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Holly Smith

Joanne CAN! With Jesus she can. Have fun, my darling friend!


So happy for you and your parents. Prayers for all.

Kim Feth

Excitement for you and your cute Maddie; prayers for your folks! I hope and pray more of these fun times are on the horizon this summer! Look how far God has brought you! Translated from the Bible, Ebenezer means, "God has brought you to this place". Somehow, this is your Ebenezer!
With much love and encouragement,
Kim Feth
Apex (although now Holly Springs), NC


Another milestone for you! Enjoy - so glad for this wonderful time of refreshment for your parents, and for you to have this time to gain confidence and feel God's presence with you.


We wish we were with them but Tom and I are in MIchigan celebrating my 78th year. I know you will do well and will make your counselor so proud. Praying for you all and eager foir a cmaping time together.

Helen Washington

This makes me cry with pride and joy for you.
Bless your sweet heart in caring so deeply for your parents' needs.
It is an honor to pray for you!

May these two days fill you up as well.

Love you!


Yay! Praying now for your parents and also for you! May God bless their time away and your independence!!

Karen Booker Schelhaas

You're such a rockstar!!!


You don't know me, and I don't remember how I started reading your blog. I just have to tell you, you are my hero. What an amazingly strong woman you are!


What a big deal Joanne! So happy and excited for you. A little scared but I will pray that it's a wonderful time for you and for your parents. Thank you for sharing. I'm all teary.


Much love and prayers

Dawn Welch

This is awesome for all of you! Enjoy this time. You continue to amaze me!!! Prayers.


Way to go!!

Ruthy :)

I agree with your friend Helen this makes me want to cry too (in a good way) in Thank fullness to Father God x Wow Joanne what a walking miracle you are and how far you have come, with loads more adventures in store x
Have a Blessed time x
Lots of love


Every step forward is progress, but this is a milestone, sweet friend! Praying you through this great adventure, and praying for a restful and refreshing time for your parents. Love, Hugs, and many Prayers!

Pam Houston

This is a huge step for you in independence! You and Jesus CAN! Cheering you on from So. proud of you in the LORD! Praying and believing with u out for your victory in this and hour loving parents a wonderful rest and rejuvenation together! They are my hero's from afar! I so admire their love and devotion...Your So. Cal. "Siesta Pam Houston


I am also a one-handed typer (amputation of my dominate arm), so i KNOW you can type with one hand! Praying for you and your independence with Jesus as your guide and mighty strength.
God Bless You,

Sheila Hinkle

So happy for you all! Praying...

Charlotte Moore

How nice for all of you. Hope they have a wonderful trip and you enjoy your total independence.



Not sure when I've felt happier about something. I LOVE that your parents are getting away and that you will be having some independence. And fun with a friend! Praying for a wonderful time of refreshment and connection for your parents and that all goes smoothly for you and Maddie. Thanks for taking the time to type this out for us all so we can rejoice with you.


I pray that you have a wonderful time enjoying your independence! Praying for many Blessings for your parents! This is a great step to build your relationships, and start to feel your freedom! You are an inspiration to all!


I don't know which words to use first! Thrilled, thankful, wanting to jump up and down in praise for the progress you are making because of your faith in Him and with the love of your precious parents, sister and friends! Awesome, Jo! Keep it up! WOW!


I love you sis. Am more proud than you'll ever know.


This puts a smile on my face that con't go away.

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