I am struck today by the idea that very rarely is a day all good or all bad. It is almost always a mix of the two. I wonder why that is? I can think back over the last few weeks and find a couple of days that were mostly good. I can also pick out a few that were real dogs! But on the whole, we usually get a little of both. I wonder if that is all about God's grace?Even in the midst of a really cruddy day He allows something good to break in just as a little reminder that he is still up there and still loves us. And those mostly good days? I will take those as grace from above!
Today has sort of been one of those "dog days." Had to have the oil changed on the car and that always ends up costing more than the $29.99 deal Jiffy Lube advertises--they are masters of the up-sell! And then I had to get a prescription filled for Audrey. I was told that it was ready at our local Kaiser pharmacy. But when I got there they told me that the prescription got sent to Westminster, which is about 30 miles north of us! Why the heck did you send it the whole way up there!? So they sent me to talk to our doctor's nurse and that she could straighten it out. And she did, but the whole process went from being a five minute errand to taking just about an hour.
Then I went grocery shopping at Sprouts. I know I should go to the Walmarts but Sprouts is just such an inviting place to shop. Everyone is so nice and happy and mellow. It's is the polar opposite of the Walmarts. So I picked up the necessities (bread, milk, eggs) and came home.
Happy Holly was here for a visit with Joanne. Have I told you about Happy Holly? For a while there I was giving everyone nicknames so I could remember their real names. And Happy Holly is just that: Happy! I can't think of a time when I have been around her that her cheerfulness hasn't shone through. She and her family have been through a lot but she has an irrepressible spirit. She has been a great friend to Joanne and they always have the nicest visits.
Shanna was over yesterday for prayer time with Joanne and that was awesome too! And we got to have burgers at the Franklin's last Sunday which was a blast even though we didn't get to meet their new puppy who is off getting doggy trained at a prison somewhere in Southern Colorado...but I digress. Joanne has been blessed with some dear friends. They can be a very good thing in an otherwise lousy day!
And today, being a little on the lousy side, my dad called out of the blue to say that he and my mom are coming up to take us out to dinner just becasue. I can't tell you how much that means to me. they are going to drive 45 minutes up here fromt he Springs just to see us and give us a good meal--I think we are going to California Pizza Kitchen! That is definitely a bright spot in a bummer of a day.
So why do you think the good comes with the bad and vice versa? Is that karma? Is it just keeping balance in the universe or do you think that it's just the way God works in our day to day lives? Do you think God cares about the little stuff? I'd like to think so.
THANK YOU .....Your last line really encouraged me "God cares about the little stuff" Continue to be BLESSED and used through your Blog.
Love n Hugs to you all
xx oo xx
Posted by: Ruthy | October 03, 2012 at 09:38 AM
Hi Toben and Joanne- I'm not sure why that is except maybe God gives us those special moments to sustain us. I know I've asked God to encourage me with something, anything, when I'm down and he always seems to do that. Then sometimes I want to be miserable and not accept anything good. Life is just ups and downs. The goal for me is to remain steady. So hard. About the MHD's. I'd suggest to use those sparingly. I was allowed to stay home whenever I needed to and lost a lot of ground with school work. Teachers also have less respect for students who miss a lot. I wish my parents had been stricter. That's just my experience. :-)
Posted by: Missi | October 03, 2012 at 11:56 AM
I don't believe in Karma because I don't see it preached in the Bible. But I do believe that God is in the little things. How else could anyone explain blow holes on the tops of whales or why he put us on the third planet from the sun - not too hot - not too cold. Just right. He knows your strengths, your weaknesses, and what you can bear. Carry on in prayer and love.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | October 03, 2012 at 11:57 AM
I cannot remember a day that was ever "all good". It's part of living in a fallen world. There will always be bad. Our job is to look for the good and give thanks for the good that we find. Even thank for the not-so-good. But that's the hard part. I think God absolutely cares about the little stuff, good and bad. But I think he cares more about how we react to it.
Posted by: Sis Kristen | October 03, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Hey y'all! I don't believe in karma either - but I know what you mean. God is just. I think he mixes the good with the bad to help us stay close to him. I agree that the bad is from living in a fallen world. I picture God saying "I'm sorry this world is fallen but I hope this makes you smile". I know - for me - the bad tends to pull me back to prayer. I have a tendency to flash angry when traffic is bad, the line is long, etc., etc., but I am learning to thank -yes I said thank - God for this aggravation and pray for a calm spirit. Some days are easier than others. LOL. I am still a work in progress.
Posted by: Margo | October 04, 2012 at 05:53 AM
Please pray for the Turner family. They suffered a terrible loss this past weekend.
Posted by: Lori | October 09, 2012 at 07:26 PM
God cares about every hair on my head. I so glad things are going well. I read but do not comment often.
Posted by: Meredith | October 09, 2012 at 07:40 PM
I am so glad to finally be able to read your post again my email got hacked and i thought i lost all your post and then JoAnne facebooks me and says just go resign up for the blogg so i google it and well what do you know there are all the blogs from now to then so guess what i bookmark this page to my favorites and now i have all your blogs again cause i have been saving everyone of them in a special folder simply marked the simple wife and now i have access to them again and now i will get your email and be able to write to you again back and forth to keep in touch with how you are doing so yeah i say God gives us the good with the bad just to remind us life is not always about the roses there is some junk in there too that has to be worked out.
Take Care and GOD BLESS
Posted by: crystal staggs | October 12, 2012 at 03:33 AM
No Karma just the love and grace of an amazing God.
Posted by: Julie | October 14, 2012 at 07:20 PM
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
Posted by: Panni | April 19, 2013 at 01:48 AM