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Bobbie Lutz

Prayers for a smooth transition tomorrow for all of you. After many moves in the Air Force, we're familiar with changes in a teenagers life concerning a move--at least 7 in their 14 years of school-the sadness will pass, but its different for each one. Ours wrote letters and called when they could and that even wore off after 6 months or so. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of blessings.

renee altson

i definitely buy multiples of the clothes i are not alone!


Toben, Can you direct message me your new address. We pray the move will be a great one for you and the girls in your love. It will be great for you to eliminate the long commute. I am sure it can be stressful being at work and wondering how things are back home an hour away. This will be a blessing for you.

Lots of love to you all this Christmas!! Would love to send our wouldn't believe how big the kids have gotten. Love you all...The Corsi's

Kim Feth

Hoping you fry moved and get some rest.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

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