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Glad you all are havin a great weekend,
!!!! Hope it continues to be a blessful one..

Kim Feth

Enjoy the good days, my blogy-friend. We actually made the decision to be more intentional about creating small times like that several times this summer. They are a gift from God.

Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


It's great to hear everyone is having a good week-end! Your posts always encourage me- I love your transparent heart!
Linda in Seattle

Fran Shea

Haven't checked in on ya'll in awhile. But i am delighted to hear that ya'll are on vacation and doing well. You mentioned "darkness of the soul". It's amazing that with such faith and foundation in Christ that we can still suffer from those attacks. But you are right, give it a day and God will show us the light amid our darkness. Still thinking of ya'll from little ole Louisiana.

Pam Houston

Praise God for all the benefits and blessings of your is amazing how you have the use of Kristen and Wade's cabin, and your folks back home redecorating Audrey's room! I feel like I know each of you through your blogs and am able to lift you up in prayer and intercessions as God continually opens up doors and windows for you..."Life is a matter of moments!" God is with you even in the dark moments, "Even the darkness is not dark to YOU and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to YOU." Psalms 139:12
A So. Cal "Siesta"
Pam HOuston><>


That is so great that you can have this time in Winter Park together!

Enjoy...and God Bless!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

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