I'm nervous to write this post because I don't want to jinx it, but it looks like our house has sold. We went through the whole process of offers and counter offers and finally arrived at a mutual agreement with a family in Denver. So the final contract has yet to be signed but the offer from both parties has already been signed, sealed and delivered. How cool is that!?
We had a ton of interest in the house over this week. I think in four days we had a total of about 20 showings and two offers. The first offer was a joke and came from a guy who was probably just looking to flip the house (fix it up and re-sell it). But the second offer came from a family that just loved with the house. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel! I really wanted a family to move in there that would love the house the way we have loved it.
We are closing in mid-March. I guess the average time to closing is between 30-45 days but it still seems like a long time to me. But that's that not that big a deal. We are still enjoying living with my parents so being her another couple of months is just fine with me.
It certainly has been a strange week emotionally. We first started talking about selling the house last summer. Then we finally decided that we needed to make that move in early Fall. Then started the process of getting the house ready to sell. During that time we found a great realtor (a friend of a friend) who we really felt comfortable with and who loved the house. Then came moving out our stuff (except for some of our furniture) then came the staging and the cleaning. Then the sign went in the yard and Wham! Bam! The house is under contract. It feels like we have cleared a major milestone. Of course the deals not done until it's done, but we made a huge step this weekend. We loved that house and had a lot of good times there, but we have also had the worst times of our lives there. Ready for a new start.
I know I have mentioned this before but we wouldn't have been able to sell the house without help from my folks. They gave us a great, comfortable place to stay and the packed and cleaned the house with very little involvement from me--they just grabbed ahold of the project and got 'er done. I bet they invested over 100 hours when it was all said and done. I owe them big time!
So now we jsut hang out and wait for closing. After that, we'll start the process of finding a new place to live. We are going to rent for some time before we'll be in a position to buy another house. The great thing is that my folks are in no hurry to kick us out so we can rally take the time to find a place that's perfect for us.
Joanne starts watercolor classes on Tuesday! I am so excited for her. She is going to Bemis Art School in downtown Colorado Springs. I actually took art classes there when I was a kid so it is pretty cool that she is headed back there for a class. I think she is going to be amazing. I have seen her play with some other water color painting in the past and she is pretty darn good. With a little training she is going to be awesome but the main thing is I think she is going to have a blast. I will try to figure out how to post photos on the blog and will keep you up to date on her work.
We had a blast at Emma's birthday dinner. We went to Fargo's for pizza. We have been going there since I was just a kid so it was a trip down memory lane to be there again. Emma had her new best friend Maddie with her and Bethany and Oliver joined Jo and I, Audrey and mom and dad. The food was really good and they salad bar is just epic. I can't remember the last time I had salad bar. How weird. Seems like everyone used to have a salad bar but now they are harder to find. And the best part about a good salad bar? Bacon bits. Pizza was really good too. Anyhow, we had a blast and Emma said it was a 1015 on a scale of 1-10. Not bad.
Audrey dyed her hair white last night. I tell you what, that kid does more weird stuff to her hair but she always ends up looking great! I was nervous to let he dye her own hair. We ahve had it dyed professionally in the past and I think one time Joanne dyed it pink, but Audrey has never dyed it herself. But you know what? She did a good job and she looks just fantastic. She is such a beautiful girl that it is hard for her to mess up her looks. I love her sense of adventure when it comes to her appearance. And did a mention that she added a couple of piercings over the last couple of months? She got her eyebrow pierced a while back and her lip done last weekend. I think she's probably done with piercing for a while. She is still stretching her ears but very slowly so as not to tear them.
I tell you what--I was so much like Audrey when I was a kid. The only difference is that I did my own piercings (ears only). I did get my eyebrow done professionally though. I guess like father, like daughter. To be honest I could really give a rip about how she looks as long as her heart is in the right place. She isn't drinking, smoking, doing drugs or hanging out with bad boys (or even good boys for that matter) and no self injury. So if she wants to express herself through her looks, I'm cool with that.
OK, I suppose I should wrap up.
Prayer request:
Only one--Praise for the contract on our house!!!
WOW!! Toben!! So glad to hear that God answered one big prayer for your family quickly. I know, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD. And I have to agree with you about Audrey's body. She isn't doing anything wrong so let her express herself the way she wants. When my 22 yr. old son was in jr. high he had a mohawk. Man, I can't tell you how many people were so upset with me because I allowed him to have a mohawk. Now he shaves his head and has a huge beard...so what!! He has never done drugs, never smoked and as far as I know has never sworn.
Praying all goes well with the contract and that you have an easy time finding somewhere to move into.
Posted by: Patty | January 27, 2013 at 07:26 PM
Just wondering now Joanne's parents are doing. We never hear about them any more. Hope all is well!
Your post was full of encouragement and positive news! Wonderful.
Posted by: Carla | January 27, 2013 at 07:53 PM
Wow! Five days on the market!! Yeah, GOd!
Posted by: Maria | January 27, 2013 at 08:26 PM
Wow! That was quick. Congrats on the contract. Will pray all goes smoothly to close. Thrilled to hear Joanne is going to be painting. I hope she enjoys the creative outlet and the people she will meet.
Posted by: Gwen | January 28, 2013 at 07:15 AM
Yay! Confirmation that you are on the right track!
Posted by: BethP | January 28, 2013 at 09:24 AM
What a HUGE answered prayer to have offers in a week! a God-thing for sure!
You all deserve to have God rain down some awesome blessings!
Praying for peace, joy and happiness to your amazing family.
Posted by: Linda E | January 28, 2013 at 12:40 PM
How wonderful!!! Continuing to lift you all up in prayer :)
Posted by: Child of God | January 28, 2013 at 08:36 PM
You are one cool dad:)
Posted by: Catherine | January 30, 2013 at 08:01 AM
Praying it!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | January 30, 2013 at 09:29 PM
I agree with Carla's post on the 27th, I'm wondering how Joanne's parents are doing. I'm sure it's been so hard on them, after all the time, effort, and love they've put into helping Joanne and the rest of her family since her stroke, to have you all move. Please let us know how they are doing. It seems strange that they are never mentioned any more. And as always, my prayers are with Joanne and the rest of you. God Bless!
Posted by: Janet | January 30, 2013 at 11:49 PM