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Kimberly R.

Hey Emma! You don't know me (neither do Mom and Dad), but I've been reading this blog for years. I'm super excited that you love Eagleview! It sounds awesome! And that's cool that you get to see your kitty so often. CO Springs sounds fun, and spring will be here soon (can't believe you got snow on May Day either!). Thanks for the cool update!

Susie P

So glad that things are going well. Good teachers, fun classes and new friends always make a transition much easier. Thanks for the update! I have been reading your mom's blog for many years so I love updates on how you are all doing.

Kim Feth

Glad to hear you like it!
Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

wooden swing sets

“Time is a game played beautifully by children.”

Julie Schubert

Hello Emma,
Thank you for the update on your life. I am so happy you get to see your sweet kitty 2 times a week. I'm glad you like your new home and you have made friends.
May the Lord shine His face on you.


Hello Emma,
It's wonderful to read your post. I loved Drama, Math and Chemistry in school. Do you get to do plays or any drama competitions? Will you post any of the photographs that you are taking? Can I ask is LA, Language Arts?
Lastly, I hope we get to hear more from you soon.

Linda E.

Hi Emma!

That was a wonderful post! You are such a good writer! I have been praying for your family for a couple of years now. It is fun to hear from one of the daughters! It warms my heart to know you like your new city and school. A blessing! I have 2 cats myself (and one is named Emma!!:0). So, I know your love for your baby and I am happy you can see her! I pray for you and your sister to be blessed beyond measure and to know you are so important in this world and loved.



Keep posting! You are a great writer and I enjoyed hearing your words. May the future continue to hold good things for you and your family. Life has good and bad and always remember God is on your side :)

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