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Awesome! Taking no credit for it, but I did pray for her after reading the blog this morning! ;) so glad for her...and you!

Kim Feth

Kim Feth
Apex, NC


You were probably writing the other post asking for prayer when God had already answered! Isn't that just so cool! He answers before we even ask sometimes!

Michelle from Australia

Amen! Alleluia! Thank you God. Way to go Audrey!


How is Emma's school going? I'm so happy to hear that Audrey has had a positive experience.


Good news! Teenage moods change faster than the weather. Take the good days when you get them and enjoy! Bless you all.


I think 'answered prayer' is what happened!



Pam Houston

Cheering you all on with all the radical changes in your lives. Toben, you are so blessed with such a wonderful family...what I don't understand is how does Joanne get up and down the stairs into the basement? Am I right your family is in the basement of your parents home in Colorado Springs? Praise GOD for answered prayer where Audrey is concerned, and for the girls transitions into their new schools! So thankful for your many blessings...and the awesome story you have to tell as you share your journey...

A Loving "Siesta" from So. Cal.
Pam Houston><>

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