I have my dictation software up and running today--with some help from Dad. I am not quite sure what we just did to make it work, but since it is working, I will go ahead and post a quick blog update.
Since today is Tuesday, I began the morning at the Rocky Mountain Stroke Center for my PT class. it's is a group class, with five or six of us plus the center's physical therapist and an intern. Mom and I were running a little late this morning so I missed the first few minutes of warm-up. but once we got going, I worked hard until my legs felt like rubber bands.
when PT was over, Mom and I went up the street to have lunch at Chipotle.We took a quick detour to see the new location of one of our very favorite antique stores. then we went back to the stroke center for the very first craft class group. One of the interns is leading a craft group every Tuesday for the next few weeks.
We made candle jars by gluing fall leaves onto glass jars. The jars are still wet so they won't come home with me until next week. I did take a picture and post it on Facebook earlier this afternoon.
I met some new people at the group. It was nice to already know at least one other woman from the arts group I attend on Monday mornings.
The Rocky Mountain Stroke Center has been a good place for me. The center offers different kinds of therapies, as well as support groups. I have not attended any of the support groups but meeting people in the art group and in the PT class has been helpful. We have time to chat and get to know each other. We talk about all kinds of things, and it has been good to be able to ask questions about how other people manage life after stroke. I have heard tips on how to manage an airline flight and things like how to put in contact lenses with only one hand
I did get two new pairs of glasses as well as a pair of prescription sunglasses within the last few weeks. I had not been to the eye doctor for five years and my prescription had changed quite a bit. The optometrist said that I should be able to wear contacts again. I think I will stick with my new glasses for now and maybe try contacts in a year or so
The rest of this week will be pretty routine. I have counseling tomorrow morning in Colorado Springs. Hi, Diane! I will see you tomorrow morning!:)
Wednesdays are the day that Dad and I hang out together. He drives me to and from the Springs and we stop for lunch somewhere on the way home, usually some out-of-the-way place that has burgers and onion rings. it has become a day we both enjoy. We talk in the car and listen to old rock 'n roll; the weather on Wednesdays has been warm enough the past month or so for us to put the top down on his Corvette. I don't think it is supposed to be very warm tomorrow, so we may need to bundle up and turn on the heat or just take mom's car.
on Thursday, Mom and I have Bible study. On Friday, Mom and Dad are getting away for the night so my sister is coming to spend the night with me. We plan to watch movies.
This morning we did find out that we will get to dogsit for Maddie, t the dog we have dogsat for in the past. Her owner has a busy weekend so she will stay with us from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon instead of having to stay home alone. I am thrilled! I am hoping for a Christmas puppy this year. My fingers are crossed that we will find the perfect dog for us.
Next week will be a typical week with the addition of a couple ofdoctor appointments and at night spent in Winter Park before my dad's birthday. we are going out to dinner on Saturday and going to see a Christian Youth Theater performance of Peter Pan. it will be fun!
I hope to blog at least once a week in the future, andas I said last time, I do post every-day comings and goings and pictures on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for the friendly requests I have received since I last posted here.
it's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. We have plans to eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant with my dad's best friend and his wife. After dinner out, me will come home and have pie here.
Tonight we are headed to Costco for a gourmet dinner.;) We will come home to watch TV or a movie before we fall asleep early now that it is dark so much earlier than it was last week
as always, thank you for your prayers and comments. I enjoy hearing from you and keeping up with what is going on in your lives.
With love,
Thrilled to hear from you and about all the things you are currently doing! And, super excited at the prospect of you blogging once a week - hooray!!!! I saw the pic of the leaf candle jars on twitter and am going to see if my MOPS group wants to do that craft. How fun! Praying for you daily.
Posted by: Sharon | November 04, 2014 at 04:28 PM
Joanne....You are SO SO crafty you will be running that class soon I bet :) You taught me so much as far as knitting etc! Can't wait to see pictures of your final project!!
Lots of love and happy fall. You are a strong and remarkable woman!!
Posted by: brenda corsi | November 04, 2014 at 04:37 PM
Hey Joanne--An unsolicited dog suggestion: a Maltipoo. Ours is a rescue, and has been the cuddly sweet dog, with a whole lot of goofy character! :)
Posted by: Adele | November 04, 2014 at 05:23 PM
Sounds like you have a great time on your outings. Colorado is such a beautiful state. We live in the Blue Ridge mtns. And had snow last weekend. Have fun and stay warm!
Ginger Ann
Posted by: Ginger Towns | November 04, 2014 at 07:00 PM
Hi Joanne~ I love reading about your day-to-day happenings. Thanks so much for sharing!! Love to you~ Amy
Posted by: amy | November 04, 2014 at 07:46 PM
Hooray for more blogging!! Love you, friend!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | November 04, 2014 at 08:44 PM
Joanne, I am so proud of you! Stay STRONG Girlfriend!!! Hugs and much love.
Posted by: Julie Price | November 04, 2014 at 10:26 PM
Hi Joanne,
You came to mind very forcefully last night and I found myself praying for you, Toben and your girls. You are very loved and I hope that you are able to hear God's still, small voice through all these whirlwind changes and depression.
Thanks for posting and warrior on!
Posted by: Jean | November 05, 2014 at 06:51 AM
Jo - I love reading about your activities! You come to mind daily & I am thankful for prayers answered and for the great strides you are making! Looking forward to reading more from you here. Enjoy your girl's night with Kristen!
Posted by: Beth | November 05, 2014 at 09:47 AM
Hi Joanne,
Yea!! You got dragon working. :) I'm sure that really makes blogging so much more easier for you.
Great to see you are being artsy! Making things really can bring joy to the heart. I'm sure your jars are beautiful.
Blessings hon, lifting you up in prayer.
Posted by: child of God | November 05, 2014 at 07:46 PM
Joanne, Glad to hear you're keeping busy. The "early darkness" after setting back the clock is really doing a number on our family as well. I can't wait to see more projects from your art / craft class. Keep posting!!!
PS The Thanksgivings we've had at restaurants have been awesome.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | November 05, 2014 at 07:52 PM
Dear Joanne, I am so happy you are posting again, I still remember you in prayer every day, love and Blessings Gloria If you have time read my newest post on Laced With Grace
Posted by: Gloria Powell | November 07, 2014 at 05:04 AM
I'm still keeping up with you, friend...and, love to read your honest posts.
Why does life spin out of control sometimes? I wish I knew the answer...someday, we'll know.
I can see that your hard work is paying off; keep it up.
Posted by: Gotothepsalms | December 04, 2014 at 12:07 PM
So, I stumbled upon your blog a little while back. As many were, I was struck by your transparency and heart. Your honesty is humbling in a way that brings our humanity to the forefront.
I do not know what is going on these days, but I can surmise. I was up much of the night with you and your family on my mind, reading, sifting...praying.
I feel compelled to just say, Joanne, that you have a voice. It hasn't gone anywhere. I am certain you know that or you would not keep blogging, but I guess I just want to encourage you that people still want to hear you. Your faith, honesty, and tenacity are inspiring, even in the face of hardship.
I am honestly praying you will consider writing another book, unless you already are writing one!
Either way, I pray this finds you well and hopeful...
Posted by: Jenna | December 08, 2014 at 06:38 PM
Joanne, I pray that you move forward every day. Wishing you well -- good health and much progress! I would like one more entry here from Toben. just saying . . .
Posted by: Nance | December 17, 2014 at 10:04 PM