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« The Contract! (Toben) | Main | Update (Toben) »


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Holly Smith



This is awesome news!


that is exciting! What fun!


Wow! This makes my heart happy!
Looking forward to seeing your paintings, Joanne! :)



Gently and respectfully suggesting that she go alone. This sounds like a safe place for her to work on gaining some independence. It might be great for her self-esteem to figure this out and let the instructor help create ways in which she CAN do this.

Rayleine Chagoya

Sounds amazing <3 You all are always in my prayers.

Pam Houston

I wouldn't be one bit surprized if Joanne doesn't turn out to be a celebrated watercolor artist like Johnnie Erickon Tada! So thankful too for the contract on your home...obviously God is on the move and you are following Him! PTL for answered prayer. I follow Kristen too, on her blog and my heart goes out to her since her sister is not so close now...such changes in everyones lives. You are one blessed man Toben, your parents are awesome to do all they've done to make your move possible and be able to provide safe haven for your fam while you are in transition. Blessings to you all! "Life is worth the living..."
A So. Cal "Siesta"
Pam Houston><>


I just KNOW Joanne is going to love this class! It will allow her to engage the creative part of her brain which will feel soooo good!

Child of God

Nice!! Share some of your art work when you have a chance. I would love to see what you have made.



So happy for her!


Sounds so great!

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