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You are so right, Toben! I just lost my dearest friend to cancer. Looking back, I was so careless in our celebrations! And now I have my own cancer to face and I plan to make every moment of my life full of beauty and special moments!

Jennifer Silverstein

Hi. I just wanted to let you know that I just discovered this blog. I too am a young stroke survivor (I just sent a private email introducing myself). What I have found in life is that everyone has a backstory. It may not be that we are on the front line all the time, but I have found most people have experienced that profound feeling at some point in their life. We just don't know it until we connect with other people, open ourselves up, share our story, set the stage for them to share theirs.

I feel like our live is incredibly more challenging than it was two years ago, but I also feel that I am much more appreciative and aware of life's fragility as a result.



I found you through a blogger friend who lists your blog on her sidebar. I have been reading your story for over a year. In fact, I think I first began before Joanne's stroke and haven't missed a post since, but this is my first comment. You have all been through so much.....yet you remain an inspiration to many. I HAVE been on the front line, but am not now. Thank you so much for reminding me to give thanks. And now, I'm going to revel in God's goodness and celebrate!


We adopted teenagers from foster care and it feels like life on the front lines. I look at learning to celebrate the small stuff as one of the greatest gifts life on the front lines can give us.

Michelle from Australia

We have two beautiful children. Our 9 year old daughter has a very rare disorder. She is one of two known cases in the world. She has intellectual and physical disabilities. Our 6 year old son has Asperger's Syndrome and is on the Autism Spectrum. If I am not trying to manage the behaviours of one, it is the other. Or take them to speech therapy, occupational therapy, gymnastics, seeing early intervention staff at their respective schools and on and on and on the list of 'helpers' goes. Yes, I feel every day is a battle. But I try and do my best on what is my front line.


I'm grateful for what Focus does to encourage & support military families. My daughter married a soldier last year. I've always been thankful for our military, but I have an entirely new appreciation for what it takes to be a soldier & a soldier's wife now. Our daughter & son-in-law have experienced so much in the past year. New marriage, new home, new friends, new church, new jobs, new lifestyle...all those things that come with getting married plus military life. Thank you Focus on the Family and all who support our troops!


We have been of the front lines for many years...Because we proclaim Christ as Lord and saviour and have established our house on Him, and raised our children as christians, our extended family has cut us off. Siblings, cousins, their children...all of them. Even my mother.
It has been incredibly difficult, but we claim Matthew 12:50 "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." We fight discouragement, but we will not be defeated. On Christ alone we place our trust.


I find myself on those very "front lines" you spoke of!! After mush life-altering suffering, the fruit of that is an earnest perseverance and stubborn clinging to the words Jesus spoke/the "great and precious promises" that give us what we need for life and godliness. It is here on those front lines where things become clear.....the things that God values, that make us feel alive in Him. We need to encourage eachother along in this!! Thank you for talking about this Toben. Sooooo valuable!


Yes, I'm on the front lines. I miss those easier days but I appreciate the lessons I have learned through all the hard times. Blessings to you and Joanne as you continue living right at the front!


I continue to pray for your family. I prayed for your girls the way I prayed for my Dad when he was in ICU. That he would allow a miracle and that they would be able to keep their Mom.

We are a military family and were literally on the front lines last year while my husband was deployed to Afghanistan last year.

Praise God he is home...healthy and whole and now we are celebrating. Our hearts and our family will never be the a good way. We now have an appreciation of each other and time...something I prayed daily for (as you have) that we would have more time together as a family. We appreciate just being together...the most simple things are a blessing. A pizza together...a walk...God is good.

Linda Hughes

I didn't appreciate my right arm until I lost it to cancer 14 years ago. Now I can look back and see how God saw me through some very tough times. I know He promises not to give us more than we can handle, but at the time it sure feels the opposite.

Now I am praying for reconciliation with our daughter. So sad, but I will never give up hope.

I appreciate every post you write, because you speak from the heart. You and your precious family are in my prayers.
Linda in sunny(today) Seattle

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