I came to Denver about a month ago to visit my parents for a week. I am still here; Toben and the girls have asked me to stay here with my parents instead of returning to Colorado Springs.
For that past month we have been living in the house they have owned for almost 7 years.However, last fall they decided to downsize and bought a patio home in a 55+ neighborhood nearby. Since then they have been changing things and updating the kitchen, the woodwork, and the carpeting. The contractor called one day last week during breakfast to tell my dad that the house is officially done!
We leave Monday to go camping in Steamboat Springs with my niece and two nephews. After we return, we will begin to move into the new house.
Everything is on the main level with a television and guestroom in the basement. My room is also on the main level and my bathroom is just next door to my room
I will be able to be even more independent in the new house. My shower has no step to enter, the floor is entirely flat and with only a bath chair, I should be able to bathe independently.For now, mom helps me in the shower each evening. We laugh, have water fights, and completely soak the bathroom! My new bathroom should stay much drier unless mom does something that merits a good soaking. we have fun and do our best to keep each other in line. It's may be a losing battle, but we have too much fun to care much.
During the past month, I have been tying my shoes with only one hand, making my own bed, and even helping in the kitchen! When we move, I plan to attempt to do some of my own laundry and even more cooking in the kitchen with mom.
we do grocery shop together every week, and I accompany her on all of her errands and outings. Little by little, I am testing all of the electric carts in the stores around South Denver. I am keeping a list of the best; Home Depot is at the top with Trader Joe's and Sprouts, Walmart comes next, with Target bringing up the rear. I look for power availability, and ease-of-use. Costco is on the same level with Trader Joe’s and sprouts. my complaint with Target carts is that the batteries run out quickly and often there are no carts available for use.
I can walk around the store is necessary, but it wears me out quickly
I prefer to ride when possible.
Living in Denver means I get the opportunity to see many of my friends here.
I also am able to attend church with my parents every weekend. I Sunday school with my dad, who teaches third and fourth grade. We have fun together with all of the kids. I also go to Bible study with my mother every couple of weeks at the home of the pastor and his wife.
I have made many new friends at their church, and enjoy being involved in church once again. it is something I have missed over the past year or so.
I am sleeping really well here at mom and dad’s house. the weather has warmed up so I can sleep with the windows open at night— something I love about summer.
for a while I was sure that winter with never end. But it has and the polls are open. Our new neighborhood has both a swimming pool and a hot tub that I will be able to use, especially since mom and I were able to find a new swimsuit for me the other day.
shopping for its involved both tears and laughter. I sure hope there were no cameras in that dressing room. if by chance there were, mom and I will be cart kid ff to the Illini bin in the near future. we often get hysterical when things go wrong like getting completely tangled up in a swimsuit that is far too small and impossible to get out of
I have also started some physical therapy again now that I am in Denver once more. I I have seen my favorite physical therapist twice so far and will get on her regular schedule when we return from camping. at this point, I am stretching and walking when possible. Getting the mail may become one of my new chores when we move. I will need mom or dad to go with me because I am afraid of falling even though I have not fallen for more than a year. I also need someone to carry the mail since my rate hands is busy with my cane and my left arm is still not on the team.
Not being able to carry things while I walk is frustrating and means that my pockets are usually filled to overflowing with my phone, some Chapstick, a tissue, and maybe a snack. I
am looking forward to camping next week Ava will be my roommates in the master bedroom, while the boys will sleep in sleeping bags on the floor and underneath the sofa bed that mom and dad will use since I will be in their room.
We are taking the children with us because my sister and her husband are doing Riide the Rockies next week. It’s is a week-long bicycle ride through the Rocky Mountains. there are more than 500 miles and something like 28,000 feet in elevation gain. personally, I think they are a little nuts, and better them than me! they camp along the way which is another reason I would never do it sleeping on the ground was fined as a kid. But now I prefer to sleep in the camper where it is comfortable and the toilet flushes. when it comes to camping, I am not a tough girl--not even close!
They will have fun and I'm sure that Kristen will post pictures to her Facebook account I am sure. I will update my Facebook account from the campground in Steamboat Springs, which I am told has Wi-Fi as well as a swimming pool, full hookups, and a playground for the kids.
The rest of the summer includes moving, visits with some out-of-state friends, and a couple more camping trips – two Mount Rushmore and southern Colorado. I also plan to spend time on the deck, watching golfers go by, and soaking up some sun.
I may do some physical therapy in the pool as well, it depends on how much they heat the pool, and how comfortable I feel in the water.
