Today at work one of the women from the broadcast team did devotions and it rocked! She showed a couple of really well done videos and had some scripture for us to read. Basically the message is that God loves us and is there to restore us when we are broken, be it because of sin or life circumstance. That's the gospel! Jesus died to bring life to people who were dead in their sin. What a great reminder and what a way to start the day! Way to go Virginia!
I am working at home today--mom and dad are out and about today and I didn't want Jo to be home alone. Plus Audrey got a late start today so I had to get her out to Air Academy later than usual. Working on email campaigns today. We have so much great information on the Family Talk website and it's fun to get to play around with all that content and to let people know what is out there for them.
Joanne is painting today. Yesterday in class she learned a couple of new techniques that she is trying out. I tell you what, watercolor is way more complex then I would have thought. It is so much about layering color and the use of water (as opposed to just paint) to get the effect that you want. It's just fun to watch her create something. Being creative is in her blood but she hasn't had much of an outlet since the stroke. She says, "This is really hard." But she is sticking with it and I think after a couple of months of classes she is going to ROCK! And the main point is that she is having fun. Not enough fun in her life.
The house process continues. I think we are basically done until closing in a month. The inspections are done, the repairs have been made, everyone has signed off on the deal. Now we just wait. What a weird emotional experience this all is. I'm not sure how to describe it. And it is definitely different for each member of our family. It is definitely hard on Joanne. It is medium-difficult for Emma. I think Audrey is over it and ready for whatever comes next. It's really not been very hard for me except from a financial and logistical perspective. I was afraid it wouldn't sell but it went in four or five days. I'm like Audrey--I want to be done with it too and move on to whatever is next for our family. I am still loving the five minute commute to work!
School. Audrey may just be coming around, slowly, on Air Academy. She really likes a couple of her teachers and I am realizing how important that is. Yes, it's good to make friends but loving your teachers allows her overcome some other objections. Of course she isn't likely to say that she is warming up to it--she is a 14 year old girl and has a lot invested in not liking things, but I am so close with her that I can tell. She especially likes her graphics design teacher and she is getting to do some very cool projects in that class. They are doing grapical treatments to photos of Johnny Cash. How cool is that!?
Emma loves school! She got invited to a party this week. She has been there for less than a month and the kid is making friends. I think she likes her teachers and is doing great in her classes. This is a big deal because coming in mid-year the way she did, there is a lot of material that she has never covered. She is playing catch-up on a lot of subjects but she is still pulling great grades on her work and tests. She has said a number of times that she likes Eagleview better than the last school. She told me that she thinks she is getting more challenged than she was at DC. Don't get me wrong: we LOVE DC, but I always suspected that she was cruising through a little at DC too easily so I am glad to see her pushed. I will say that DC ROCKED at math. She is in 7th grade math and we are going to ask her counselor if she can move up another class--she says math is "way to easy." It excited me that as a 6th grader that she is loving math and doing so well. So props to Mr. Amidon and DC for making a math wiz out of Emma!
Wow, this post is getting long! The tide feels like it is turning a little. There was a lot of bad and very little good there for a while but some good is creeping in. Yes! Let's keep it rolling!
I love the Gospel!! When I read Scripture it is like being jolted by a very large energy bolt. It's a great way to live your life, filled to over flowing with God's Word.
Glad to hear there is more good coming into your family. Praying for this house situation and for continued healing for Joanne.
Posted by: Child of God | February 07, 2013 at 09:15 AM
Yes, Toben, watercolor is more complex than most know. And yes, I'm absolutely confident Joanne will master the 'tools' and willl become more than just proficient. It can be a great stress reliever and a great venue for a creative mind. I'm so GLAD she is doing this! I can't wait for her to let you publish a few things she is just playing with! You go girl!
Posted by: lynn | February 07, 2013 at 09:20 AM
just a follower here; so glad that your daughters are settling in to their new schools and that Joanne is creating and that life might be more peaceful for awhile. Peace and good fortune to Joanne and her family.
Posted by: Nance | February 07, 2013 at 09:41 PM
It's refreshing to hear you in a "life is moving on" as you redefine what your normal looks like. Continuing to pray. So glad that Joanne is enjoying art class.
Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | February 08, 2013 at 08:28 AM