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WOW!! Toben!! So glad to hear that God answered one big prayer for your family quickly. I know, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD. And I have to agree with you about Audrey's body. She isn't doing anything wrong so let her express herself the way she wants. When my 22 yr. old son was in jr. high he had a mohawk. Man, I can't tell you how many people were so upset with me because I allowed him to have a mohawk. Now he shaves his head and has a huge what!! He has never done drugs, never smoked and as far as I know has never sworn.

Praying all goes well with the contract and that you have an easy time finding somewhere to move into.


Just wondering now Joanne's parents are doing. We never hear about them any more. Hope all is well!

Your post was full of encouragement and positive news! Wonderful.


Wow! Five days on the market!! Yeah, GOd!


Wow! That was quick. Congrats on the contract. Will pray all goes smoothly to close. Thrilled to hear Joanne is going to be painting. I hope she enjoys the creative outlet and the people she will meet.


Yay! Confirmation that you are on the right track!

Linda E

What a HUGE answered prayer to have offers in a week! a God-thing for sure!
You all deserve to have God rain down some awesome blessings!
Praying for peace, joy and happiness to your amazing family.

Child of God

How wonderful!!! Continuing to lift you all up in prayer :)



You are one cool dad:)

Kim Feth

Praying it!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


I agree with Carla's post on the 27th, I'm wondering how Joanne's parents are doing. I'm sure it's been so hard on them, after all the time, effort, and love they've put into helping Joanne and the rest of her family since her stroke, to have you all move. Please let us know how they are doing. It seems strange that they are never mentioned any more. And as always, my prayers are with Joanne and the rest of you. God Bless!

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