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Happy Birthday, Joanne! Prayers and blessings as you celebrate your special day...

Toben, I love "what you have to say" about Joanne!


Happy Birthday, Joanne! I hope you have a wonderful day as you celebrate.


Happy Birthday Joanne!!! My bday is tomorrow - happy to share back-to-back special days with you!! Hope you get to eat a huge slice of your favourite cake this birthday...I'll have a slice of Chocolate Fudge for you, this side of the ocean!

Praying for God's richest blessings and love over you, on your birthday and always! xx

Kathleen Jaeger

Happy Birthday, Joanne!!


I love you Birthday Buddy!!!!!!

Kimberly Severson

Happy Birthday Joanne!! Your next birthday should be here in sunny Florida. I have the perfect place for you and everyone. :)


Happy Birthday, Joanne! What a loving post!
Thinking of you and sending birthday hugs!


Happy Birthday Joanne. I have been reading this
blog since I first heard of your story a couple of years ago. I live north of Spokane and pass by Whitworth every day on my way to work. :o) Have a blessed birthday!!!


You guys are so precious. Happy birthday, Joanne, and to both of you: Keep on "being conformed into the image of Christ." You are a blessing to the rest of us.

Erma Kelso

Happy Birthday Joanne from Houston,Tx. I read about you in Beth Moore's blog when you first got sick and I have prayed for you.
God bless you Toben as you carry the load for your lovely family.

Sara G

Happy Birthday Joanne! Even though we are far away, I'm standing with you and praising God for our time here. From one Stroke Survivor to another - One day at a time we do what we can and continue to press forward, seeking the Lord, soak in His Word. Thankful for our husbands that do so much for us and our families. This journey is tough but we will continue, day by day. Much love and hugs! Sara

Pam Houston

Happy Happy Birthday Precious Joanne! What a gift you have been given, a man like Toben who tell's it like it is and delights in the gift of you! You two have enriched my life as you continue on your journey through the power of faith, hope and love. You are living proof that love works, and the way to access that love is through the LORD Jesus Christ. Thanks for being willing to share your journey, even the bumps in the road. Praying for you as you make your transition into your new life. I'm trusting God that Joanne will be able to drive and regain much more mobility that you ever dreamed. I'll never forget one of my precious customers, Betty, who had a stroke when she was in her 30's and that stroke left her unable to speak, but believe me when I tell you, she communicated with her smile, her nods, her yes and her no. She was one amazing lady, and was able to pass her California driving test, successfully raise her kids, keep her husband happy and live her life out fully! She was a voracious reader and she never allowed the inability to use one arm and hand or speak to stop her! I learned more about Gods' grace through Betty than any customer I have ever known! Life is meant to be fully lived, no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in. Praise God for the example and life you are living as a grace for us all...I'm cheering you on and rejoicing in how far you will go!
A So. Cal. "Siesta"
Pam HOuston><>

Baton Rouge buddies

Joanne and Toben:

You are an inspiration, even if you didn't sign up for it. Hope your birthday is special. I turn 50 tomorrow . . . might have to get a shrimp poboy in your honor. love Kevin and Mary


Joanne, I just got this in my email, so I'm a day late in wishing you Happy Birthday. I hope you are celebrated all weekend and for the rest of the month! I believe in birthday months :)

I discovered you and your blog through Beth Moore's blog just two weeks before your stroke. (In fact I was going to email you the exact day of your stroke about some experiences we have shared.) You and your family have been my prayers continually, even though we don't know each other. (Of course, I feel like I know you due to Toben's wonderful updates. And maybe someday I will get to meet you; if not now, in heaven for sure!) Your life and story has ministered so much to me these past two years. May you feel abundantly loved today, and always.

With love from another SoCal "siesta"


Happy Birthday from Chicago!!!


Happy Birthday to you, Joanne! Wishing you God's richest blessings this year. I admire your courage, strength, and willingness to be open about your experiences, which is a true inspiration to others. And wow, what a lovely birthday message to your wife, Toben--a wonderful example of what true love looks like in real life.

Julie Reynolds


Praying that this year will be marked by all the overflowing blessings of God that you & Toben receive. I pray that God will overshadow you with His love and grace and that you know just what an inspiration and example you are to others walking the road of a new normal!

Thanks Toben for being a great example to all spouse-caregivers everywhere!

Child of God

Happy Birthday Joanne!!! What a blessing and a pleasure it is to be part of your birthday. :)

Praying this will be an amazing year for you AND I am always seeking 100% recovery for you. I'll never give up, ever.


Linda Hughes

Happy Birthday to your sweet bride Toben! Your words of love for Joanne bring instant tears to my eyes. Such love, for better or for worse... you two live it, you are both such an inspiration to me :-)

God Bless You,

Linda in Seattle

Linda H.

Happy Birthday to Beautiful Joanne! I know she is thankful to be alive...and to have such a wonderful husband and family...just as you are thankful for her Toben...and thankful that the Lord spared her life!

I am excited for you all to soon be in your new house. I hope it will be an exciting change and a life changing adventure.

May God continue to heal, and to bring Joanne to more mobility each day. You all are in our prayers! May His Grace be Abundant! Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Mrs. Pam

Happy Birthday plus two days.
May this coming year be a very blessed one for you,


I'm a little late in finding this post, but I, too, wanted to chime in and send Joanne some Happy Birthday wishes!

Congrats on the impending closing of your house. I hope the months ahead will continue to get better and better for all of you!


Happy belated Birthday Joanne! you both are such an inspiration.

Leslie Paladino

Happy birthday, Joanne!! I'm thankful you were born, and that God is using you to impact so many people! Have a wonderful birthday!


Happy birthday. I too had a stroke....actually 12 strokes. I would love to have you visit my blog. I am 11 months out and still learning to walk again.

Karen Booker Schelhaas

Beautiful. Birthdays ARE markers, aren't they? May next year's birthday be the one you remember with this word: THRIVE. May it ever be so. You inspire me, the both of you. Truly.


Happy Birthday Joanne! I have been reading this blog for probably 2 yrs and only maybe once commented. I love your tenacity, both of you! You are amazing and God is doing a wonderful work in your lives and marriage. I lost my first husband Bob to brain cancer, and I admit, I wasn't a very cheerful caretaker, but a complainer. You have both been amazing thru this trial. I will tell you, had I been in Gods word on a regular basis, I would not have been as big a complainer. :) So thankful for Gods word, and how God brought me Kenny also a widower. It was a pleasure to serve you Bob and I cannot wait to see you in heaven some day. :) :) blessings to you both! Sheila (Wausau, WI)


Happy Birthday. I read about you in Beth Moore's blog when you first got sick and I have prayed for you. I have been so inspired by your family -- thanks to Toben for taking the time to blog. I appreciate that you guys are truthful and real -- I have never commented on your blog -- but you are in my thoughts and prayers often.
Judy -- Houston, TX

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