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Would love to see some of Joanne's paintings when she is done....ALSO is Donut Mill better than VG's???
Love to all


I love reading your posts (not to mention Joanne's). They seem like a timely word in my life. I want to thank you o much for sharing this adventure called life with us.

Kim Feth

Nice comparison to life and even to scripture. Keeping up the prayers!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

lisa craddock

What a beautiful metaphor, toben. I needed to hear that this week, as I am contemplating making some changes in our life, to get more room for the good stuff in!


I enjoyed this post mostly because it reminded me of some of Joanne's old posts. She always made me think. It's true that white space is so important.
Can I gently suggest that you use spell check and try to edit more carefully? It's distracting to try to read around the spelling and grammar errors. I say this because I do care and do want to continue to know how to pray for you all. I would have probably stopped reading long ago if I didn't know your circumstances, because I would have figured that a blogger who leaves so many errors just didn't care whether anyone read it or not. I don't think that's the case with you, though.


Very cool post with so much to think about! Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us. You are a blessing to many people--it's encouraging to see how God provides for your family in every way, despite circumstances that most of us cannot fathom. Will continue to pray for you all!


I've been keeping up with your family for about three years now and I enjoy your posts. They're a breath of fresh air for me and always make me think about how to apply your thoughts/lessons to my own life.

Thanks for sharing with us.

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