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Beverly Atkins

I love hearing from you. I'm so excited about Maddie. She sounds like the perfect dog for you. And to be honest ----- for me! I have a rescue dog. My second one. My first one lived 7 years. She was a lover. She would have love doing what Maddie does. Mickey, however, is not a cuddler. He is so afraid of everything, including his shadow. It's funny but true. He is so sweet and stays glued to my side. He's fine as long as I'm with him. He does not like the crate but has to be there. I try to make up for it and spend time with him. He loves to take walks.

I'm so glad you are doing so well. I've followed since before you had your stroke. I've prayed for you a lot! Love that you have Maddie now. My prayers continue.

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