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« 21 years (Toben) | Main | Back to School (Toben) »


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It is so wonderful that you continue to update us all in cyberworld Toben! I for one really appreciate the time you put into it. Your family is in my prayers.


praying for your family and you Toben. Glad to hear everyone is settling in well. praying for the girl's to have a great 1rst week of school. And am so glad you are so close to home while at work.

Kim Feth

I'm glad to hear the update! I'll be praying it for y'all (as we say here in the South).
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


My husband and I will be married 42 years this year.

God Bless
Pamela in WV


It sounds like there is a bit of peace in the changes. What huge hearts your parents have to take on all that is required--now we know where your heart grew from!

Wishing you and your family a happy, blessed new year!

Stacey Frazier

Hey T, we are glad to have you in the office as much as you can be. You are contributing greatly, especially for the things I need on the web site.

Know I still pray for you and all your girls.



Lifting your family in prayer

I hope Joanne will get to watch 'Downton Abbey' and also "Call the Midwife' on the telly. I know she would enjoy both :)


Praying that school is going well for the girls. Glad you have a good change with the drive and more of a chance to spend time at work. It does feel good to contribute and spend time with colleagues, especially if you like & respect them. Now I'll pray that Joanne feels comfortable and good in her new surroundings.

Online University for Nonprofits

your site is very nice and i read a you posts is very nice

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