What a great weekend! Of course it's only Sunday morning so we have some weekend left but so far we have had a great time at the cabin. We have kept a fire in the fareplace and everyone has kind of done their own thing. Last night some of the family watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding and then Emma and Bethany watched Star Wars. Not sure what time they got to bed but it was later than the rest of us. We did get a few inches of snow and that was beautiful. The weather really changed over the day. It was in the 30s and sunny in the morning and then the snow moved in and the temperature dropped a good 10 degrees. All the nicer to sit in front of the fire.
Bethany went snow boarding in the morning. She has had double micro-fracture surgury on her knees so it was a pretty risky move but she really wanted to go. She made it through the morning and then we picked her up. She had fun but her knees had had it. Poor kid! She came back and played Dance Dance Revolution with the girls and did a little homework.
Joanne read for much of the day. We meant to get her watercolors out but that never happened. She was very content to sit and read and watch the news as the weather reports from the East coast poured in. What a go they are having at it! Made the little bit of snow we got seem like nothing.
The girls went ice skating for about 5 minutes. They are always excited to go and it usually lasts until one or the other of them falls; then they are done. Yesterday when I drove them down to the rink I just sat int he car and waited for the first wipeout. True to form, it only took five minutes and the girls were back in the car. When they got home there were some neighborhood dogs outside playing and the girls went out in the snow to play with them. They came in covered in snow from head to foot! But they had a blast!
We will head down the mountian at about 11 or 12 in order to beat traffic. So glad we're able to come up here. Can't wait to do it again.
Glad to hear you're getting some fun time away!
Praise HIM!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | February 10, 2013 at 08:32 PM
In this modern world with all of its trappings I love that it is the simple things like playing in the snow with dogs that generates such joy. So happy for you and your family!
Posted by: Alternate Elevator | April 09, 2013 at 06:39 PM