Today for devotions I took the staff through an interesting exercise. We read Psalm 23 from three different versions of scripture: the KJV, the NIV and The Message. As we read each translation I had the staff circle the passages or words that jumped out at them the most. The interesting thing was that everyone selected something totally different in each translation/paraphrase. Even though the meaning is the same in each the different phrasing drew emphasis to different parts of the passage. Makes me realize that when I am studying scripture there is real value to taking a peek at other translations. Anyhow, the experience caused me to draw a parallel in my life.
Everything I do can have different "translations." Depending on the day my translation may be the "Woe is Me" translation. Or maybe it's the "Super Dad" translation. And there are many others. So I am wondering what it might look like if in the midst of any given situation if I took just a minute to stop and thing about what other translation I could apply.
An example: Every night I give Joanne a little help with her shower. The last thing I do before I help her put on her PJs is that I get on the floor and dry off her feet. Now obviously I look at this activity as the "Servant Husband." Here I am, the selfless guy drying Joanne's feet for her so we can get those jammies and her night brace on. Problem is I get the "Servant Husband" crossed with the "Woe is Me Husband" too often. After all, crawling around the bathroom floor is not the greatest. But what if I looked at this activity through another lens. What if I looked at it through the "Bringer of Joy Husband." Joanne LOVES this time of day. She loves her showers, and her jamies and crawling into bed all clean and shiny. So can I celebrate her joy with her? Of course I can! I just need to read from a different translation. How much cooler to be the "Bringer of Joy!"
Example number two: I drive Audrey to school each morning instead of making her take the bus. Can you guess the translation I read when I have to get up so early every morning to complete this task? "Poor Selfless Dad!" Here I am, poor me, dragging myself out from under the warm covers to face the day about an hour earlier than I would like. And boy, when I look at it through this translation Audrey definitely picks up on it! She isn't fooled. She knows I am feeling sorry for myself and maybe just a little resentful of her. But my other translation, and the far better one is "Listening Dad." I get a whole 20 minutes in the car just me and Audrey; I get to hear about her expectations for the day, any concerns she has, what she is looking forward to. I get let in to her life. Wow, to be "Listening Dad" is such a privilege whereas "Poor Selfless Dad" gives me a false sense of entitlement...and grumpiness.
So that's what I want to think about and work on. What translation am I in today? What are some of your favorite translations?
Wow! That is very insightful, Toben! Thanks for sharing! I am going to try that also.
Posted by: Cathy King | April 17, 2013 at 11:23 AM
Thanks for sharing Toben! Wow, all I can say is I need to pull out another translation for myself and quick ;)
I think of Jo and your family often. Seriously, I want you to know prayers are on my lips for you all several times a week.
Posted by: Megan Wighaman (Hughson) | April 17, 2013 at 11:59 AM
great post! very encouraging and well said! THANK YOU!!!
Posted by: kandy | April 17, 2013 at 04:06 PM
Thought-provoking! I'm going to have to consider my perspective during the day.
Posted by: Deborah | April 17, 2013 at 10:06 PM
Great post Toben. Thank you for making me focus on perspective.
Posted by: Michelle from Australia | April 18, 2013 at 02:57 AM
Now that is a fresh perspective and a great challenge! Thank you for sharing that. Praying that your day will be blessed.
Posted by: Sharlene | April 18, 2013 at 08:54 AM
Thanks Toben! What a message I needed to hear thIs morning! My study Bible is an NIV translation, but I do refer to The Message or KJV for a little different translation.
Posted by: Bobbie | April 18, 2013 at 10:08 AM
Thanks Toben, I needed this reminder today!
Posted by: Caroline | April 18, 2013 at 11:10 AM
Hi Toben,
It is all about how we look at things. :) I was just listening to a short video on a girl who has no legs and how, even through the pain, she continues to have a positive outlook on life. It made me feel ashamed that I, being fairly healthy, grumble too much.
I was wondering if you have tried therapeutic riding with Joanne. It does amazing wonders for stiff muscles and strengthens cores muscles all while having fun and connecting with a beautiful, loving and caring horse.
Posted by: Child of God | April 18, 2013 at 11:20 AM
Thank you for the inspiration to translate my life in a different way...a way the glorifies the Lord and also brings me joy - win, win! Being thankful is so very important! I really do appreciate the reminder!
Posted by: Jeanine | April 18, 2013 at 06:35 PM
Toben, what a blessing & great challenge to read this - I really want to try to look at things through different translations. Thanks so much for sharing this - the way you say it makes so much sense & I think I can remember it (so hopefully put into practice). Also, I saw someone else mention therapeutic riding - my daughter volunteers at an organization that does that & I know she sees many people benefit from it.
Posted by: Jenny Corso | April 18, 2013 at 07:12 PM
Wonderful! Thanks for helping me to consider this also. :)
Posted by: Jackie | April 19, 2013 at 04:31 PM
that's really good...
Posted by: jim hancock | April 22, 2013 at 04:57 PM
All good points. :)
Posted by: Mo Stroke | April 23, 2013 at 03:45 PM
Great post, I need to do this as well!
Posted by: Erin | April 25, 2013 at 05:54 PM
Thank you! Great post!
I just have to say, too, that we named our son Toben. He is seven. Not a name I see much, but I love the meaning, which I am sure you know: believing The Lord is good. :)
Posted by: Jenna | September 18, 2013 at 10:34 AM