, my 14 yr old daughter is a Mustard Seeds blog reader & told us about your need for prayer. The testimony of your whole family greatly encourages us in our walk with the LORD. Be encouraged..."God is not a man, that He should lie,nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?.....The LORD their God is with them; the shout of the King is among them.....It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, 'See what God has done!'"
I believe that it will be said of Joanne (and is in fact already said), 'See what God has done!'
Praying without ceasing in British Columbia, Canada. Kim & family.
from Numbers 23:21b,23b

yanna westmoreland

Joanne it's 2am and this Siesta is awake in Bryan, Tx. In the still of the early morning hours I am praying for you.

Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

I'm praying! I don't know if this would help, but I just read about the corn bag your friend gave to Joanne. My mom makes rice bags out of white tube socks in various sizes (the ones without defined heels). You just fill them with rice and then sew up the opening. I've had an injured shoulder for several months now (which may be due in part to some serious Wii bowling matches with my uncle last summer). It reminds me to pray for Joanne. Anyway, it helps my arm to set the heated sock just behind my shoulder and under the rest of the length of my arm to my elbow when I'm propped on the couch. It helps support it so my shoulder doesn't have to do the work w/o a sling. : ) God Bless y'all!


Does Joanne read the comments posted? If she does, maybe by asking a question of the blog readers a few times a week she would get more responses to read, I've noticed the number dwindling. This is all dependent if she wants more.

Praying for your stamina, wisdom, progress, peace and comfort. (I was thinking about her pain issue(s) and that maybe our prayers need to be direct in asking for her physical comfort and hopefully by not mentioning the "p" word we wouldn't leave a crack in the door of prayer for the devil to seize. Just a crazy thought, but I am going with it. Praying for Joanne's complete comfort!)


Blessing and peace to all of you today. The Lord is doing an amazing work of healing in you, Joanne. I'm so grateful. You are loved by so many,and probably most of us have never met you. That is incredibly wonderful. I pray for relief for the pain you have. Just know that as we continue to lift all of you in prayer, your family continues to bless us. God is so good and faithful.

Lisa Schubert

Hello, I know it has been so long since we have seen each other, but my heart is filled with so much love for you! I will be praying all day for no pain and a good day.


I pray for each of you throughout the day. tThanking God for laughter in the midst of pain.

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