As I write this I am sitting on the couch in Kristen and Wade's cabin in Winter Park. It is a little chilly in here so I put a fire in the wood burning stove. It is warm out but not hot so we will warm up a bit in here and then the sun should take over from there. I have Beethoven on Pandora and a fresh Diet Coke close at hand. Joanne is on the other end of the couch with her Kindle. I think this is about as good as life gets.
Of course I would trade Beethoven for my favorite Pandora channel--Hawaiian music. I am crazy for it! It reminds me of our trips to Kauai so many years ago. But Joanne HATES it! So I promised her a Hawaiian music free weekend.
But wait, it gets better! Emma brought her friend Madie with her this weekend. Madie is the daughter of one of Joanne's dear high school friends--Kelly Chipman (Gandy). Madie and Emma made friends without even really knowing that their moms were so close in school. Madie is a GREAT kid. Just the kind of friend you would want for your own child. Anyhow, Madie came up with us.
And so did Audrey. Now on our last trip to W.P. Audrey stayed home. Add I think she actually enjoyed the one-on-one time with my folks and Emma always likes it when she can play "only child." But Audrey wanted to come along this time. The cool thing is that Madie and Emma aren't excluding Audrey. They all had a blast on the drive up, singing songs and watching a movie. As soo as they got their stuff unloaded they were off like a shot--first over to the river and then into town. One of the coolest things about W.P. is that it is small enough close enough that the girls can walk to the shops and cafes easily. And I feel very safe having them do so as long as they stick together and have their phones.
Here is another cool thing. We couldn't all fit in my car so my dad let us use his new Honda Pilot. What a sweet ride! Beats the tar out of the Ford Focus for climbilng over mountain passes and hauling five of us and all our stuff.
Just talked to Audrey and she was right in the middle of a caramel apple! Could this weekend be off to a better start? I can't tell you how we need days like this--they are few and far between. There is a lot of struggle and busyness and caretaking and all the parenting and relational stuff that goes along with those various roles.
In fact yeaterday was one of those days where i just got the stuffing kicked out of me. I can't point to anything specific but I just felt harried and hurried all day long. And I had one of the worst night's sleeps I've had in months (which is really saying something). I think I finally fell asleep at 4 and was up at 7. Yuck! I laid there all night feeling so sorry for myself and in deep darkness in my soul.
Then what happens? God gives us a day like today (it's not over yet so I hope I don't jinx it!). Just when I feel like I am at the edge, God swoops in and pours on the blessing. I can't tell you how many times over the last years I feel like God has let me go right the the very edge and then He pulls me back. I know that God is good all the time but some days He is especially good to me and to our little family.
While we are here my parents are re-doing Audrey's room. She is getting new paint, new window treatments, bedding, etc.. Audrey stepped up and cleaned her room before we left. That may not sound like a big deal, but keep in mind that I have literally cleaned Audrey's room with a garden rake before. So the fact that we could see the floor was not to be overlooked. She is going ot be so excited when she gets home on Sunday.
Other odds and ends: Bethany had knee surgury yesterday and it went very well! The doctor thought he might have to do micro-fracture surgury (again) but when he got in there it was clear that that was not needed. Praise God becasue the revocery time for micro-fracture is LONG! as is, she will be walking agian without crutches in a week.
Joanne's folks came down this week and took Jo and Audrey to lunch at La Baguette. They had a nice time catching up as they had been back in D.C. on family matters for almost two months!
Wade and Kristen and the kids are all up in the Grand Tetons. I guess they hit a deer on the way up--they drove all night. But they were in the Suburban which is a beast of a vehicle so I imagine the deer got the short end of the stick on that interaction.
I guess that's about it. Tonight the girls are going to a concert in W.P. Village--a 90's cover band. Audrey was trying to explain what that was to Madie and Emma and said that it basically is everything the Led Zepplin and the Doors to Linkin Park. Ummm...
Tomorrow is the Chocolate Festival. 40 vendors all offering samples. $10 gets you all the tastes your little heart desires. Joanne and I will be hanging out at home base and I will play taxi service.
So here's to a good weekend. Thanks Jesus!
Glad you all are havin a great weekend,
!!!! Hope it continues to be a blessful one..
Posted by: crystal | June 21, 2013 at 01:15 PM
Enjoy the good days, my blogy-friend. We actually made the decision to be more intentional about creating small times like that several times this summer. They are a gift from God.
Grace and Peace,
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | June 21, 2013 at 06:15 PM
It's great to hear everyone is having a good week-end! Your posts always encourage me- I love your transparent heart!
Linda in Seattle
Posted by: Linda | June 22, 2013 at 06:23 PM
Haven't checked in on ya'll in awhile. But i am delighted to hear that ya'll are on vacation and doing well. You mentioned "darkness of the soul". It's amazing that with such faith and foundation in Christ that we can still suffer from those attacks. But you are right, give it a day and God will show us the light amid our darkness. Still thinking of ya'll from little ole Louisiana.
Posted by: Fran Shea | June 22, 2013 at 08:19 PM
Praise God for all the benefits and blessings of your is amazing how you have the use of Kristen and Wade's cabin, and your folks back home redecorating Audrey's room! I feel like I know each of you through your blogs and am able to lift you up in prayer and intercessions as God continually opens up doors and windows for you..."Life is a matter of moments!" God is with you even in the dark moments, "Even the darkness is not dark to YOU and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to YOU." Psalms 139:12
A So. Cal "Siesta"
Pam HOuston><>
Posted by: Pam Houston | June 25, 2013 at 06:00 AM
That is so great that you can have this time in Winter Park together!
Enjoy...and God Bless!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Posted by: Linda | June 25, 2013 at 07:39 PM