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Annette Berglund

You are an inspiration to everyone! God is working though you! I know you have many Blessings ahead! I have never meet you but feel that you are a friend! You should be proud of all the people you touch!


I love you.

Chere Williams

You continue to be such an inspiration to me and I have been rooting for you for 5 years! I love to see that you are living and haven't let the stroke kill your spirit or your desire to be happy. Every day you keep getting up and moving that is such a blessing. It is amazing how you have handled some very cruel curve balls with such grace and faith. Thank you for your story... now write a book :) God bless you and you are in my prayers!I know that you are in the cusp of some beautiful blessings!


Marla Taviano

I have been WAITING for this, friend. So so so so proud of you!!! Love you!!

Sandra Heska King

Oh wow! I'm so glad you shared your speech here. You are an inspiration!

Kimberly in Sunny Florida

Oh my, I remember so much of all that happening and praying so hard for you to recover. You are a true inspiration to many people. Keep living and enjoying life, my friend. You got this!! XO

Pat Barnett

This is such a beautiful story filled with love, challenges and victories!! Can't wait to read the next chapter! ! Just keep keeping on...the Lord is with you!!

Karen Booker Schelhaas

Oh Joanne. I'm in a puddle of tears. No words, really. Just tears. You I. N. S. P. I. R. E.

Barb M. ontario canada

Joanne, I consider you to be a friend even though we have never met. I first heard about you one snowy January morning from Beth Moore's blog telling us to pray for a friend of her daughter that had suffered a stroke. I was going through a rough patch of my own (nothing close to what you went through) but every day i read the blog to see how you were doing..You will never know how much your struggles touched me and inspired my faith and my resolve that things will indeed get better! You are the strongest woman i know and your speech was ,as I knew it would be , truly inspirational! The world is yours to imagine! You go girl!!!

Tatia Cook

WOW, Joanne - your story has GRACE written all over it! I've followed your blog since your stroke...was drawn to pray for you by the Living Proof blog. So, I 'know' your story, but, girl, to see it written out like this? All I can say is, "You go, God!!"

Your life is a testimony to the grace and mercy of our Loving Father Who wrote your story long before you ever breathed your first breath. May you continue to grow in His Grace and experience His Presence. Love from your sister in Jesus!

Charlotte Moore

Oh my, what touching speech. GOD BLESS!!

Melissa Hutsell

Thank you for sharing your life story here. I know there is always more to tell, but I think you did it perfectly. I am thinking you some new powerful name for your blog. I would offer some wildly creative suggestion but I lack in the way of creativity! :) Anyway, God has great things in store. Can't wait to hear more of your story!

Tara M

Yours is truly an amazing story! Thank you for sharing!

Teri Butcher

Beautiful, Joanne. <3

April Bridges


Your future is going to be better than your past. I say that with full confidence because I know Gods hand is upon your life. Your future is full of all things new and unexpected. There is excitement there! Do you remember when you were a little girl and couldn't wait for Christmas morning? That is because you were so excited To see what was inside the wrapped gift. Pursue the future with excitement because God has many things for you to unwrap in this life, full of happiness and peace. Your faithfulness to God has not went unseen. You are loved by so many. I know that it seems as though it is just ink on paper when I say you are loved by us but we are praying for you and lifting you up to the holy of holies. We are your behind the scene cheerleaders eventhough we do not see you face-to-face, we take you straight to the throne of grace and there our Father sends His angels to minister to you because of our prayers. Your Wonderful, adventurous journey is just getting started!

Sheila Hinkle

God bless you! You are such an inspiration to me - you've inspired me to hang in there and do my best, to move forward with the Lord leading. You've been a great blessing in my life - thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I continuing to remember you in my prayers...


Oh Joanne, reading parts of it breaks my heart. But I want to say how much I love that you are finally telling your brave story in all honesty. You never, ever sugar coated your feelings and that is something I always appreciated about you. . I have "known" of you since the day you had your stroke. I remember praying that you should be spared especially because you had such young girls who needed their mother. I don't know what to think about what has transpired since between your family and you, but I am sure God is still in control despite everything. Today my prayer for you is that you will be reunited with your girls.

There is a book in you Joanne, I hope someday to read it. Blessings upon you.

Helen Washington

Thank you for sharing your talk with us on your blog. I am sure there wasn't a dry eye in the house and I can attest to that here as well.
I am so glad you are here to continue to inspire and encourage us as you always have. Your words and your life have always ministered so effectively and they continue!
Love you girl!


Crying again. Bless you. Much love.

