Tobenworked hard this morning to install Dragon dictates on my new computer. Capital it's took a bit longer than expected
But after going through the tutorial and playing around with it some, I think I have just about figured out how to use it to blog.
the good thing is that I cannot hear myself through the headset that is attached to the microphone. I think that would drive me absolutely crazy!
I am excited to see how this will work; it will take me a while to get used to speaking a blog post instead of typing or writing it
my voice is still not quite back to normal and I sound funny to myself – sort of like I'm coming down with a cold. I do not talk a lot most days so my voice often feels scratchy. I have cleared my throat once or twice so far and nothing strange showed up in what is being typed, so that is good.
I have always felt more comfortable expressing myself through my fingers as I type rather than speaking off-the-cuff typing gives me extra time to process exactly what I want to say
luckily, I have never been one to hem and haw or say um a lot while I am speaking, which would show up as I dictate
I do realize that while dictating with this software I cannot talk to myself out loud, which may turn out to be a good thing since it would give everyone reading I look into my crazy self :-)
a quick update on the rest of life: school started for the girls this week and the week has gone Well.
I have also learned that I cannot talk to anyone else in the room while dictating or it inserts part of that conversation into my dictation.
D Dragon is not recognizing then names of my family, so I willneed to teach it how to spell the girls' names as well as all of my other friends and family.
I do think I have the hang of this for the most part, so I am going to click publish and see what happens.
Have a terrific Friday and happy weekend to all of you.
More soon,
love, Joa gonne
Posted by: renee altson | January 17, 2014 at 10:01 AM
Love that we get to hear what's going on in your head. I would agree that it may be a challenge to get used to talking instead of typing out a post but don't worry about it. Just hearing from you is great and we can certainly look past anything that looks out of place. The best part is you having a bit of independence back and ability to blog on your own. Hopefully it works well for you.
I think of you often and so enjoy posts from you and Toben.
Posted by: Julene McGregor | January 17, 2014 at 10:58 AM
Perfect! We can "hear" your voice.
Posted by: Marena S | January 17, 2014 at 11:15 AM
Oh so good to know you are progressing and we can look forward to more from you. YOU GO GIRL:!! You can do anything you set your mind too. Love to you, Ellie
Posted by: Ellie LARoy | January 17, 2014 at 11:23 AM
Posted by: Jennifer "InfertilityMom" Saake | January 17, 2014 at 11:27 AM
This works for me! I've enjoyed your last two posts, although I'm sorry that things are so difficult. You definitely have something to offer to us on this blog, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Ps--My husband dictates occasionally at work. I think he would say that there is a bit of a learning curve in how dictation varies from the written word, but I'm confident that you can manage it.
Posted by: Deborah | January 17, 2014 at 12:14 PM
You got this, Joanne!!! What an exciting day!!! Praying that every day gets better and better! You are such a blessing!
Posted by: [email protected] | January 17, 2014 at 12:24 PM
Fabuloso!!! So excited!!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | January 17, 2014 at 12:46 PM
Dear Joa gonne. I love this. And I love you.
Posted by: Susan | January 17, 2014 at 12:47 PM
Hooray! I am so excited.
Posted by: Wendy | January 17, 2014 at 01:21 PM
Yay! So good to hear from you. I had a super duper cheap-o dictation program years ago. I can't even recall the name of it. But, it got my words so mixed up, I started laughing, and the laughter led to it typing even funnier things! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Posted by: Sharon | January 17, 2014 at 01:51 PM
Yay, so happy for you. I miss reading your blog and look forward to seeing it again in action.
Posted by: imberly in SUNNY Florida | January 17, 2014 at 01:57 PM
Welcome back! Can hardly wait for more blog posts from you - you've been missed!!! Blessings from central Texas!
Posted by: Dawn W | January 17, 2014 at 02:13 PM
Yay, love it! It would be hard for me to "speak off the cuff" too, but you'll get used to it! That's what pausing will be for - collecting your thoughts and words!
Posted by: Kristy | January 17, 2014 at 02:28 PM
Posted by: Erica | January 17, 2014 at 02:48 PM
Love, love, love!!!! Nothing would make me happier than to 'hear' your blog daily... Prepping for the next book!!! ;)
Posted by: Chris | January 17, 2014 at 03:05 PM
This is awesome! I am so happy that you can blog all by yourself and I am looking forward to getting to read more of your words.
