Maddie is my dog. She is atwenty-pound, nine-year-old Cavapoo (King Charles Cavalier Spaniel/poodle mix) and practically perfect in every way (just like Mary Poppins!)
We first met Maddie before we moved into the neighborhood last Spring. Driving in one day to check on house progress (Mom and Dad totally remodeled our house after they bought it)we saw a man walking the cutest dog. We pulled over, unrolled the window and asked if we could meet his dog. Bill said yes and we met Bill and Maddie for the first time. As we got to know Bill better, we offered to dogsit if he ever needed someone to watch Maddie. She came to visit for a week here and there, weekends every now and then, and the occasional Saturday when Bill had plans to be gone all day.
I fell in love with her and hated to give her back when Bill came to pick her up. This went on most of the autumn of 2014 until Christmas day when I received a card from Maddie, asking if she could live with me for always. I called Bill and talked to him for a bit, and said, YES! (of douse!) Maddie came over the week after Christmas and has been mine ever since. She is queen of the house, very spoiled, a total love. She brings me great joy every day and cuddles each night. In short, she is a wonderful gift!
And like all gifts from God, she is a gift that gets better when shared. My sister's kids adore her and she loves them right back.
When I was in the hospital for all those many months after my stroke, animal visits were too few and far between. When animals did visit, it made my day and all the other patients' days too.In therapy group at Spalding, everyone always said more animal visits were needed...
So I have this great and loving dog who loves people and is small enough to get on a hospital bed to love someone and be loved and petted and adored. How to share the gift of Maddie? Hospital visits, of course!
She and I went to Spalding Rehabilitation hospital about a month ago and met with the volunteer coordinator.She had her picture taken for her volunteer badge while I went through a quick training.
Yesterday afternoon we went back for our first afternoon of patient visits. We started with my old room (236) and worked our way down the hall, visiting people and hearing a bit of their stories. Maddie was beyond wonderful and behaved as if she were born and trained to be a therapy dog! We saw a couple of my nurses and my speech therapist, plus the woman who used to be the cook and took such great care of everyone by making delicious meals and knowing all the patients by name.
It was good to go back and walk through the doors feeling healthy and strong and to remember the progress I have made.
I talked with patients about hard work, perseverance, and hope. The afternoon was super rewarding and we will definitely be going back regularly as the calendar allows. I got my picture taken too so I will have a badge like Maddie does.
So what gifts has God given you that you could share with others?
In other news, well, there's not really much other news, so have a great weekend!
Joanne, you...and Maddie, continue to amaze me...such a gift from God! You have been an inspiration to me since we "met" as Siestas many years ago. Encouraging my walk with God and loving His Word, fighting back after a bump in our journies, and being a strong woman for God. I can see where Maddie can bring a smile to faces and a warmth to those who meet her with you by her side. Hugs to you both and your wonderful family!
Posted by: Bobbie Lutz | August 14, 2015 at 09:25 AM
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! Only thing missing is pictures! Take some next time, if you can!
I love you dearly.
Posted by: Holly Smith | August 14, 2015 at 09:26 AM
This brought tears to my eyes. You have come full circle and now you are blessing others. Amazing.
Posted by: Julie | August 14, 2015 at 09:41 AM
Love!!!! ❤
Posted by: Kimberly | August 14, 2015 at 09:45 AM
Beautiful thoughts and a beautiful gift to others are are behind you on your journey. Thank you for not forgetting them.
Posted by: Donna | August 14, 2015 at 10:00 AM
You're an inspiration. :)
Posted by: Teri Butcher | August 14, 2015 at 10:13 AM
Just saw the additional blog with the photo. Oh this is just such a smile-bringer. good for you! And Maggie!
Posted by: Susan | August 14, 2015 at 10:21 AM
Hi! I have been reading your blog for several years now (since right after you had the stroke), but this is my first comment! I love seeing your updates!
Maddie is adorable! It is SO good to see you and her volunteering at the hospital. I'm sure that everyone will anticipate seeing more of you and her. I pray that God gives you and Maddie more opportunities to be used for the glory of his kingdom!
God Bless!
Posted by: Keisha Goodman | August 14, 2015 at 05:38 PM
So happy for you and Maddie both!
Posted by: Sheila Hinkle | August 15, 2015 at 04:31 PM
This is amazing, Joanne! What a great way to give back. I'm so impressed with your recovery!
Posted by: Heatherwalpole | August 16, 2015 at 07:23 AM
Joanne, you just keep getting more & more awesome all the time! What a beautiful woman with an equally beautifully heart. You & your sweet dog are being used by God to lighten other people's loads and bring them joy and comfort. May God continue to shine on you and through you!
Karen Hicks
Posted by: Karen Hicks | August 16, 2015 at 03:41 PM
You look amazing, Joanne! And Maddie is truly a gift that keeps on giving! I like to share the gift of laughter! I don't ever leave a comversation without some type of chuckle! It truly is healing! I am sooooo happy to see you happy! Your story continues to amaze me and build my faith in the love God has for us as His children! 💕💕💕💕
Posted by: Meesh | August 17, 2015 at 04:55 AM
This is miraculous! No other way could this happen without God doing it!! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!
Posted by: Jackie Rackley | August 17, 2015 at 07:33 AM
this makes me happy! A dog came to visit when my dad was recovering from a stroke! It brightened his countenance to see that furry little life and he looked hoped to enjoy more visits! He put on the voice he uses for cute things, even though his vocal strength was very challenged.. THAT in turn brightened our faces too!'
Posted by: Sonja | August 17, 2015 at 02:07 PM
Maddie is such a cutie; I always look forward to pictures of her. Animal therapy is indeed a wonderful thing. When my dad was in rehab after a stroke, someone brought in their chocolate Lab and this lovely animal really brightened dad's day. My daughter would love to have her dog trained for this but he's too hyper.
Posted by: AnnaBates | August 18, 2015 at 09:07 AM
Joanne, I love how you are helping others and I just love everything about this post. How sweet of Bill to give you that sweet dog.
Posted by: Sharon | August 19, 2015 at 06:36 PM
Posted by: Sharon | August 19, 2015 at 06:57 PM
WOW! After 2 years, I found your blog again. I lost all the blogs I followed when I had to replace my old computer. You & I had a stroke about the same time. I have been very discouraged lately on my lack of progress. To see this I am reminded about how faithful God is and how I have not been forgotten (even though I've believed the lies of the enemy of my soul). Thank you. You look and ARE Amazing!
Posted by: Irene | August 23, 2015 at 09:01 AM
It's great that you're able to do this. Maddie sounds like a wonderful, lovable dog. Is that you in the red shirt in the picture? Or did you take the pic?
Posted by: Rhonda | August 26, 2015 at 07:53 AM
I am so happy to have found this post. I love when you post Joanne! I love reading about Maddie and the Joy she is bringing you and others.
Posted by: wendy | August 27, 2015 at 07:14 AM
I'm so happy that beautiful Maddie has been such a blessing to you and now to so many others. Dogs bring such joy to our lives.
Posted by: Gayle | August 30, 2015 at 07:39 PM