Have I talked about this already? About second dinner? It has become a "thing" in our family. We tend to eat a little on the early side most nights because Jo likes to be in bed to read at a fairly early hour. And now that it gets dark so early even more so. Emma, Jo and I are usually ready to eat but Audrey likes to eat late. She takes meds for ADD and they work as an appetite suppressant. So anyhow, by about 8 Audrey is ready for dinner. I on the other hand take a medication that increases appetite. I take it at dinner but it really kicks in at about the same time that Audrey gets hungry. So we eat second dinner.
Sometimes we just boil some noodles and eat pasta. Sometimes it's grilled cheese and tomato soup. Sometimes we go out. Here is the funny thing: we have found the "bargain menu" at every fast foot place within a five mile radius of our house, which is practically everything. Do you know that you can get plain steak tacos at Chipotle for $1.85? What about the delicious grilled cheese from Steak and Shake for 1.75? Then of course these are the 99 cent menus at just about every other place. I think we usually get away with second dinner for under $5. It's like a matter of pride with us: we got full for under $5!
I also have this weird deal where if I order a Diet Coke I want a LOT of ice. I mean full to the top. I don't want to drink too much right before bed but I love to chew ice. I know, I know, it's bad for my teeth but I know who has the "soft" ice and who doesn't. We tend to go to the soft ice places. Anyhow, you would think that if you tell the dive through attendant that you want "a lot of ice; I mean full to the top" that that would be a pretty easy order to get right. Weird thing is that it almost never happens. Like somehow I am overstating what I really want. Sometimes I just go to 7-11 to get my own Diet Coke with the ice just the way I like it. By the way, if you bring your own Double Big Gulp cup you can get a refill for $1.06. 72 ounces of pure goodness!
Total side note: I can't drink Diet Coke before 11:00 a.m.. I have to have hot drinks (tea or coffee) up until 11 but after that it's Diet Coke all the way.
Recently the kids have gotten into Mexican Coke. It's made with cane suger instead of high fructos corn syrup and tastes so much better than its American counterpart. I justify it by figuring that it has to be more "healthy" than regular Coke. I am probably mislead and losing parenting points all over the place!
Joanne is hanging out with my folks today. They all really enjoy being together.
Wow, what a random and insubstantial post.
love the post. thanks for sharing part of your world.
Posted by: renee altson | November 14, 2012 at 11:32 AM
I so wish I lived in America your drive throughs sound awesome! I too am a diet coke freak not heard of Mexican coke though so with you on the ice I go through so many bags of it! Keep going xx
Posted by: Angela Hall | November 14, 2012 at 11:58 AM
I totally understand the ice thing. I go to Sonic every morning for my Coke Zero extra ice. The morning crew knows just how I like it..packed with ice!
Posted by: Heather | November 14, 2012 at 11:59 AM
Mexican Coke is Coca-Cola made in Mexico and imported back into the U.S. It is delicious! Has a much less chemical after-taste to it than regular Coke does.
Angela, I'm not gonna lie, the drive thru is an amazing thing. You can go out to eat without even wearing shoes.
Posted by: Toben | November 14, 2012 at 02:00 PM
Sometimes random thoughts are best shared!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | November 14, 2012 at 06:47 PM
My sister had a craving for ice once upon a time. She found out that she was very low on iron. She started taking iron pills that built her iron level back up and she immediately quit eating ice. Your iron level would be worth checking.
Posted by: Nancy | November 15, 2012 at 09:20 AM
under $5 & soooo nutritous, right? NOT! & you probably shouldnt be drinking any kind of soda ("diet" or otherwise) before 11am anyway. hopefully your first dinner includes some veggies. i get that your family dynamic is different now, but healthy habits are very important at every age.
Posted by: Missy | November 15, 2012 at 09:50 AM
Totally with you on the ice thing. My favorite soft ice is at Zaxby's, then Sonic, and then the hospital where I work. I always go home with a big cup of ice. I,too, do not understand why drive thru's don't want to put ice in my drinks. I have started asking for a large cup of ice and a root beer with no ice. :D
Posted by: Margo | November 15, 2012 at 10:10 AM
A friend and I used to have "Dinner Part 2" in college (sometimes part 3, or 4, on a rare occasion a part 5). The pizza guys knew us by name, even the ones that delivered. With each part the nutrition level went down, of course.
Now that I'm out in the real world a coworker and I started having 2nd breakfast. Since we get in to work before 9am we're ready for another meal by 11, and there's not enough time for lunch.
Sounds like you have a good grasp on Second Dinner. Enjoy.
Posted by: Sarah | November 15, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Missy, go be bossy somewhere else. The last thing Toben needs is a nutrition lesson -- he's a grown-up too, and he can make his own health and parenting decisions without snarky reminders.
Toben, I don't know you guys at all -- I linked to your blog through another friend. Remember when you all went to PF Changs for Joanne's first outing? I saw that you were going to do that and emailed them so they'd make it special (sounds like they did). They were so kind and really appreciated the chance to host you on such a meaningful occasion.
Anyway, I didn't tell you that to get a thanks but to thank YOU for taking the time to write this blog and send your own encouragement to readers even when I'm sure your well runs nearly dry from all you deal with. Godspeed. (P.S. Wendy's chili and a Frosty are an awesome late-night snack...)
Posted by: Christy S. | November 15, 2012 at 06:50 PM
Toben, your posts ROCK. I just had to say that. I think you are an incredibly rare breed of father/husband/caregiver/son. LOVE your posts!
Posted by: Caroline | November 15, 2012 at 08:44 PM
I agree, Missy... you are preach'in to the the wrong family and on the wrong blog. Toben and family have too many "fans" and we won't allow him to bullied!
I agree whole heartedly Caroline!!!
Posted by: renee | November 19, 2012 at 08:12 AM
I don't know this family at all, I just admire and pray from afar (MN). While nutritional habits are important, they are instilled at an early age so I would imagine Toben's girls understand the food pyramid pretty well. I would argue the most important family value right now is that of time together and I LOVE the way Toben meets his girls right where they are. He could insist on healthy, or he could acknowledge most teenagers aren't worried too much about it and celebrate a tradition which allows him to connect with his daughter at an age where she really needs to experience a strong male influence...she's not only forming impressions of what kind of man she may want to marry some day, much of her self-confidence is still coming from her parent's approval as well. This saga not only honors Audrey and has fun with what she likes, but they are creating amazing memories which tell her she is loved, valued, and worthy in her father's eyes.
Posted by: Lisa | November 21, 2012 at 11:41 AM