This morning in devotions we looked at Philippians 2 and I was struck by some words in verse 15: "Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky."
I must admit that when I read these words my mind took me to a totally secular place. Pink Floyd has a song called "Shine On You Crazy Diamond." Some of the lyrics are:
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the cross fire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger,
You legend, you martyr, and shine!
I'm pretty sure the Floyd didn't get their inspiration from Philippians 2 but conceptually the two line up and the message is simple: We are called to shine even in the midst of tough circumstances. And we're not called to shine from some sort of light that we can manufacture on our own, we are to shine with the light of Christ in us.
What the passsage also implies is that there is a lot of darkness out there. After all, if everything was brightness no one would see us shine. But the world is a dark place.
So I have to think of what it means for me to shine. When I am with Joanne, how do I shine? When I am with Audrey and Emma, how do I shine? When I am with other friends and family and co-workers, how do I shine? I don't have a ready answer for that. I feel like our whole family has been in survival mode for so long that the idea of actually shining seems almost impossible. But we are called to do it. The verse doesn't say, "Shine if you feel like it." It says that if you do everything without grumbling and arguing...blameless and a warped and crooked generation--then you will shine like stars.
I do a lot of internal grumbling. I put on a happy face (most of the time) and do what needs to be done. But sometimes what I'm feeling inside is far from "shiny!" I guess that's when I need to ask God to make the outside line up with the inside. That I need to reverse the order and let a light shine from inside me.
Real world check: This is HARD! Most of the time I feel like a lump of coal, not like a diamond or a star. This leads to a question of where I get my identity from. And that is a subject for another post. But for today I am going to think about shining like a star in the sky in each situation I find myself in. Doesn't mean it will be easy and I'll walk around blinding people with my brightness, but it gives me something to shoot for and something to rely on God to do in me.
If I could pick one are to shine in, it would be as a servant to Joanne and the girls. What area would you most like to shine in?
I read your blog n thought you don't have to try! you do or you don't as we abide in the vine you will keep in time with His step and shine :o)
Lots of Love xx xx
Posted by: Ruthy :o) | February 15, 2013 at 10:04 AM
You shined on me today!!
Thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one who sees God in secular music.
You are constantly a blessing to me.
Love to you all....Tara
Posted by: | February 15, 2013 at 11:01 AM
This blog has been rocking lately, Toben. You bring up some really good points and do so in a very unassuming, digestible way.
I found myself nodding in agreement about the shiny outside but dull inside concept you mentioned. I am that way often as well. While it's better than being a grump, I know I need to shine more from the inside.
Posted by: Leeann | February 15, 2013 at 01:44 PM
The Holy Spirit has been whispering similar things to me the past could of days too, Toben! Not with those same words, but a similar idea, esp. about "shining" even if you don't feel like it. The words I've been inserting are "love" even if I don't feel like it, "be gentle" (as in "let your gentleness be evident to all--the Lord is near) even if I don't feel like it, etc. So I appreciate you sharing one more way to frame this idea!
Posted by: lisa craddock | February 15, 2013 at 05:30 PM
Wow Toben!...I loved this post. Thank you so much for sharing the thoughts and feelings of your heart!
You are a shining example of love for Joanne and your kids...and I think you have been a light to all of us as you and Joanne and the kids go through this hard journey!
I am stopping right now to pray for Joanne and for all of you. God bless you all!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Posted by: Linda H. | February 16, 2013 at 09:25 AM
Trust me on this, you and Joanne shine. Not because you are pretty or perfect, but because of your raw honesty, your willingness to be real and most of all the love that you have for each other. It is not a Harlequin love story with sugary bits, but the nitty, gritty, down and out story of a real couple with challenges most will never face and how you navigate it. This is how HEA looks to me, the real version, not the Disney version. Your life together is a powerful example and teaches more than a million sermons on love and marriage ever could. You may never know how many lives you've touched, but you have. Thus you both shine.
Posted by: Sheila | February 17, 2013 at 09:54 AM
I've been reading since Joanne had her stroke, but have never commented before. I want you to know, though, that I keep coming back and reading in part because you and your family definitively shine. Not in the most obvious ways, but just in the "they keep loving each other and keep pursuing life despite being thrown a huge curve ball and grieving the life they once had" type of way, and it is really beautiful.
Posted by: Heather | February 17, 2013 at 12:19 PM
I definitely need to shine during times when I have no control over the outcome of a particular situation. Someone else is calling the shots or there are guidelines to be followed. As anyone who knows me well can testify, I tend to become very frustrated. Today, I wasted a lovely if cold Sunday afternoon fretting over something that I had no control over but which could well have a negative outcome. All the what-ifs and if-onlies! This verse popped into my mind: "Be still and know that I am God." Be still. In other words, stop fretting.
Posted by: Judy | February 17, 2013 at 03:36 PM
I heard a sermon including this verse Saturday night. The pastor reminded us of the portion that says we are to work out our salvation with fear & trembling. He was quick to remind us it doesn't say work FOR our salvation, but work OUT our salvation. THe idea is that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit will "change our wants to and then give us the power to do." Christlike behavior will work its way out of us and we will shine like the stars. What a thrill!
Posted by: Gwen | February 18, 2013 at 01:32 PM
I have been focusing on shining and showing mercy to all those in my life lately. It is hard! I have been humbled by the change in atmosphere in my home that is the direct result of my change in attitude. But what I've been reminded of most recently is that shining doesn't necessarily mean to put on a happy face and tell the world that everything is good. It means that we praise God even in our struggles -- being honest with ourselves, God and the rest of the world that life is hard but that we will honor God in the midst of the storm, despite the storm. If I will remember to be honest with my emotions and struggles, I make a much better witness to those without Christ that have similar situations.
Posted by: Stephanie Pyle | February 18, 2013 at 07:10 PM