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« 2013: Alignment (Joanne) | Main | The Contract! (Toben) »


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I can't imagine having my physical (body) world turned upside down and then having my physical (home) world dramatically changed as well. Even if I knew intellectually and practically that it was a smart move God was leading me towards, I still think it would be emotionally draining. I'll be saying extra prayers for Joanne!

Kim Feth

That is a lot of loss for someone like Joanne who put a lot of thought and prayer into how to decorate and how to do it with good stewardship. I am honored to continue to lift you in prayer.
FYI - tell Joanne that I made the laundry detergent and it works so well that my husband and I are thinking of making it frequently and selling it!

Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Bless you all. Tough and good all at once.

lisa craddock

Joanne, I am praying God fills you with peace about the house. You have such a knack for transforming any space into a cozy, beautiful home--I can't wait until you and Toben share pics of the new house and what you do to make it truly yours. : )


Praying that God's Peace will find its way into your hearts-whatever the need might be for each of you. Moves can be unsettling to say the least. Thinking about you daily!


Hopefully once you have your own home that is more compatible with Joanne, and she gets to make it a nest, she will feel more at peace. It is a blessing to be close to home every day and go home for lunch. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

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