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Child of God

I love the Gospel!! When I read Scripture it is like being jolted by a very large energy bolt. It's a great way to live your life, filled to over flowing with God's Word.

Glad to hear there is more good coming into your family. Praying for this house situation and for continued healing for Joanne.



Yes, Toben, watercolor is more complex than most know. And yes, I'm absolutely confident Joanne will master the 'tools' and willl become more than just proficient. It can be a great stress reliever and a great venue for a creative mind. I'm so GLAD she is doing this! I can't wait for her to let you publish a few things she is just playing with! You go girl!


just a follower here; so glad that your daughters are settling in to their new schools and that Joanne is creating and that life might be more peaceful for awhile. Peace and good fortune to Joanne and her family.

Kim Feth

It's refreshing to hear you in a "life is moving on" as you redefine what your normal looks like. Continuing to pray. So glad that Joanne is enjoying art class.
Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

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