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Congratulations on the sale. I know that it's a relief to put that behind you and move forward. Happy Belated Birthday Joanne!

Kim Feth

Praying the requests! I feel ya' on the no yard work thing!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Lisa Mc

Have been reading and following since Joanne's stroke, but I don't think I have ever commented. For some reason I feel particularly led to pray for a friend or friends for Audrey. Consider it done!


As far as a place to rent without having to deal with yardwork, we used to own a home in Parkside (Mountain Shadows) where you pay an HOA fee and all the landscaping is done for you. Tons of houses were lost in the area due to the fire this past summer, but just wanted to mention the area as a possibility for you all. Thrilled you were able to sell the house!

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