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Toben, I wish I could give you some brilliantly illuminating words of wisdom regarding your daughters but I/we raised 2 boys (the Lord is so wise!!!) and I totally "went with it"! I hold to the belief that 'the Lord knows our frame' and can smooth out/erase the misjudgments/missteps we make in parenting when we are doing the best we humanly can while seeking His Face.
Tom and I have never ceased to lift you all up in daily prayer and have appreciated your posts/sharing along the way. Blessings and hugs from the S.E. corner of MN (the Coulee Region/God's Country)


So glad you posted!

Sara G

Sounds like wonderful trips for all. Thank you for giving an update when you could. Keeping you all in my prayers and thoughts. Joanne, I hope you are finding good books to read in addition to God's Word. I'm at one book a week lately. I also hope that you are getting some exercises in during the day. Though I know for me, it's been tough and my therapy usually ends up being every day chores since I have a ways to go. Much love to you all!!

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