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Small world: I am one of your readers who happens to live in Zurich. I am not a regular attender of the School of Ministry, but several of my friends are. And tomorrow I am helping with the meals for the leadership training. I hope to have a chance to say "hello and God bless you" to your Mom, Toben.

Thanks for blogging, and I am pleased to keep you all in my prayers.

Cheryl Veenstra

Thanks for the update Toben. I would LOVE to volunteer to take Joanne to a pool once a week, if that would help get her there more often! I have some time during the day on Mondays and Thursdays while Cassidy is at a homeschool program. You can contact me by email if I can help! I would LOVE to spend this time with Joanne (even if it was just once a month...or whatever!). I've wanted to see her, but our family has been dealing with some tough medical issues the last 2 years too. Things are calming down and I'd love to help Joanne!

Let me know if I can help in ANY way!!

Cheryl Veenstra
(303) 807-3219 cell
[email protected]

Kim Feth

Praying it for you!
Apex, NC


Praying for the girl's and a pool for Joanne. I had actually wondered if they ever suggested having her workout in a pool. Praying for you all.


Praying for each of you--and am so thankful for your updates.

Just wondering if we could see a photo of the leaves that you described as here in Chicago the wind & rain has caused most of our colors to fall early :(

Blessings, and btw PJs are celebrated at my home about 1x each month, just trying to convince my 85-year old father (new roomie) that this is a good thing ;) Thanks for the help.

Linda Hughes

Enough talk about those leaves---we need pictures :-) Here in the northwest we also have beautiful leaves. Maybe we need to have a photo-off of leaves! Praying for the powers that be open up the pool just for Joanne.
Thank you for the updates.

Linda in Seattle


Can you take her to a warm water therapy pool? She might need water warmer than what the public pool offers.


I remember high school days of being ready in 10 minutes- much like Audrey, putting shoes on in the car.

I hope the girls both have wonderful and restorative (as you said) Fall breaks! Keeping the whole family in our thoughts :)

Susan in Zurich

Hello Toben, me again - your reader, Susan, in Zurich. I just wanted to let you and your family know what a blessing your mom was to us at the School of Ministry. What a wise lady; she shared valuable information and I am so glad I could be there.

I wanted to echo a commenter above - a warm water/therapy pool is a wonderful place to have physical therapy. I wonder if you have one nearby.

I hope your fall break is a great time for you all. God bless.

Laura Taylor

Thank you for your faithfulness...blogged about your story today.

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What happened regarding tryouts for school mascot?????

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