As a parent, does anything break your heart more than the genuine and legitimate tears of your child? I tell you what, when one of my girls cries, and has a good reason to do so, it eats me up. This morning Emma was in tears because she feels overwhelmed in her science class. that are studying things that she never covered in her last school and she feels utterly lost. Emma is such a diligent student that to feel like she is behind is crushing for her.
So we sprung into action: a quick note to her science teacher asking for extra help adn a request for a tutor was all it took to get her calmed down enough to head out to school. She isn't feeling well on top of that so I am picking her up after her first couple of classes because she has tests and projects in them. I'll bring her home, tuck her in bed with a cup of tea (or a Sprite) and help her recuperate both physically and mentally. Poor kid!
Dad is continuing his drive home from Spokane today. The weather is bitter cold and the roads weren't great for the his drive yesterday. Hoping things are a little better going for him today. And then Bethany flies in this later late afternoon. Mom is driving to Denver to pick her up. I am not completely comfortable with mom driving in the cold and snow and might get a little pushy about allowing me to drive her up. We'll see what happens during the day.
Yesterday was the laziest day we have had in a long time. I did one useful thing and that was it. My dad has a hunting knife that he has had since he was a kid. Audrey and I did a little research on the knife and it turns out that it is about 100 yeas old and is somewhat valuable. My dad had been using to cut weeds out of the lawn for the last 40 years! So I took his old knife to my local knife store and asked them to fix it up a bit. They did a great job cleaning and sharpening it and I brought it home and placed it on his desk for him to find when he returns tonight. He is going to have to find a new weed-cutting knife!
Other then that, we watched football and movies yesterday. I got dressed but everyone else was in PJs. I think Audrey even wore PJ's to the mall when I went out to get the knife sharpened. I think I might have worn my PJs too but it just felt a little too weird. Not that I wear strange PJs or anything...
We had a lovely fire and Joanne sat right in front of it and read much of the day. Very relaxing!
Prayer requests:
1. Please pray for a safe return home for Bethany and my dad.
2. Please pray that Emma would get caught up at school and that whe would feel confident in her studies.
Sunday is a day of 'rest' for a reason, Toben. When you 'rest' it's not lazy!
Your Dad is going to LOVE his knife!
Posted by: lynn | January 14, 2013 at 09:24 AM
Prayed for safe travels for Bethany and for your Dad. Praying for Emma!
Posted by: Dona Haggerty | January 14, 2013 at 09:47 AM
Let me know if I can help Emma. I had two boys go through 7th grade science at Eagleview and one is currently an 8th grader there.
Posted by: Stephanie Schwenke | January 14, 2013 at 09:50 AM
I will say a prayer for Emma. I know that feeling of being lost in school and it stinks! Getting her a tutor is the best idea.
Posted by: Missi | January 15, 2013 at 07:33 AM
Pray Emma will be on top of this soon. I have one of those daughters who is hard on herself. I never thought I'd encourage a child to ease up and not worry about grades, but I did. I hope it is encouraging to know that she found balance & set reasonable expectation (still high!) as she matured. Blessings on Emma today.
Posted by: Gwen | January 16, 2013 at 06:46 AM