I think most of the leaves have fallen from our trees. a few are making a game effort at hanging on but I am predicting they will all be on the ground by this time next week. You know what that means: leaf raking. Last year we pulled about 25 lawn and leaf bags out of the back yard. I expect we'll be close to that again this year. Of course what I'm hoping for is that a huge windstorm blows just in our backyard with enough force to blow the leaves over the fence into our next door neighbors yard. Doubt that will happen. Darn!
Audrey is home this week; she has fall break. It's 11:24 a.m. and she just texted me that she is up. Good for her! I hope she gets a ton of sleep this week. She is headed to my folk's house for a couple of nights. They spoil her plus they have TV which the girls are usually glued to it when they go down there. Can't blame them really. If I was down there you would have to drag me away from ESPN.
Last night Audrey went to a Harvest Party at Wade and Kristen's church. She dressed up like she was from the 80's. And she NAILED it. The makeup, the clothes (especially the leg warmers, the accesories; all spot on. I had to laugh because if she was alive 30 years ago she would have looked like any other kid getting ready to head out for the evening. But now it's a "costume." In 30 years will kids dress up in their parents old Abercrombie and Fitch clothes with a sense of irony? Will they listen to the music and laugh? Kind of funny to think about how the grand kids will do it.
Emma has school. She is bummed because she only got three days for Fall break and Audrey gets a whole week. But Emma loves school (except for PE and math). She brought home her report card for the first quarter and was freaked out that she got an A-. Out of all those A's it's that A- that she just can't deal with. She went on and on (and on) about it until I got her chilled out. The funny thing was that it was in choir or something like that. That kid is going to have a stellar academic career.
Joanne is off having lunch with friends. Hope she has a blast! She hasn't seen a couple of these ladies for some time so it'll be really good for them to reconnect. Tomorrow is a big day becasue Joanne is going to get her haircut. Here is the challenge: she has me to style it each morning. So almost no matter how good the cut is, she is stuck with a guy who doesn't know which end of the curling iron to grab in order to make it look like the stylist did. So it's gotta be low maintanance. And by low maintancance I mean virtually no maintanance. Maybe I should take a class at the local beauty school so I can be on point for doing hair every morning!
I guess that's about it.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that Audrey will get recharaged this week. She doesn't like school too much these days but I would love for her to go back at least well rested!
2. This may seem minor, but it would be great if Joanne got a stellar haircut. That would put a spring in her step.
3. I am especailly thankful this week for my job. Working for Dr. Dobson and Family Talk is a blessing. Plus I get to write for a living. How cool is that!?
I was going to suggest you go with Joanne to get her haircut and watch the stylist style it. They are usually willing to give how-to lessons as they fix it, so you can recreate. It would probably be a big deal to Joanne if you got good at hairstyling! Just a suggestion, you're doing a great job, Toben, will ALL your girls! :)
Posted by: pam | October 29, 2012 at 11:31 AM
I think you're on to something. Could you give a short, guest lecture to a local beauty college about what it's like to live with a woman who values a good haircut but is dependent on her husband for getting it done on a daily basis? I think that's something most of those young women don't think about. Maybe have some pics of the way Joanne used to have her hair styled? Explain the physical limitations? I was in an EMT class, and they had "made up" some physical obstacles so that we couldn't really bend our fingers or see that well, and we were supposed to separate out different medicines (different colored mini MM's). It was tough. Then, you could exchange that guest lecture for a haircut and color? Joanne could even answer some questions.
It's just a thought.
And as always, I'm covering your prayer requests.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | October 29, 2012 at 03:05 PM
Posted by: Ali Em | October 29, 2012 at 07:30 PM
Absolutely wonderful post i really appreciate it and i wana read and increase my knowledge more
Posted by: Almost Isn’t Good Enough | December 12, 2012 at 09:36 AM