Posted by: Missy | January 17, 2014 at 10:35 PM
What an amazing piece of software! Since I came to your blog because of your stroke, I am looking forward to hearing your voice, insight and other things going on in your lives.
Welcome back!
Posted by: Sandi | January 18, 2014 at 09:23 AM
so good to see you back!
Posted by: Lori H | January 18, 2014 at 09:31 AM
Yea for Dragon!!! I'm sure once you get the hang of this you will love the freedom it brings! :)
My husband just got Dragon for use in his office. He will be switching from paper files to computer and he is not very good a typing so this will be a great help to him.
Praying for you hon. :)
Posted by: child of God | January 18, 2014 at 10:34 AM
Yea! You are back! It's nice to get updates from Toben but not the same as directly from you!
Posted by: Wendy Selvig | January 18, 2014 at 12:24 PM
You did great!
Posted by: Jeanette | January 18, 2014 at 09:05 PM
Posted by: Cami | January 19, 2014 at 11:53 AM
Horray for Joanne! Keep it up. Im so impressed with your willingness to give it a try and deal with what is so different. May this be something that gives you motivation in living this life God has called you to live. I only found you because of the prayer requests throughout the world on your behalf when you had your stroke. I remember too well the concern, fear, tears, and heartache your dear Toben spoke of when you laid motionless fighting for your life. Your husband loves you so much...Ill never forget the many pictures your sister posted either, they spoke volumes. I cried many tears for you and your family. Im deaf, so in a way, I understand what it is like living a different world than what you are used to. However, there is still alot you can do. For some reason, I know God will use you to rock the world with your blogs. I think of you often and have to peek in to see if you have posted anything. People like you, I learn alot from. You inspire me to keep pressing on. So keep it up...I love you, Joanne!!
Heidi C.
Posted by: heidi carrico | January 19, 2014 at 01:39 PM
I have a question, do you think this program would be something I could look into for picking up a sermon so that I could read it on hard print or something? Would Toben know?:)
Oh, Im the one that just posted a bit ago, so yea, Im the deaf one. I have heard there is somethign out there that can pick up a voice and type out the words. Oh technology!!:)
heidi C.
Posted by: heidi carrico | January 19, 2014 at 01:41 PM
Joanne, I am so tickled to read your words again! Looking forward to more! God gave you such wonderful gifts of your writing and I really believe this is going to be a fantastic year of finding a way to share your voice.
Posted by: Jenni | January 19, 2014 at 03:36 PM
How beautiful to hear from you again! You remain in my prayers, Joanne. To hear your requests for prayer & the revelations in your words is a beautiful work of God in you & through you. He is making you new. He makes beautiful things... Praying so many things for you, your requests and so much more. May your cup overflow and joy percolate in your soul!.
Posted by: Becky LaCoste | January 20, 2014 at 09:17 AM
What an amazing gift, Joanne. Being able to express yourself in a similar way to what you are used to must feel amazing. You may feel like you don't have anything to "give" those you love, but this software will really open that door again for you. Your heart and your voice can reach anyone anywhere with little to no "help" from Toben or anyone else! I'm truly so happy for you!
Posted by: Jen Renquin | January 20, 2014 at 11:36 AM
She's a good Dragon...I think she should have a name. Just sayin'...hahaha. AND...I always felt that we had a fabulous look into your crazy's why we all love you so much! We know we are not alone. LOL! Praying...delighted to see and hear what God is doing in your heart and life.
Posted by: Bobbi | January 21, 2014 at 07:36 AM
we will take anything from you even if it's gibberish! Thanks for moving forward with new things, I'm sure it'll grow on you :)
Posted by: Patti | January 21, 2014 at 01:46 PM
May God bless you! I shall pray for you again.
Posted by: Laura Lane | January 24, 2014 at 02:36 PM
So glad you are back! You have so much to offer.
Posted by: Beth | January 24, 2014 at 10:54 PM
I read your book, Living Simply a few years ago & grabbed it off the shelf this morning to review all the wisdom in it. I thought I'd jump over to your blog to see how things are going & I was so excited to read your post!!! You are such an encouragement to me!
Love you lady!!!
Jayne Hartman
Posted by: Jayne Hartman | January 27, 2014 at 06:46 AM
I keep a charm bracelet in my kitchen which reminds me to pray for you. It's wonderful to hear your "voice!" Thank you for pressing on.
Posted by: Michal Ann | January 30, 2014 at 07:04 PM