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« Kindle Craziness (Toben) | Main | Wings of Eagles Meets Gravity (Toben) »


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Cathy King

Wow! That is very insightful, Toben! Thanks for sharing! I am going to try that also.

Megan Wighaman (Hughson)

Thanks for sharing Toben! Wow, all I can say is I need to pull out another translation for myself and quick ;)

I think of Jo and your family often. Seriously, I want you to know prayers are on my lips for you all several times a week.


great post! very encouraging and well said! THANK YOU!!!


Thought-provoking! I'm going to have to consider my perspective during the day.

Michelle from Australia

Great post Toben. Thank you for making me focus on perspective.


Now that is a fresh perspective and a great challenge! Thank you for sharing that. Praying that your day will be blessed.


Thanks Toben! What a message I needed to hear thIs morning! My study Bible is an NIV translation, but I do refer to The Message or KJV for a little different translation.


Thanks Toben, I needed this reminder today!

Child of God

Hi Toben,
It is all about how we look at things. :) I was just listening to a short video on a girl who has no legs and how, even through the pain, she continues to have a positive outlook on life. It made me feel ashamed that I, being fairly healthy, grumble too much.

I was wondering if you have tried therapeutic riding with Joanne. It does amazing wonders for stiff muscles and strengthens cores muscles all while having fun and connecting with a beautiful, loving and caring horse.



Thank you for the inspiration to translate my life in a different way...a way the glorifies the Lord and also brings me joy - win, win! Being thankful is so very important! I really do appreciate the reminder!

Jenny Corso

Toben, what a blessing & great challenge to read this - I really want to try to look at things through different translations. Thanks so much for sharing this - the way you say it makes so much sense & I think I can remember it (so hopefully put into practice). Also, I saw someone else mention therapeutic riding - my daughter volunteers at an organization that does that & I know she sees many people benefit from it.


Wonderful! Thanks for helping me to consider this also. :)

jim hancock

that's really good...

Mo Stroke

All good points. :)


Great post, I need to do this as well!


Thank you! Great post!

I just have to say, too, that we named our son Toben. He is seven. Not a name I see much, but I love the meaning, which I am sure you know: believing The Lord is good. :)

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