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I was going to suggest you go with Joanne to get her haircut and watch the stylist style it. They are usually willing to give how-to lessons as they fix it, so you can recreate. It would probably be a big deal to Joanne if you got good at hairstyling! Just a suggestion, you're doing a great job, Toben, will ALL your girls! :)

Kim Feth

I think you're on to something. Could you give a short, guest lecture to a local beauty college about what it's like to live with a woman who values a good haircut but is dependent on her husband for getting it done on a daily basis? I think that's something most of those young women don't think about. Maybe have some pics of the way Joanne used to have her hair styled? Explain the physical limitations? I was in an EMT class, and they had "made up" some physical obstacles so that we couldn't really bend our fingers or see that well, and we were supposed to separate out different medicines (different colored mini MM's). It was tough. Then, you could exchange that guest lecture for a haircut and color? Joanne could even answer some questions.
It's just a thought.
And as always, I'm covering your prayer requests.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Ali Em


Almost Isn’t Good Enough

Absolutely wonderful post i really appreciate it and i wana read and increase my knowledge more

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