About dinner time Joanne starts to get excited. Usually its not because of the Ramen or spaghetti or the grilled cheese and tomato soup that l'm making for dinner. She gets excited because it means her day is wrapping up. After dinner and the girls and I get things cleaned up we head upstairs for Joanne to take her shower. She can do most of it but needs a little help here and there. I think she especially likes getting towel dried after her shower. She gets most of the way there but I always towel dry her back and she LOVES that. I scrub extra hard, just how she likes it. Then it's into PJs and into bed.
Jo reads her Kindle every night for at least an hour. I turn on the heater in our room and pull the covers up for her and she get's nice and toasty. Eventually she is ready to be tucked in and she tells me that I am an excellent tucker-inner. She get s kiss on the forehead and a reminder that she made it though another day. Now it's time to sleep.
A couple of times a week we will be up in the night. Sometimes she get painful cramps in her ankle where she had here surgery an that needs massaging. if she's up and in pain after midnight she can have another dose of her nigh time pain med. Some nights we get the whole way through. But I think I mentioned this before--late at night I am on auto-pilot. Jo usually has to kick me to wake me up and then I do whatever she asks--massage, reposition, more meds...whatever. Then I'm generally back to sleep. Many mornings I'm not even positive that I was up with Jo in the night--feels like a dream. Oh, well. It's strange what you get used to.
The other nice thing about the evening is that the girls wind down. Audrey is usually working on homework or an art project while watching shows on netflix. Emma is usually glued to her iPad playing games or listening to music. They get cleaned up and get jammies on and then settle in for the night. Some of you will find this odd, but Emma sleeps in our room--she has pretty much constantly since Jo came home from the hospital. It's where she feels safest. She has a whole little nest built that she sleeps in and I have to tell you, I love having her in here. I am sure that at some point she'll simply decide that she would rather sleep in her own room, but I'm not going to push it. My kid's feeling of safety and security come first with me.
I like trying to stay awake a little longer than everyone else because the house is at its most peaceful. All my girls are all tuck ed and all is well with the world...until 6 a.m. when we start our day all over again!
Prayer Request:
Thank you Jesus for getting us through another dayl Not sure how you pulled it off but you did. Thanks for that. Look forward to seeing what you will do tomorrow :)
I love your posts Toben. You are an amazingly dedicated husband. Your relationship with Joanne is inspirational.Keep looking forward to tomorrow! Peace to you all.
Posted by: Jan | November 30, 2012 at 08:09 AM
I too enjoy those quiet nights once everyone is settled in. I too remember what it is like to go on auto pilot and just do what needs to be done. I haven't had to deal with such an incapacitating tragedy, but dealing with physical side affects or after affects can seem endless when you are in the midst of them. These are or can be life altering. I know your comments have died down now that the "emergency" has passed, but life has changed for you changing what once was. Even though you may feel alone in this battle, you aren't. Say "YES" to offers of help, but say "Jesus" when they aren't there. HE will never leave you or forsake you, even when it feels like the world has. Your family is continually in so many peoples prayers. Keep your prayin' teeth in Toben, God's word will not come back void.
Posted by: Mindy Howell | November 30, 2012 at 08:23 AM
Praying for good days for you Joanne. I know this is a tough journey but you are one tough lady! :)
Lifting you up to Daddy, for peace, comfort, pain free and total freedom in Him.
Posted by: Child of God | November 30, 2012 at 12:34 PM
Just enough light for the step you're on. I don't know who said it, but whether we want to admit it or not, that's where we all are. You're doing a great job of figuring this stuff out as you - and using grace as your measuring stick.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | November 30, 2012 at 01:52 PM