Michelle Lawson

Joanne, I someone who answered a call, on I can't remember whom's site, to pray for you when you were dangerously ill after your stroke. And I've been following along ever since. God Bless you, your parents and your friends. As a Mum to two children, both of whom have disabilities, my mantra is 'It is not the hand of cards we are dealt. It is how we play them that matters. AND I will smile regardless'. You embody my mantra. Thank you for sharing your story - particularly your life up until university - which was all new to me. God Bless xx

Kim Feth

Your hands and feet may not have worked perfectly in the recent past, but you are being God's hands and feet by sharing your story in such an open and transparent manner. You are valued, treasured, and loved.
Much love,
Kim Feth



I began following your blog shortly before your stroke. I can't even begin to tell you how your story has made a difference in my life. You have truly been a blessing to me. I pray for you often, especially for the restoration of the relationship with your girls. I honestly can't wait to see what God has in store for you! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Brandi Luiz

Thank you for your story. You are adored, prayed for, an inspiration and a sweet honest lady. Love being able to "share" in your life.


Love this, you wonderful, inspirational woman! Like so many others, we don't know each other in real life, but I have followed your blog and books for many years.
So so so happy and thankful to see these words today.
Bless you Joanne!


I'm crying so many emotions right now. I remember reading your blog and books during the different seasons before the stroke, and then reading the summary of that time as well as the time since is huge. You've always inspired me. You still do, only more so. My daughters and I are reading the book of James at breakfast, and we keep rereading James 1 over and over because there's so much there. We read the whole short book, and now we keep going on repeat. I would love a movie of your life with the opportunity for repeat from different perspectives: yours and your parents and friends. I remember reading your husband's perspective during the stroke, and it seems like your sister's as well. But it is amazing to read it from you. Thank you for sharing this. You are loved and are gaining an endurance that has beauty now and I cannot imagine the beauty for eternity.


Wow. Thanks so much for sharing your speech here, Joanne! Like so many others, I started following you at the time of the stroke and have been praying for you and your family ever since. Reading your story today made me cry but also made me praise our amazing God who has brought you this far and been so faithful. I am stunned at the endurance I see in you. Also, I think your parents must be absolutely amazing people. Praying for you and your girls.



You are a "Phoenix" and how wonderful of you to share in the hopes that others can become one too.

God Bless You!


You had an amazing life before the stroke but now I believe your life to be even more amazing. You are truly an inspiration.

thank you for sharing you life and indeed your speech.


So proud of how far you've come. You are indeed a miracle and an inspiration! You are always on my heart and in my prayers.

Sunshine McGinty

Thank you for sharing! You are truly an inspiration.

Sue Lokkesmoe

I have been praying for you thru these years and will continue to do so.
I believe you are correct in saying your story will end well. God has a
plan for you girl. I also know without a doubt that when your girls are grown,
they will see clearly who their Mom is, and what she has overcome and will
be so so proud of you. When that time arrives you will have the majority
of their lives to make up for lost time. May God bless you abundantly,
Sue Lokkesmoe

Ruthy :)

Hi Honey
THANK YOU for sharing and being so honest! bless you :)
like all of us we don't know what the future holds but we know who holds the future! and as you have shared so far He guides you with His loving hand, what an amazing testimony :)

Blessings and Love in ABUNDANCE


child of God

Hi Joanne,
I just love this progress!!! Thank you for sharing this with us. Following along on the blog and facebook is super but seeing this journey written down all in one spot really brings the picture together for me. As I read, I remembered all the times I and others spent praying for you. My heart rejoices to see how Father's hand has brought you along so far!! 100% healing LORD!! Come on Jesus! :) <3 Continuing to pray for you.

Sherri Tanner

Hi, My name is Sherri. I live in Phoenix and my friend from ODF sent me your blog. Thank you for sharing. My husband had a major cerebellar stroke July 1st while we were on vacation. Since then, as you well know our life was turned upside down and changed forever. I am his full time caregiver and would do anything I could to help him. Selfishly, I want as much of him back that I can get. He is a wonderful man. He is 55 years old and we have been very happily married for 3o years. I don't really know why I'm writing. I guess the connection of someone knowing what we are facing each day is a comfort to me. Thank you for sharing your life so openly. You are an encouragement. You mentioned visiting ODF. If you havent yet maybe we could meet you when you do. Thanks,


The Lord continue His divine healing. Thank you for keeping on and sharing your victories.

Holly Grimm

Hi Joanne,
I went to college with you, served in yearbook with you and have been following your blog for sometime now.

I live in Denver now and would love to get together and pray with you and encourage you if you're interested.

Thank you for your faithfulness in walking with HIM.



Julane (Lussier) Dover

Wow thanks for sharing your courageous and inspiring story! Keep up the good work. I know a few of my Whitworth girlfriends have followed your story too, and lots of prayers have been prayed on your behalf. Sending a hug from Oregon!

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