In our neighborhood, Friday means FAC or Friday Afternoon Club.
During the summer, there is a potluck at the clubhouse each Friday at 5;30.
FAC is simple: Bring an appetizer or dessert to share plus your own drink. Plan to stay a couple of hours, sitting out by the pool and chatting with neighbors.
It is weekly event we both anticipate and enjoy.The food is always good and nibbling on small quantities of great variety is satisfying if not as filling as a big meal.
The three of us began attending FAC last year, even before we moved into our house at the end of June. (Wow, this past year has flown by!) FAC is where and how we met most of the people we know in this neighborhood, including the grandmother of one of my former Girl Scouts!
It is such fun that I wish I had hosted a similar kind of thing in all of the neighborhoods my little family lived in during the years. I rarely really knew the majority of my neighbors and I bet I lost out on getting to know some great people. It would have been fun to host on the deck or at the community swimming pool or at the end of the culdesac and it would not have been too much work since everyone pitches in to prepare the food.... Paper plates and plastic forks, disposable name tags and you'd be set.
To be honest, I never really pictured myself living in an age-qualified neighborhood--especially in my forties and with my parents--but this is a great community and I thoroughly enjoy it. Mom and Dad (and others) sometimes worry that I am surrounded by so many people who are so much older than I am, but I don't mind a bit. In fact, I really enjoy the people I have met here. Their life stories are fun to hear and our neighborhood is super calm and quiet and friendly. People wave and stop to chat at the mailbox, the pool, and while walking their dogs.
In other news that I may have shared only on Facebook, I have been showering more independently and getting dressed by myself. It is a huge step of independence and is both exhilarating and completely exhausting. I told Mom this morning that I need to go right back to bed after I get dressed because it wears me out so much! I need another shower at least....
If you can get yourself dressed in less than 20 minutes and without getting trapped in your shirt and yelling for help, take a minute to be very grateful! I am slowly getting quicker as I get the hang of it, but the process remains quite a physical and mental workout.
Sounds wonderful! You are such a fighter!! Thanking God for what I am able to do but especially how far you have come and how many people you bless! Hugs, Joanne!
Posted by: Natalie McDevitt | July 31, 2015 at 11:23 AM
I love this! And I love YOU! What an amazing adventure--unexpected and unwelcome--but look at how you and God together have made it so beautiful. May He continue to guard, guide, deliver and BLESS you, my friend!
Posted by: Holly Smith | July 31, 2015 at 01:11 PM
I'm glad you are writing (blogging ) again! I love your shares.
Posted by: Brandi Luiz | July 31, 2015 at 02:37 PM
Thanks for the post....I am so happy you can "fit in" with us "old guys"!!
Posted by: Dean Skaret | July 31, 2015 at 04:44 PM
What a delightful post Joanne! You and your dear folks are an inspiration to threw lemons and you are making and serving lemonade to all...just amazing grace!
Posted by: Pam Houston | August 01, 2015 at 09:30 AM
Glad you are contented to be with the older group. I know you would like to have been able to continue life as it was before. We just never know what path we will have to travel. GOD BLESS!!
Posted by: Charlotte Moore | August 01, 2015 at 02:29 PM
I started following your blog shortly after your stroke. Your determination has been wonderful to follow. You are such an inspiration to others.
Posted by: Michelle | August 01, 2015 at 06:38 PM
WOW Honey
YOU are AMAZING you have made HUMONGOUS Steps x
Your not just surrounded by those who love you on earth, but those great cloud of witnesses are there cheering you on.....Look she's done it again ....Hurrah
Your Victorous and a Great inspiration x
Bless ya Love Ya
Posted by: Ruthy ;) | August 02, 2015 at 07:01 AM