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Sunday is a day of 'rest' for a reason, Toben. When you 'rest' it's not lazy!

Your Dad is going to LOVE his knife!


Dona Haggerty

Prayed for safe travels for Bethany and for your Dad. Praying for Emma!

Stephanie Schwenke

Let me know if I can help Emma. I had two boys go through 7th grade science at Eagleview and one is currently an 8th grader there.


I will say a prayer for Emma. I know that feeling of being lost in school and it stinks! Getting her a tutor is the best idea.


Pray Emma will be on top of this soon. I have one of those daughters who is hard on herself. I never thought I'd encourage a child to ease up and not worry about grades, but I did. I hope it is encouraging to know that she found balance & set reasonable expectation (still high!) as she matured. Blessings on Emma today.

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