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I don't know if this will help, but I keep an excel spreadsheet of all the groceries I buy on a regular basis, divided up by aisle. That way I can just print off the list, highlight what I need and get going.

Linda Hughes

Toben-you are amazing, you make me laugh and you make me cry!


No capes!


Grocery Shopping is one of my least favorite chores - I completely understand the list and the 'path' visualization! Maybe you could make a "Grocery-Hero" tee shirt. That wouldn't get in the way.

Bunny Vance

I just love reading your posts! I never comment but this one I had too! I can just visualize this!!! Been a follower since Joanne had her stroke. I feel like I know you guys! Love and Christmas Blessings to all!


Love this. I don't mind the speed shopping part--when they ask me if I need help out to my car, however, I tend to laugh and say, "If you would just come home and unload these, that'd be great!" Hate the unloading. I know it's ungrateful of me, but there it is.


I'm an avid couponer and can tell you, despite popular belief, Walmart is not necessarily the cheapest place to do grocery shopping anyways. The only thing I like about Walmart is that they will price match items on sale at other stores. But, they don't double coupons (Safeway and King Soopers do). Good for you for getting your shopping done that quickly, that is amazing! In case you don't already know, you can get coupons for Target here:| (If that link doesn't work, go to and under the "more" tab, the top category on the right is "more ways to save" and coupons is under that section. I think they update coupons weekly.


LOL, Joanne is right you are a shopping super hero getting back in a half hour! I like Target too, much easier to shop there and the prices on cleaning products, groceries, etc., really are not that much higher than Walmart. It made me laugh that you visualize your path, I think I'll try that one.

Kim Feth

I've been known to "jog slowly/walk really fast" through the grocery store as an excuse to get through quickly and burn more calories! For those crazy weeks, don't overlook those grocery chains that will shop for you according to the list you enter and only charge a nominal fee! It's worth every penny some weeks!
Kim Feth

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