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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Natalie McDevitt

Sounds wonderful! You are such a fighter!! Thanking God for what I am able to do but especially how far you have come and how many people you bless! Hugs, Joanne!


Holly Smith

I love this! And I love YOU! What an amazing adventure--unexpected and unwelcome--but look at how you and God together have made it so beautiful. May He continue to guard, guide, deliver and BLESS you, my friend!

Brandi Luiz

I'm glad you are writing (blogging ) again! I love your shares.

Dean Skaret

Thanks for the post....I am so happy you can "fit in" with us "old guys"!!

Pam Houston

What a delightful post Joanne! You and your dear folks are an inspiration to threw lemons and you are making and serving lemonade to all...just amazing grace!

Charlotte Moore

Glad you are contented to be with the older group. I know you would like to have been able to continue life as it was before. We just never know what path we will have to travel. GOD BLESS!!


I started following your blog shortly after your stroke. Your determination has been wonderful to follow. You are such an inspiration to others.

Ruthy ;)

WOW Honey
YOU are AMAZING you have made HUMONGOUS Steps x
Your not just surrounded by those who love you on earth, but those great cloud of witnesses are there cheering you on.....Look she's done it again ....Hurrah

Your Victorous and a Great inspiration x

Bless ya Love Ya

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