Sometimes it feels like the days just fly by. I was talking to my dad yesterday; he called about 5:00 just to say hi. He asked me how my day went and it was just then that I was struck by the fact that it was 5:00, that I needed to get dinner figured out, that we were at the point to start wrapping up another day and to get into our nighttime routine. It snuck up on me! Yesterday literally disappeared. I was a little taken aback.
For one thing, it was Emma's last day of fall break. I had intended to get some time with her, to do a little something special on her last day off. But I realized I had almost missed it. To get things straight, I did manage to get her out after dinner to the local DQ for a chocolate dipped cone (a family favorite) and I was very aware that I needed to be in the moment with her instead of thinking about what I needed to finish up last night and tackle this morning. So we had about half an hour to just sit and talk and eat ice cream. She is such a loving kid and needs to feel that love reciprocated. I suppose that's true of all kids. I just wish I could really help her understand how much I love her. I know that she knows that she is loved, but I want her to know it on an even deeper level than just my words can convey. Do you ever feel like you just can't express enough the love you have for your kids?
Audrey is battling to get through this week and then she will have an entire week off for her own fall break. The thing she is looking forward to most? Sleep! I can't blame her. We are up at 6 every morning which may not seem all that early to some of you early risers, but it feels painfully early to others of us! We are out the door by 6:30 for school. Audrey could catch the bus but I know she likes to get that extra half-hour of sleep and she likes to be able to finish getting ready in the car on the drive to school, so that is my gift to her each morning. It's a way to show her some love too.
I talked to Joanne a little about the days flying by and she feels just the opposite. Her days seem very, very long to her. Makes me realize how different our experiences are even though we live under the same roof! At the end of most days I think, "Where did the day go?" and Joanne thinks, "I can't believe I made it through another day." This is something I need to be more aware of. I need to do a few little things to break up Joanne's day. I need to get her out of the house! She always goes with me to pick up Emma but there are probably other little outings I could take her on just to get her some fresh air and a change of perspective.
I wonder what it's like for Audrey and Emma? I need to ask them. Emma loves school so I imagine her days probably go by pretty quickly. Audrey on the other hand doesn't like school and I bet her days seem like an eternity. I'll remember to ask them about that tonight, just out of curiosity.
So do your days fly by or do they drag by? Or is it a combination of the two? What contributes to that?
Prayer Requests:
1. Audrey is really struggling in school. Please pray that she would have a change of heart and might actually start to like school--I know, that's a prayer for a miracle, but it never hurts to ask God for the big stuff.
2. Please pray that God would give me the ability, the words, to truly express to Joanne and the girls how deeply I love them. I want them to just be drenched in it!
3. Praise for how much Emma loves scchool! The fact that she is even at Denver Christian is a miracle and she is loving it (except math).
My Mom has always told me that "the older you get the faster the time goes by" and I have found this to be true. Some of my days fly by and some(rarely) go at a painfully slow pace. I am a single working Mom who also home schools. My Mom does the teaching on the days that I work. I have 4 weekdays off this week and they are flying by. I would love to be able to do ALL of the homeschooling. I'm pretty sure that Saturday(work day)ail d-r-a-g by.
I am sorry that Audrey is not enjoying school. I will pray that she finds something fun about it. Thanks for the blog. I really enjoy reading it.
Posted by: Margo | October 24, 2012 at 07:45 AM
Thanks for a great post, Toben. I, too, feel like I can't express to my kids (now adults) or my granddaughter (only 3)or my husband how much I love them. I am woefully inadequate at it, though. I also liked the post for alot of other reasons. God's blessings to you for being such a "thoughtful" person- and I don't just mean considerate, though you seem to be that, too.
And God's peace and love to your loved ones, too. :)
Posted by: Sue Schneider | October 24, 2012 at 08:40 AM
To show his deep love for my daughter, my husband bought her a small diamond ring. He took her out for a special lunch date and told her that he loved her deeply and he was willing to stand beside her and protect her until the day he gave her away as a bride to her husband, the he would back off and protect and love from a favourable distance. It touched my daughter very deeply knowing she is special in her daddy's eyes. She wears her ring on her marriage rig finger and only takes it off to shower. She promised her dad that she would allow him to protect her and out of respect she would obey him and I. It is a beautiful thing. Every time she doubts his love he need only remind her. I did the same for my son. Not the same effect on him but it did create a special bond, one that I see will grow in time.
No, we didn't get this idea from the movie Courageous but we did follow through with the action after we saw the movie. I had told my husband for years to do this for his daughter but he didn't want to because he only wanted to show me that kind of love, but after he saw the movie and the 'I told you so' kind of look I gave him, he agreed with me and we proceeded to purchase the rings.
Praying for you all.
Posted by: Child of God | October 24, 2012 at 09:11 AM
Smiled on the math comment! :) Sounds like you are a faithful daddy. Blessed daughters indeed!
Posted by: Maria | October 25, 2012 at 04:08 PM
Toben, We've just had the same conversations this week at our house! And yes, my DH and I have the same longing to communicate to our son just how deeply we love him. I remember from a Beth Moore Bible study that sometimes when the Bible translates a word as "perfect" that in it's original language it meant, "continuing to walk" - and I focus on that some days. A lot of days actually.
As always, we will continue to cover your prayer requests.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | October 26, 2012 at 08:29 AM
Not sure why this post out of so many has me so teary, but it does. You all have walked such a remarkable path, and I cannot even imagine how you must feel. I know Joanne doesn't know me well, but I sure would love to give her some of my time during a weekday -- maybe to get her out of the house for some fresh air and that all-too-important change of scenery. I get that. Let me know if that's something I can give her. Phone number is 303-249-9212. You can call or text! Big hugs and big prayers for all of the things you listed...
Posted by: Karen Booker Schelhaas | October 27, 2012 at 07:38 AM