I am thankful it is today and not a week ago when I posted last. I was nervous about my foot surgery, but it turned out to be no big deal at all.
The check-in and pre-op stuff took far longer than the surgery itself, which was over in about 30 minutes.
It was very strange to go into the operating room while wide awake and then to get up on the table on my own.
In the past, I have had full anesthesia and have no memory of surgeries or recovery. So this was a totally new and strange experience for me.
The surgeon put a tourniquet around my ankle, which was uncomfortable and has caused some soreness this past week, Then she sprayed my foot with some really cold stuff that sort of burned a bit, which was the most painful part of the whole procedure. That numbed everything effectively before she injected my foot with lidocaine, which I didn't feel at all and made everything completely numb.
We chatted throughout the whole operation and I studied the ceiling intently to keep from accidentally lifting my head and catching an a unwelcome glimpse of what she was doing down there...
When we were done, I could sort of feel the bandages being wound around and between my toes, but I did not feel any pain at all!I still can't quite believe that and thank God for that multiple times a day.
I have been wearing a huge and ugly surgical shoe thing for the past week, walking only when necessary, and using my cane when I do just to be safe, even though it feels like a sgianttep backward in progress. I shower with my left leg in a waterproof cast bag from Walgreens to keep it dry and I have been able to stand as usual thanks to a nonslip shower mat Mom put down to keep me from skating around on the shower floor.
I go back to see my surgeon tomorrow morning for my first post-op visit and have been praying hard that things have healed enough to remove the stitches so I can go back to wearing two shoes and get my foot wet in the shower so I can shave that left leg, which needs it badly. Oh, how it itches!
I will update the results of the appointment on Twitter (@joanneheim) and Facebook (Joanne Heim) right away.
I hope you are well and have a great rest of your week! Chat with you soon!
I'll send up a prayer right now that all goes smoothly!
Posted by: Kat | June 16, 2015 at 08:04 PM
I'm glad things are improving and that you are doing so well with the foot boot. You can handle anything given to you, your an amazing woman. Praying your stiches come out and you can shave that leg!! I can relate. :)
Posted by: Kimberly | June 16, 2015 at 11:10 PM
I just wanted to let you know, that I've followed your blog since your stroke, and pray for you often! You're a strong woman, and I admire you greatly! Prayers for good news in your post-op appointment!
Many Blessings!
Posted by: Jessica Cecak | June 17, 2015 at 08:16 AM
Thank the LORD it went well for you.
Posted by: Charlotte Moore | June 17, 2015 at 08:17 AM
Praying you'll soon get the stitches out and can walk normally (or pretty close to it). I've been wondering what happened with your husband and daughters. Did I miss something?
Posted by: Rhonda | June 23, 2015 at 07:17 AM