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I am praying for your girls, but also for you! You never ask for prayers for yourself, but Toben, you are holding it all together and I shall pray for God's grace to be with you.


Find me a 14-year-old girl who doesn't need a smack sometimes! JK -- sort of:) And, no question, Audrey, has coped with things that one her age is not "supposed" to have to deal with. You sound like you are very sensitive to all your girls and their needs.

Linda E.

I am praying for all of your prayer requests.
I must say, I can tell from your posts, you are an AMAZING husband and WONDERFULLLL father! All 3 of your girls are soo lucky to have you!! I hope your pat yourself on the back some and treat yourself too.

Many blessings to you all!

Marla Taviano

Praying for sweet Audrey and her mama!! Love you all!


My heart goes out to all your girls. They, and you, are in my prayers!

Dona Haggerty

Toben...I am praying that you can continue to be strong and loving and sensitive to those women around you :) And as you continue to be sensitive with Audrey, remember that God knows all these things. HE has allowed this to happen and HE will use it in Audrey's life for HIS glory. We are a family with 7 kiddos...all grown with 4 married so far, ages 33 to 18, and 4 grandsons. I will not go into all of the details, but our life for the past 18 years has been, to put it mildly, TOUGH, sometimes it has seemed unbareable. The hardest part has been watching what our children have had to endure. At times, I would become very angry with God...not for myself...but for my kiddos. But you know what? God used every hard thing for good in their lives. All seven are wonderful, hardworking, upstanding, young men and women of God. So...I say all of this to encourage you! God is at work. Your 14 year old Audrey will one day be a beautiful, wonderful 18 year old year old young lady! You just keep being there for her...loving her and listening to her. But, I caution...don't be too easy on her. This is life...and life is hard! :) I continue to pray for you and yours!

Karen Booker Schelhaas

Praying, praying, praying.

Child of God

Lifting you all up and praying!


Love that you have encouraged Audrey and taken and interest in things she's interested in. I don't know many parents who would take their child to get an eyebrow piercing! And to actually admit it looks good on them! Even if you'd rather she didn't get piercings and know they are important to her and you support her. That will take you both a very long way.

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