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Praying for all of the above and a wonderful, fresh start for your family!!!

Marla Taviano

Excited for you guys!! I need your new address!!

Sarah Canfield

Awesome! So happy for you.

Kim Feth

Sometimes, you just need a fresh start and a shorter commute. Prayers covered!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


This is great news! I will pray that it is so for everyone. ...and you'll be nearer to Holly - a plus for Jo, I'm sure! Don't forget to take the garden poem sign with you... So excited for your "new" start!

Shelly Johnson

So, I feel like I have been a voyeur on your story. I linked into it from Danny Oertli. We 'know' him because our son attends CSCS and Danny does a lot for the school still. Anyhow, I have followed your story and find your family to be an inspiration and blessing. If your daughters end up at CSCS, my son is in 8th grade there and I will tell him to say 'hi'. I know you don't know us, but we are connected through Christ...if there is anything my family or I can do for you, we ask that you don't hesitate to ask. I am sure you have plenty of friends down here, but if you find yourselves in would be our honor to help. We will be praying for your house to sell fast. My email is [email protected].

Shelly Johnson

Catherine Dunham

Hey old neighbor! Welcome back to the Springs/Monument area. Clint and I have been following your story. We have been faithfully praying for you all. We moved out of our house in Jackson Creek in 2007 and moved up Baptist into the trees at Fox Run. We now have 3 kids; Kate 6, Will 3 and Luke 5 months! Where does the time go? Please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to support and help in anyway.

Love to all,
Clint and Catherine Dunham


Praying all goes well as you move. Probablly one of the bestest things that can happen in your lives right now...GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Keep us all posted though!!

Bobbie Lutz

This is exciting! So glad y'all have family close by. Our son and his family live in the Springs...we will spend Christmas with them. Maybe not during the holidays but in February Holly and I can have lunch with Joanne! I would love to catch up-share some Siesta Scripture memory time! Praying for all of you during this move-you'll do great!

Nancy Angerer

Ron and I have been following your story and faithfully praying for you all. We are Lisa's parents, and we met you when we were visiting Lisa and Doug. I am so thankful that you will be closer to work and that the girls are OK with the move. I certainly will be praying about the move and the sale of your house. We will be moving ourselves from Illinois down to Alabama to be near our oldest daughter and her family. We feel the need to have a one-level home. The lower taxes will be a blessing also. So I know moving is a big step and a lot of work. May God richly bless you and may your house sell quickly.

Child of God

Praying for you all during this move. What a change it will be but I am feeling in my spirit that this is a good one and I do believe God is in this.


Linda Hughes

What a huge change and a new start for you all. The Lord said, "I will go before you and make the rough places smooth". I love that verse from Isaiah. "He will go before you and be your rear guard." Praying for a smooth transition to your folks and for the girls new schools and that your house sells quickly. I don't know you, but feel connected through our Lord and reading your updates. I know the Lord will see you through, He is faithful.
God's Blessings,


Prayed for your family now for almost two years. This post excites me as I see it as an answer to prayer in a big way!!! (Not that I was praying specifically you would move but rather for hope and blessing in this journey.)I live in FLorida, but the entire summer of 1988 I did a progam at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs. The most fun summer of my life! Have nothing but AMAZING memories of Colorado SPrings so I know the blessings will flow for you all in that city!

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