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We are all Road Hats to Jesus. He sees us, comes to a screeching halt, does a 180 turn and redeems us into his personal treasures.

Can we get a picture of your road hat?


Toben... What a great post it made me smile. Your excitement about your new road hat came through the post and made me "Happy" its the little things! My husband has been going through a serious illness since last January and we have learned to smile about the little things!
Many blessings and continued prayers for all of you!


This is now going to be my new favorite game. Who knew I needed a road hat?!


Your road hat story made me laugh out load. And when you said 3 road or 4 road hats and a lake hat I nearly woke up my kids, I laughed so loud. Have no idea why I think the expression is so funny.

It's the little things that make us happy....enjoy your road hat!


Love this story! Actually, I believe the hats are one of the pleasure gifts God bestows on you. He knows how much it delights you, and He delights in providing you that immense pleasure. Would love to see a pic of Audrey's hair! :)

Cheryl Veenstra

GREAT story! thanks for the smile!

Kim Feth

Love the story and the updates. We'd love to see new hair cut pics!!!

Still praying!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Toben, your joy over a new road hat made me laugh out loud! Hahaha! Who knew??! That made my day!

Stacey Frazier

Don't know what it is but I always find "road shoes." No matter where I go, I find "road shoes." I never pick them up and wash/wear them, but I find them none-the-less. Great story!

Kathy Birdwell

When did you find the Lake of the Ozarks hat? I lost one there...

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