I'm sitting in my pajamas and slippers in my room, looking out the window at the snow.
There are about 5-8 inches outside, and 4-7 more expected overnight.
I used to think that I loved winter. I was wrong.
I LOVE being warm!
Winter after stroke makes getting around harder than ever, makes muscles ache more,and makes total inactivity indoors super appealing.
When Dad and I were teaching Acts to our middle school class at church, I noticed a verse I'd not noticed before: Acts 27:12. On the journey to Rome, Paul's ship stopped on Crete. Just as winter began, Luke wrote:
"Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided to sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there."
Instantly, I drew a smiley face in the margin and a quick doodle of a camping trailer to mark its spot.
So in light of Scripture and my lost love of winter, I will be applying Acts 27:12 as close to literally as possible:
"Since the weather in Denver is unsuitable to winter in, Dad, Mom, and I decided to move not...to reach Casa Grande,(between Phoenix and Tucson), and winter there."
We aren't sure what the weather will do this week, but our goal is to pack up the fifth wheel and hit the road on Thursday, arriving in the warm sunshine on Sunday, March 1.
There we will spend the month, reading, playing Bingo and shuffleboard and horse shoes and lawn-bowling--all while not shivering. I am also going to teach myself calligraphy.
Maddie-dog is, of course, coming with us and ready to make new friends while we are there. She alone will miss the snow--it fills her with glee and energy, causing her to revert to puppyhood and go completely nuts when she is out in it.
I will do my best to keep in touch--always on Twitter and Facebook and here too, provided I can get the dictation mic to work again. It's not cooperating today, so I am scribbling away on paper and will ask Mom or Dad to type this up in a bit.
(and Mom's typing fingers [thanks, Mom!])
Yeah! Good for you! Enjoy the warm weather dear friend. I'll gladly follow you along on FB and I'll enjoy being outdoors via you since NC has decided to have an exceptionally cold spell. Travel safe!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | February 22, 2015 at 04:02 PM
Send us some snow before you go! ...and have a terrific time in the sun!
With love from, Snowless in Atlanta
Posted by: Beth | February 22, 2015 at 06:59 PM
I don't like cold weather at all. Enjoy your warmer climate.
Posted by: Charlotte Moore | February 23, 2015 at 09:41 AM
Now that is a way to apply the scriptures!
How wonderful to have a road trip to a warmer destination. I will be praying that it is all parts wonderful!
I get so excited whenever there is a new post!
Have fun and know that no matter how infrequently you post something, we will have remained here waiting to hear from you.
Much love and hugs!
Posted by: Helen Washington | February 23, 2015 at 11:14 AM
Fantastic! I looking forward to seeing you at Mission in March! Weather has been beautiful down here.
I think of you every time I pray the Lord's Prayer after your Bible Study on it a few years back.
Keep us all posted on what service you will be at!
Posted by: Jenni Stricklin | February 23, 2015 at 01:39 PM
OOOOOH How BLESSED you are to have SNOW our little corner of England has had none as yet! x But Sweet Joanne I do understand it must be really tricky for you getting around in it x I loved how you applied the scripture x Have a REALLY WONDERFUL TRIP x
Posted by: Ruthy :) | February 23, 2015 at 03:02 PM
You will be in my neck of the woods. Well, close enough, anyway as I live in the Queen Creek area. Welcome to the nice warmer AZ winter (when you get here!). :)
Posted by: Pam Cole | February 24, 2015 at 12:20 AM
Dear Joanne;
You don`t know me, but you have become dear to me through the words of your blog, and the inspirational way you share the story of your heart and life.
Our situations are very different, and yet there are commonalites. I too have disabilites and challenges and am a Christian and I feel compelled to do something for you. There is a Christian book that has changed my perspective completely and ministered to the part of my soul that has grieved my physical losses and just felt so sad and confused as to why I have to suffer what I do. I have been buying this book for all my friends who have illness or disabiliteis, as well as reading it as a morning devotion. As I read your words, I just really think this book could be a blessing in your life, as it has been to me. It would mean so much to me to be allowed to purchase this book for you (either in ebook or a paper book). If you would allow me this priviledge, could you please email me your contact info (so I know how or where to send the book). My email is [email protected]
Jenna Hoff
Posted by: jenna | May 14, 2015 at 05:45 PM
[email protected]
Sent from my iPad
Posted by: Joanne Heim | May 14, 2015 at 06:16 PM