I am looking forward to the summer and being settled in a new routine
The neighborhood is still filled with friendly people; we spend Friday evenings at the weekly potluck at the clubhouse and have met lots of nice people. We are also looking into getting a dog! We want a small dog that doen't shed, loves to cuddle, and is calm rather than hyper. If you know the perfect breed for us to look into please leave a comment. for a long time, dad said if we get a dog, now he is saying when we get a dog;we are more than halfway there!
Thank you for being patient with me and my unintentional sabbatical from blogging. My dictation software and my Apple operating system had a disagreement, and I needed to update my dictation software. Dad was kind and generous to update and install the latest version. I am blogging this post all on my own and it seems to be working so part of a new routine will be posting more often.
My email, blog address, and phone number are allstaying the same. If you need my new address for any reason please send me a private email or message on Facebook. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I will do my best to check in from the road next week if possible.
LOVE seeing you blog again and look forward to more. Also love having you close again.
Posted by: Sandy | June 07, 2014 at 06:36 PM
It's so good to hear from you on your blog again! I know you love writing and reading...and Denver is beautiful. I sleep so well when I'm in Colorado...windows open year round at night! You mentioned earlier that you played with a toy labradoodle...is that an option? We have a one yr old golden retriever...she's an awesome dog but the shedding is unbelievable! Hope you find a loving cuddly puppy.
Posted by: Bobbie Lutz | June 07, 2014 at 06:42 PM
1. I love you!
2. YES to blogging more often!
3. I am laughing at your description of everything in your pockets!
4. Excited about all the new things you're able to do!
5. Messaging you for your address!
6. xoxoxo!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | June 07, 2014 at 07:05 PM
So glad you are blogging. It sounds from the blog like you are in a really great frame of mind. Positive and upbeat. That is wonderful and you deserve it.
Posted by: michele | June 07, 2014 at 07:17 PM
So glad you are blogging! You are been missed! Praying for you tonight!
Posted by: RAM | June 07, 2014 at 08:07 PM
So happy to have you back blogging. You have been missed. We will be visiting Janna in July, maybe we can meet up for coffee or ice cream. Hope to see you then.
Posted by: Vicki | June 07, 2014 at 09:03 PM
love, love, love.
Posted by: renee altson | June 07, 2014 at 09:11 PM
So happy to hear from you again!
Posted by: Stephanie | June 07, 2014 at 09:22 PM
Hi Honey
I was sad/happy/blessed/encouraged/proud of YOU as I read your blog x
Love and Hugs to you all
xxx <>< xxx
Posted by: Ruthy | June 08, 2014 at 12:38 AM
Welcome back dear sister from another mother we all love you. Go you for doing this blog on your own xx
Posted by: Angela hall | June 08, 2014 at 01:21 AM
So glad you are blogging again. Life takes so many twists & turns, many undesired. But, somehow The Lord enables us to see another sunrise. Thank God we don't know what's up ahead at least in the immediate sense, right?
Thanks, Joanne...following you has been a true privilege. I hope we get to meet someday (before heaven)!
Posted by: Gotothepsalms | June 08, 2014 at 06:04 AM
Joanne - I wish you could have seen your dad last night! One of my dogs was laying at his feet and my other dog climbed behind his shoulders and was napping in his chair. The dogs love him :-)
Posted by: Samantha Krawciw | June 08, 2014 at 06:52 AM
So happy you're blogging again! Try a cross-body bag when you go for the mail. It has really helped me to carry things since I only have use of my left side since my stroke.
Posted by: Irene | June 08, 2014 at 09:18 AM
It's good to hear from you, personally, on your blog. It sounds like you are settling in well at your folks new place. I am sure it is very reassuring to have such loving, kind, patient and pro-active parents on your team. It sounds like the new experiences will "challenge" you in a good way and it seems this encouraging environment will aide in you in branching out and trying new things. I'm so glad you are back in physical therapy and I am sure you will make great progress. I pray the Lord will go before you and make straight your path. I pray the Lord will restore the years that the locusts have eaten and will restore and reconcile so much that has been lost. You have a fighting spirit Joanne. I will continue to pray for you "that the Lord will set your boundary lines in good and pleasant places."
Posted by: Paula Romer | June 08, 2014 at 10:40 AM
So, so great to hear from you! Hope you have a wonderful time camping, and looking forward to more updates from you. As always, keeping you and your family in my prayers!
Posted by: Barb from CNY | June 08, 2014 at 12:59 PM
I have loved following your journey and remember so many desperate prayers on your behalf at the beginning of this ordeal. One of my close friends is an avid blog reader and asked me to pray for you when you had your stroke. My 49 year sister-in-law had a stroke very unexpectedly around the same time you did. She did not survive. Our family has not been the same since.
