We are finally getting some real snow here along the front range of the Rocky Mountains. We only have a couple inches at this point but it is really coming down and we are expected to get another two or three inches. So not a lot of snow, but at least it's something. I am not a fan of winter, but I am glad that Colorado is getting snowed on because we really need the water come summer time.
Today is Emma's last day of school at Denver Christian. She starts her new school on the 7th so she is going to have a nice long break. Audrey has school through the rest of the week and will be off after school on Friday. Again, she doesn't start until the 7th. Both girls are excited because school starts much later for them then it currently does. Audrey has an extra 45 minutes in the morning and Emma has an extra half hour. May not sound like much but the parents here will attest, every little bit of time in the morning is a blessing.
Our house is a disaster. In the process of moving out all the stuff gets displaced and set out to be boxed up. I am straightening up as much as possible every day and putting things in boxes. The girls are really working hard on their rooms and my mom has been a super-packer, attacking one room at a time until it is in ship shape. So far we have about three rooms that are really sorted out--living room, dining room and kitchen table area. The basement is also very close to being done. Tomorrow my mom finishes up the kitchen and will help Emma get her room in order.
We move to the Springs on Saturday. Doesn't mean we won't be back up at the house a lot getting it ready to show, but we will spend our nights in the Springs. I am really looking forward to the move. I just want to be down there and get on with it. I think our space at my folks house is really great. Plenty of room and well put together. it's comfortable. Plus they have TV, which Emma especially is so excited about. She can sit in her bed and watch shows.
We will be back and forth between families this Christmas. We are celebrating with Joanne's sister's family and her folks on the 23rd. Then we are doing Christmas with my folks on the 24th. And then we are back up to Jo's folks on the 25th for brunch. The weather is supposed to be nice over the weekend so snow driving shouldn't be a problem (thank goodness). I am excited to give the few gifts that we have been able to buy. Emma already got her gift from Jo and I--a very cool pair of hiking boots. And Audrey got her present--a new screen for her MacBook Air (which mysteriously got shattered). I know what my folk have gotten for the girls and they are going to love their gifts.
I guess that's about it.
Prayer requests:
1. Please continue to pray for the move. So much to get done!
2. Please pray that the house would sell quickly and for a fair price.
3. Praise that the girls are registered at their respective schools and feeling good about where they will be next semester.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | December 19, 2012 at 05:35 PM
Praying hard for photography.....for OBVIOUS reasons. You go Emma.
Posted by: Aunt Kristen | December 21, 2012 at 11:25 AM