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I have been following you and your family via twitter and blog since Joanne's stroke. I have gotten to the point that I can't "not comment" an longer. You 4 are a total inspiration and I keep you in my prayers. You seem to always find your way even when you have sounded like you should be so very lost. Thank you for your writings. I look forward to hearing how you and your girls are doing. You remind me constantly that my life is really pretty good! I pray each of you feel blessed every single minute of every single day. Thank you for sharing your life with me and so many others. With much respect, Kris

Kathy @ In Quiet Places

I would love some mountains and cooler temps about now since it is over 100 in Dallas again today!

August is not my favorite weather month of the year, but it is a month that I am posting a short one minute devotion every day on my blog if you want to come by and read a short devotion each day this month.

I hope you all enjoy the special plans you have and that the new school year gets off to a smooth start.

I hope Joanne also returns to some blogging soon!


Yes! I always have at least one thing to look forward to, and often more than one. My husband is not the same way and I just don't understand how he can get by without having joy in his life.

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