I have so enjoyed watching you become more active on Facebook. It makes me smile when you "like" one of my posts or comment on it. Although we have not met, I have walked on the sideline of your journey cheering you along. I will continue praying and lifting you to our Father who unites us!
Your friend,
Tammi Lafuente
Posted by: Tammi Lafuente | June 08, 2014 at 02:21 PM
So very that glad you are blogging again!! I've missed you and your updates. You have a beautiful way of sharing your life and by the many comments I can see I am not alone in this sentiment! I can't wait to hear about your camping adventures! :)
Posted by: Krista | June 08, 2014 at 04:18 PM
Sounds like you have a fun, busy summer ahead! Looking forward to hearing from you more too! Hugs Joanne...
Posted by: cheryl veenstra | June 08, 2014 at 06:09 PM
Wow you sound great. Really! I imagine the decsion to stay in Denver was enormously complicated but good for you - you sound better than you have in a long time. I imagine that finally sleeping well has a huge part of it. Keep writing! Look forward to hearing all about your next move.
Posted by: jb | June 08, 2014 at 06:23 PM
Great to hear from you JoAnne! Praying for you as you settle in a new living situation and all of your summer adventures! We got a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... Very mellow and live to snuggle! She's been a blessing for our family, especially for Charity as she is needing extra help coping with her colitis :)
Posted by: Kristy Hunt | June 08, 2014 at 10:53 PM
Very thankful you have found an accessible way to blog again. I know I am not the only one who has missed hearing from you. You continue to be in my prayers, one of them being that at some point God will shed His light on the 'why' of it all. Blessings on your day!
Posted by: Kristi Lonheim | June 08, 2014 at 11:50 PM
Welcome back! You were missed. Praying for you and your family.
Posted by: nan | June 09, 2014 at 05:41 AM
You go, girl. So happy you are reawakening. Wishing you much happiness as you work through your challenges and Godspeed!
Posted by: Melanie - NJ | June 09, 2014 at 07:21 AM
Joanne can do ALL THING through Christ who gives her strength, courage, and hope! I love you friend. Press on and into Jesus--and laugh at the days to come with me. They are gonna be good ones! Love you!! Holly
Posted by: Holly Smith | June 09, 2014 at 09:14 AM
THINGS! I mean :) Must edit for my editing friend....hahahaha!
Posted by: Holly Smith | June 09, 2014 at 09:16 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this post! It is a blessing and an inspiration to me.
Posted by: tj | June 09, 2014 at 10:16 AM
So glad you are blogging again, we all miss you and wonder how you are doing. Blessings to you Joanne!
Posted by: BarbaraFenn | June 09, 2014 at 01:17 PM
So enjoyed your blog today, Joanne. It's great that you are writing again and looking forward to the events of the rest of the summer. I look forward to seeing you soon and send blessings your way.
Posted by: Gerda | June 09, 2014 at 01:30 PM
A poodle or bichon frise are great dogs. Neither shed and they both are very sweet and gentle. Look at Petfinder.com to adopt one and save a life!
I am praying for joy and happiness in your life. God bless you.
Posted by: Linda E | June 09, 2014 at 04:27 PM
Joanne, I am so happy to see that you are writing your blog again. I always enjoy reading your updates and adventures!
It sounds like you need a fashionable fanny pack, if there is such a thing, to keep all of your things in and still keep you hands and pockets free.
We have three Cockapoo dogs that are sweet, cuddly, hypoallergenic, and either low or no shed. They are a sweet and smart breed.
Always in my prayers!!!
Posted by: Lisa Pacheco | June 09, 2014 at 05:19 PM
Joanne, It's so nice to hear your voice and read your words again! Keep up the positive things. I am still praying for a full recovery that can only be credited to God.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | June 09, 2014 at 07:03 PM
I am so glad you have an interesting summer ahead. I am at loose ends since my Bible study group won't resume until September.
Beth Moore has a new Bible study out, "Children of the Day." When I called Lifeway Books to see if they had it in stock, I accidentally asked for "Children of the Night"! LOL, they probably thought I wanted a Bible study about vampires!
I will continue praying for you.
Posted by: Aunty Em | June 10, 2014 at 07:38 AM
Hi Joanne,
It is nice seeing you blog again. :)
Sure does look like you are going to be busy.
Praying for you dear one.
