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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Thrilled to hear from you and about all the things you are currently doing! And, super excited at the prospect of you blogging once a week - hooray!!!! I saw the pic of the leaf candle jars on twitter and am going to see if my MOPS group wants to do that craft. How fun! Praying for you daily.

brenda corsi

Joanne....You are SO SO crafty you will be running that class soon I bet :) You taught me so much as far as knitting etc! Can't wait to see pictures of your final project!!
Lots of love and happy fall. You are a strong and remarkable woman!!



Hey Joanne--An unsolicited dog suggestion: a Maltipoo. Ours is a rescue, and has been the cuddly sweet dog, with a whole lot of goofy character! :)

Ginger Towns

Sounds like you have a great time on your outings. Colorado is such a beautiful state. We live in the Blue Ridge mtns. And had snow last weekend. Have fun and stay warm!
Ginger Ann


Hi Joanne~ I love reading about your day-to-day happenings. Thanks so much for sharing!! Love to you~ Amy

Marla Taviano

Hooray for more blogging!! Love you, friend!

Julie Price

Joanne, I am so proud of you! Stay STRONG Girlfriend!!! Hugs and much love.



Hi Joanne,
You came to mind very forcefully last night and I found myself praying for you, Toben and your girls. You are very loved and I hope that you are able to hear God's still, small voice through all these whirlwind changes and depression.
Thanks for posting and warrior on!


Jo - I love reading about your activities! You come to mind daily & I am thankful for prayers answered and for the great strides you are making! Looking forward to reading more from you here. Enjoy your girl's night with Kristen!

child of God

Hi Joanne,
Yea!! You got dragon working. :) I'm sure that really makes blogging so much more easier for you.

Great to see you are being artsy! Making things really can bring joy to the heart. I'm sure your jars are beautiful.

Blessings hon, lifting you up in prayer.

Kim Feth

Joanne, Glad to hear you're keeping busy. The "early darkness" after setting back the clock is really doing a number on our family as well. I can't wait to see more projects from your art / craft class. Keep posting!!!

PS The Thanksgivings we've had at restaurants have been awesome.

Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Gloria Powell

Dear Joanne, I am so happy you are posting again, I still remember you in prayer every day, love and Blessings Gloria If you have time read my newest post on Laced With Grace


I'm still keeping up with you, friend...and, love to read your honest posts.

Why does life spin out of control sometimes? I wish I knew the answer...someday, we'll know.

I can see that your hard work is paying off; keep it up.



So, I stumbled upon your blog a little while back. As many were, I was struck by your transparency and heart. Your honesty is humbling in a way that brings our humanity to the forefront.

I do not know what is going on these days, but I can surmise. I was up much of the night with you and your family on my mind, reading, sifting...praying.

I feel compelled to just say, Joanne, that you have a voice. It hasn't gone anywhere. I am certain you know that or you would not keep blogging, but I guess I just want to encourage you that people still want to hear you. Your faith, honesty, and tenacity are inspiring, even in the face of hardship.

I am honestly praying you will consider writing another book, unless you already are writing one!

Either way, I pray this finds you well and hopeful...


Joanne, I pray that you move forward every day. Wishing you well -- good health and much progress! I would like one more entry here from Toben. just saying . . .

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