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One phrase keeps sticking out.... Learning to rest.

You spoke to this heart sweet one.

Holly Smith

You are brilliant. A shining light. His own beloved, one of a kind. I love you... And your magnificent, God- loving self. See you on Friday, my friend! We've got a picnic to have!


So good to see you post again!!!
Praying from WA State.


I love when you post. More, please. Love you.

Marla Taviano

I love you so stinking much.

Nancy Berentson Espinoza

Joanne, I have followed you since your stroke. I am excited to refer you to a book written by Jill Vance Viggiano, the wife of a stroke survivor. They are now 6+ years out and on a new journey as inspirational Christian speakers re: their journey after a devastating stroke. You may really like their story, available on Amazon. You probably would zip through it in an afternoon, hearing from you how much you read. They are a safe and loving Christian couple here in Oregon and members of my church. Blessings as you navigate your paradox.

Nancy Berentson Espinoza

The book: Painful Blessings, Jill Vance Viggiano

Lisa Craddock

Yes, I am praying for your journey! (((hug)))

Michelle Lawson

Great to read a wonderfully written and thought provoking Joanne blog post. Keep them coming!


I think of you often, Joanne. Most of all, I think you are BRAVE. Continuing to pray!

Melanie - NJ

Joanne, you are a skilled communicator and a fine Christian. Please know that you are helping many of us with your posts.


Love to see words from you. This message resonates. Prayers for you from Toronto!


I'm sad that God allowed you to have a stroke, but so grateful that He did not take that powerful writing voice of yours away. So grateful to hear from you, and see His grace in you. However, I can only imagine living this paradox isn't anything you would choose. Nor would I wish it on you or anyone. Yet, here you are, sharing your own life lessons and blessing us all with them. Hugs and prayers, friend.

Julie Reynolds

Oh so happy to see a post from you. Your words blessed me today! I continue to pray for you. "Learning to rest" in Him is a challenge we all must take. Thanks again

ruthy :)

Hi Honey
Your amazing x
Lots of love hugs and blessings x

Brandi Luiz

I understand your paradox. I understand your desire for independence, it's what we have sought our whole lives. But, I want you to understand that you are an INSPIRATION. To think of the lives that you are now impacting that seemed almost untouchable a few years ago, because of your health status change. You are making a difference. You are an encouragement and you are LOVED. You are a child of the KING.
Prayers for you,


I've missed your posts immensely! I too was in a paradox patiently waiting for you to post that you were okay and thriving; and you are doing just that! Lol! I am so glad you have found a new normal and, most importantly, it is a normal you orchestrated (with you family's input) and have accepted as your own! Now that's powerful, courageous, and sooo God-like! I love you and will continue to thank God for you!

With God's love,
Yonkers, NY

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