Posted by: child of God | June 10, 2014 at 07:06 PM
Hi Joanne ~ This is my first time leaving a comment. I have followed your blog since your stroke. I have to say that my heart is breaking for you. It must be so hard. Thank God for your parents. I live in Highlands Ranch and would love to meet you sometime. Please contact me if you are interested - (I hope so)and we can chat. Of course I have no idea how hard things must be for you, but if I can help you pass some time and have a few laughs - that sounds good to me. Please take me up on my offer. I am praying for you & your family. Take care of yourself, Diana
Posted by: Diana Wolz | June 12, 2014 at 11:22 AM
Wish all of us were sitting around in fellowship with you. You touch us all by your honesty and forbearance. Continuing prayers for Toben and the girls and you with your resilient parents who walk with you in so many ways. Love that you and your mom get to go to Bible study together. What sweet days. Looking forward to your adventures. Know you are surrounded with love and prayers.
Kate in Idaho
Posted by: Kate | June 12, 2014 at 04:36 PM
It always makes me so happy to see you post an update on the blog!!
Posted by: Liz Reeves | June 12, 2014 at 09:04 PM
Glad to see your update! Have you thought about getting a service dog to help you? Just a thought.
Posted by: Anne | June 13, 2014 at 09:49 AM
Welcome home, sweet girl! We have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. You are fully loved here and we are massively blessed by your return!
Posted by: Carole | June 13, 2014 at 10:11 PM
So glad to see you are back! Toben did a great job keeping us updated but its always nicer to "hear" your voice! Welcome home Joanne!
Posted by: Julie Reynolds | June 14, 2014 at 11:00 AM
I too am glad to hear from you. Continuing to pray. Keep your head up and your heart open. Hug.
Posted by: Diginee | June 14, 2014 at 04:36 PM
Love you sis.
Posted by: Kristen | June 14, 2014 at 09:00 PM
Very happy news to hear all the good things falling into place but also bittersweet since you are not with your family. Praying for all of you.
Posted by: Jay w | June 17, 2014 at 09:00 AM
Welcome back! You are forging a new life for yourself and it sounds great! YOU sound great! I've read your blog since the early days and just checked in to see if you had started up again and there you are!
I am in dog rescue and we see a lot of breeds come and go. The small mutts tend to be the best lap dogs, but if you're looking breed specific, I think the right Yorkshire terrier would be a good fit for you and your parents lifestyle. He/she would need a haircut by a groomer now and then, but most of the non-shedding dogs do. I say "the right yorkie" because in any breed, there can be the hyper one. You need to get to know the dog/puppy a little before adopting it. (or purchase from reputable breeder - no pet store puppies!) Another breed, and I have one of these.. is actually a mix, a cockapoo - cocker poodle mix. The ones I have come to know are awesome temperment, non shedding, good size.
Good luck to you! And keep blogging!
Posted by: karen | June 18, 2014 at 11:43 AM
Glad your back Joanne!!!!
Posted by: Anita | June 18, 2014 at 08:42 PM
Joanne, reading your post was like fresh rain on parched, dry land. We've missed you, so it was wonderful to hear from you again! Our prayers continue for you and your family. Keep on keeping on!
Posted by: pam | June 20, 2014 at 06:19 AM
Yay! So happy to see you blogging again. Love and prayers!
Posted by: Fuzzytop | June 21, 2014 at 09:42 AM
We got two Havanese sibling pups last year and named them Susanna and Wesley. Maybe you've seen them on Facebook. Sweet, sweet dogs. No-shed, hypoallergenic. A lot of fun. But maybe you've also seen they are still going through their puppy phase--chewing up everything.
Wesley has passed his good canine citizen classes and will test out as a therapy dog as soon as the lady comes around again. (Dogs have to be a year old.) Now we're starting to work with Susanna--she's a little ADD with a brain the size of a pea, it seems. :)
You might want to put feelers out for a dog who's already had some training--or even a service dog like Anne above suggested. Except I think those tend to often be on the larger size.
Consider a dog that's already through the puppy stage, I think. And one not so small that it could get tangled up in your legs. Wesley is full-grown at 16 pounds (a little on the large size for his breed) and can still sit on your lap. Susanna is on the smallish size. She was the runt of the litter and has learned to do battle for whatever she needs.
Labs are are what we've had in the past. They're wonderful dogs, but they do shed something fierce.
Oh... when we were looking, I read that females will love you, but males will fall in love with you. I don't think that's true, but it's something to think about. ;)
Praying for you, girl. And I'll be looking for pictures.
Posted by: Sandra Heska King | June 22, 2014 at 05:15 AM
I just now saw this post and am so heartened to hear from you. As you can see from the comments, you are dearly loved and lots of us miss your writing and hearing how you are doing. I hope to see you blogging regularly. You are very special.
I agree with one of the comments that asked about you considering a service dog. I have a friend with one and they are amazing helpers/caregivers/companions.
You are still in my prayers.
