I found a road hat! What is a road hat, you may be asking? Well, it is simply as stated--a hat found in the road. My love of the road hat started many years ago when I found a a great red baseball cap in a gas station parking lot. It advertised some fishing boat company that I had never heard of. I picked up that dirty hat, took it home and washed it a couple of time and there it was, the perfect hat. It was beat up, broken in, and it fit perfectly. That hat was a favorite of mine for years until I gifted it to a friend who was equally fond of that hat. I figured it had come into my life as an unexpected gift and should be re-gifted to pass on the joy.
Since then I always keep my eyes open for a good road hat. In the last 20 years I think I have found three or four road hats and a lake hat. None of the road hats after the first one were salvagable or didn't fit right. The lake hat was fished out of Lake of the Ozarks. It was a nice hat but too small. It went to my brother in law Wade and I think he may still have it to this day.
We as luck would have it, I found another road hat this week. Joanne and I were driving home from lunch with her folks when I spoted it in the middle of the road. It had been snowing and the roads were a bit soupy but I can spot a road hat at 100 yards, regardless of the conditions. So I slammed on the brakes, whipped a 180 and pulled my door up along side the road hat. Of course I was aware of traffic but my quick stop adn u-turn had turned everything in the backseat topsy-turvey including Joanne's watercolor supplies. But I was able to fish the hat off of the road and into the car without wrecking.
It was nasty--filthy wet and clearly run over a few times. But I did not despair--It was a road hat! I took it home and carried my prize inside and immediately into the washing machine. I filled it with soapy water and bleach and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then I washed it and my mom put it in front of the fire to dry. Of course I had to grab it from the hearth in a hurry. The secret to a good road hat is to let it dry on your head. That way it shapes just right. So I wore a wet hat around for a couple of hours and can now say...
The road hat turned out perfectly! It is sparkly clean although still obviously "broken in." And it fits like a dream. I now have a new favorite hat. I especially like the tire tread pattern across the brim. Awesome. Long live the road hat! And to whoever it is that lost this hat, I am sorry for you and hope that you find a good and suitable replacement.
Quick updates:
Joanne is loving her watercolors class. She went with her mom and dad this week and everyone had a nice time including a lovely lunch at La Baguette (favorite French restaurant) afterwards.
Emma missed a couple days of school this week with a head cold. This kid never gets sick, adn when she does she never misses school. So when she said she needed to stay home I knew she was really feeling poorly. She seems to have recovered and is back int he swing of things.
Audrey got a killer haircut this week. She had grown it out for months and finally got tired of it and just wanted it gone. So we went to the local barbershop (not a "Salon") and got it cut. The girl is so beautiful that even with very, very short hair she is still a stunner. Her facial features are to die for so the short hair just accentuates her beauty.
My mom and dad are refinishing the downstairs bathroom in a 24 hour dash. There were a few things in there that needed replacing so they jumped in with both feet. This is the bathroom tat our family uses so we are getting a new toilet, vanity, cabinets and flooring. Should be very nice!
Joanne's folks are back from a long visit to the lovely state of Arizona with some friends. THey had a nice time including a visit to the Barret-Jackson car show/auction There were over 1300 cars there! They had some erratic weather but I think they got some warmth for at least part of their time there.
Me? I'm just thankful for my road hat.
P.S. I thought of all kinds of deep adn meaningful metephors for the road hat and what it might all mean, but I didn't want to push it. You can come up with your own meaningful application for the road hat strory!
We are all Road Hats to Jesus. He sees us, comes to a screeching halt, does a 180 turn and redeems us into his personal treasures.
Can we get a picture of your road hat?
Posted by: Jean | February 28, 2013 at 01:46 PM
Toben... What a great post it made me smile. Your excitement about your new road hat came through the post and made me "Happy" its the little things! My husband has been going through a serious illness since last January and we have learned to smile about the little things!
Many blessings and continued prayers for all of you!
Posted by: Angie | February 28, 2013 at 03:55 PM
This is now going to be my new favorite game. Who knew I needed a road hat?!
Posted by: Kristen | February 28, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Your road hat story made me laugh out load. And when you said 3 road or 4 road hats and a lake hat I nearly woke up my kids, I laughed so loud. Have no idea why I think the expression is so funny.
It's the little things that make us happy....enjoy your road hat!
Posted by: dawn | March 01, 2013 at 04:15 AM
Love this story! Actually, I believe the hats are one of the pleasure gifts God bestows on you. He knows how much it delights you, and He delights in providing you that immense pleasure. Would love to see a pic of Audrey's hair! :)
Posted by: Caroline | March 01, 2013 at 10:36 AM
GREAT story! thanks for the smile!
Posted by: Cheryl Veenstra | March 01, 2013 at 10:50 AM
Love the story and the updates. We'd love to see new hair cut pics!!!
Still praying!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | March 01, 2013 at 11:23 AM
Toben, your joy over a new road hat made me laugh out loud! Hahaha! Who knew??! That made my day!
Posted by: Margie | March 02, 2013 at 06:40 PM
Don't know what it is but I always find "road shoes." No matter where I go, I find "road shoes." I never pick them up and wash/wear them, but I find them none-the-less. Great story!
Posted by: Stacey Frazier | March 04, 2013 at 04:26 PM
When did you find the Lake of the Ozarks hat? I lost one there...
Posted by: Kathy Birdwell | March 28, 2013 at 11:06 PM