We decided to sell the house back in August. With my job being in the Springs and with new opportunities developing there the daily 2 hour commute was really hindering my ability to do what I needed to do to be successful in my work. On top of that, my parents offered us a great place to stay and an enthusiasm to jump in and help with Joanne and the girls while we made the transition. So in early Fall we began to pack up the house. It was a process that took months! We couldn't have done it without help from our families but I am happy to report that the Sunday before our closing, we were finally able to say, "It's finished!" That's almost 8 months to the day from when we decided that a move would be best!
We closed on the house on Monday. What a process that is! Forms flying everywhere, signatures and initials on everything. The closing agent then has to check and double check that everything is in order. Then the forms get sent off to the new mortgage company for their final approval, which means you sit for an hour and wait after all the paperwork is done. We were there with the new buyers and got to talk to them about the house, how much we had loved it, and the neighborhood and how we think they will fall in love with it the way we had. They were definitely as excited to be getting the house as we were to be moving on.
Finally after all is said and done, they handed us a check and that was that. We are no longer home owners. What mixed emotions! We truly loved our house but driving 2 hours a day to get to the office just didn't make any sense. And even though the school situation for the girls wasn't bad by any means, their new situations are better. Audrey is fitting in a little better at a smaller school that is a little less intense then Cherry Creek and Emma is finally being challenged in getting to take some "talented and gifted" classes. All good. Emma has made some good friends, so praise God for that! Audrey is still looking but it is only a matter of time before she finds someone to pal around with. I pray daily that just the right friend will come along for her.
Now my commute is 5 minutes! I can't express what a difference that makes! I am so much more relaxed and productive.
And it is an unspeakable blessing to have my mom and dad around for Joanne and the girls. It's just a really good fit for us to be there. In the next couple of months we will get our own place and that will be an adventure. Joanne is leaning toward renting a house. The only thing Audrey cares about is having a basement that she can move into. Emma wants a TV in her room. And me? I don't want to move anywhere that will require any kind of yardwork whatsoever. I don't want to mow, fertilize, shovel, rake or trim anything! I want someone to do all that for me. So I am thinking condo or townhouse or even a decent apartment. And we need to stay as close as possible to my folk's place as they will still be helping with Joanne. And I want to be close enough that I can still watch Nuggets games with my dad and crash in for dinner a few nights a week.
Joanne wrapped up her watercolor class at Bemis Art School on Tuesday. He mom and Shanna came down to take her to class. they painted Aspen trees. The class has been good for Joanne. I think she has enjoyed it and it is another opportunity for her to get out of the house and have an adventure. She is probably going to take a drawing class or a calligraphy class next.
Another fun thing: a bunch of Joanne's friends and her mom and sister came down tot he Springs to take Joanne out for a birthday lunch. They went to Marigolds, which is a great lunch place, and I think everyone had a nice time. I will say however that with no plans today, Joanne is excited to get a day in her PJs.
The girls are on Spring break for the next week. I envision a lot of sleeping for Audrey. Even Emma is starting to sleep a little more. It's like a switch gets flipped and all of a sudden kids can just sleep and sleep. Then at some point as an adult the switch flips the other way and you just can't get that kind of sleep any more. Weird!
I guess that's about it. Thanks for all the prayers about the sale of the house. THe timing was close to miraculous--our house was under contract four days after we listed it! I am not going to chalk that up to coincidence but to God's goodness!
Prayer requests:
1. Praise God for Emma's great love for her new school, for her new friends and for new challenges.
2. Please pray that Audrey would find a good friend.
3. Please pray that when the time comes we will find just the right place to rent.
Congratulations on the sale. I know that it's a relief to put that behind you and move forward. Happy Belated Birthday Joanne!
Posted by: Tena | March 22, 2013 at 06:26 PM
Praying the requests! I feel ya' on the no yard work thing!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | March 23, 2013 at 07:53 AM
Have been reading and following since Joanne's stroke, but I don't think I have ever commented. For some reason I feel particularly led to pray for a friend or friends for Audrey. Consider it done!
Posted by: Lisa Mc | March 24, 2013 at 07:39 PM
As far as a place to rent without having to deal with yardwork, we used to own a home in Parkside (Mountain Shadows) where you pay an HOA fee and all the landscaping is done for you. Tons of houses were lost in the area due to the fire this past summer, but just wanted to mention the area as a possibility for you all. Thrilled you were able to sell the house!
Posted by: Sharon | March 31, 2013 at 11:03 PM