Posted by: Carrie P | June 25, 2014 at 03:53 PM
Hi Joanne,
You have such a beatiful way of expressing yourself and a highly skilled writer. This is a gift from God to cherish. I look forward to reading more of your writing.
You are doing really great with using the dragon dictation software. Several months ago I emailed you to see if there is anything I could do to help you with your writing. I was going to say that the offer still stands, however I can see that you are doing so well with the software that my help's not needed! That's great! ! For what my 2 cents is worth, I do think you should write a book .
Posted by: Jenna Hoff | June 26, 2014 at 01:23 AM
Thanks for the book suggestion The Giver. Our family loved the series. Anymore book recommendations?
Posted by: Sue | June 26, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Welcome back Joanne!!! I've missed you dear.
When you get a dog, get a Maltese - they fit all your criteria. Our Lilly Belle is 12 years old and the most delightful dog ever.
Bless you Joanne!
Posted by: Lora Lovin Osburn | July 02, 2014 at 06:53 PM
Was so nice to read your updated post. Praying for you and your family.
Posted by: Lesa | July 03, 2014 at 06:06 AM
Joanne, I loved your blog and am happy for you. Heard you were looking for a dog. I am not a breeder, but my female Australian Shepherd mated with a black lab and we have four beautiful black pups as a result. Granted they will probably shed, but I'm thinking not much as they have short hair. They are smart and loving. My husband and I have loved and raised them from birth. If you are interested in meeting them, just let me know. We will figure something out. You can call me at 719-629-6299 or text me if you like. I'm thinking you might like my girl pup. Her name is Picante. We named them all after peppers. Her mom's name is Chilli Pepper. Susan
Posted by: Susan Marie Wells | July 07, 2014 at 02:57 PM
P.S. There would be no charge to you for the pups. I would be pleased to offer one to you because you are so courageous. Susan
Posted by: Susan Marie Wells | July 07, 2014 at 02:58 PM
Fight, Joanne! Don't let Tobin and the girls do this to you. Get a lawyer if you don't already have one and fight to the finish! You have rights. Please don't give up.
Posted by: Aunty Em | July 27, 2014 at 08:05 AM
Oh,reading that last comment,does this mean you and Toben have separated for good? So sad to read this,and your girls too? Maybe all is not as it seems?
Posted by: Kathleen | August 04, 2014 at 12:08 PM
Please Joanne, write again. I pray for you daily and your life is important to me. As Christians, we feel pain, happiness, sadness, and relief for each other. I care about you.
Wishing you His forever blessings, from Patti, just a little distance away in Ohio.
Posted by: Patti | August 06, 2014 at 06:42 PM
Loved reading this and look forward to reading more!
Posted by: Kristin | August 13, 2014 at 08:25 AM
Thank you!
Joanne Heim | Sent from my iPhone
Posted by: Joanne Heim | August 13, 2014 at 08:54 AM
Joanne, I have no real experience with what you are going through with the physical loss you have incurred. But I have appreciated your real world accounts of the adjustments you have had to make as a result of your stroke. Adjusting to your new reality has not been easy but i lift you up as one who has been courageous; and in this last post I even sense some spunk coming back into your personality. Continue on with getting your "sea Legs" in this new world. God is without question, right beside you putting the people you need in your path. I look forward to hearing more from you. As for a dog, I have a havanese-maltese mix, sometimes called Havamalt-lovely personality and sticks beside me like we are glued together-non shedding and a very good traveller.
Posted by: Merla Parker | August 17, 2014 at 09:55 PM
I keep waiting for a post to see how you are. My heart hurts for you and how difficult this road has been. Whether you think so or not, you are keeping upbeat and positive. You are an inspiration to me. Post when you can!
Posted by: Lisa | August 18, 2014 at 07:29 AM
I am sorry to hear that you aren't with your husband and children right now. I don't know the circumstances, but God does. I will be praying for you. I am so glad that you have the loving support of your parents right now. It sounds like you are doing really well and have a lot to look forward to. As far as a dog breed is concerned, I have three cockapoos and I love them all dearly. They are the best dogs ever. Very sweet and loving. Also, very smart. You can probably find one through a rescue. Any poodle mix will work out well, as poodles are non shedding. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Posted by: Evonne Smith | August 19, 2014 at 09:36 PM
Miss your updates. Hope you are well.
Posted by: Lisa | September 08, 2014 at 08:34 PM
I miss you too, Joanne. So looking forward to when you feel like blogging again. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Posted by: Karene | September 09, 2014 at 04:58 PM
Joanne, you are loved, and dearly missed, by your blog followers. ♥
Posted by: Carole | September 16, 2014 at 08:58 PM